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Posts posted by mj12

  1. I went to the DMV in Murfreesboro this afternoon, got there about 1:15. I filled out the permit application, paid my $115 and got my photo taken. Tomorrow I get fingerprinted... then I wait. I was expecting a long line, but was pleasantly surprized. I was in and out of there in less than 40-minutes. Oh... they do take plastic, just not AmEx.

    • Like 1
  2. What is shooting on command about?

    The instructor tells the shooter(s) when to fire, initiated with the "fire" command, and only 1-rd. The first 6-shots at each firing line were "on command". The following 6-shots at each firing line were at our own pace, initiated with the "commence firing" command. The only reason I can think of for this is so the instructor could spot any potential problems, like some nitwit positioning the thumb of the support hand at the rear end of the slide... ouch! That's gotta hurt.
  3. Bass Pro in Opry Mills does the same thing. Very annoying and pretty much a deal breaker for me. If I can't feel the trigger, I ain't gonna buy it.

    That's my thought as well. I noticed that Walmart has the same policy. All their rifles have trigger locks, not sure about the shotguns. IIRC, their policy has been in place for several months or longer, well before this event took place.
  4. Academy Sports; is it just me, or is this stupid policy? Isn't part of checking out a firearm being able to pull the trigger to see what it feels like? They will NOT remove a trigger lock so a potential buyer can try it.

    Seems STUPID to me.

    Kinda like buying a pig in a poke, if you ask me. Similar to what Pelosi said about obamacare... "We won't know what's in the bill until we pass it". HUH?? That's the most idiotic logic I've ever heard. Back to your point, my reply to the salesperson would've been, "Would you buy a car without test driving it first?"
  5. congratulations!

    Target is a lot better than mine was. It was HOT when I took mine and I just blasted fast as I could to get out of the sun.

    It is very difficult to set off ammo, and by design dropping it will not. Shaky hands is part of being old sometimes, long as he kept the gun safely pointed downrange, do not worry about it. The same fate awaits many of us.

    Thanks! It was about 3:30 when I stepped up to the line. I wore a black t-shirt and it was quite warm, and I was probably a bit nervous.

    BTW, I was shooting a Sigma 9mm with the trigger mod. That mod dropped the trigger pull by about half what it was. It still has a long travel, which I can deal with. Especially considering that it has no external trigger safety.

    My mother-in-law has essential tremors and it makes my very uneasy to see her in the kitchen chopping up veggies with a sharp knife. :stunned:

  6. I completed the HCP class last Saturday. I was very pleased with the instructor; Dennis Mankin, the class and range sessions. His class cost $50, which includes the range fee. Some of the other instructors I spoke with charged an additional $5 for the range fee, and a couple charged $100 or more for the class. We had close to 30 in the class and I pretty sure everyone passed. One elderly gentleman had problems loading his magazine because his hands shook so bad... that's kinda scarey. I aced the written test, which is pretty much a no-brainer. Just pay attention, take notes if you have to, and use some common sense. I'm not sure if the range test is SOP, but ours consisted of a total of 48-rds; 12-rds each from 3, 7, 15 & 25 yards. 6 of the 12 shots were "on command", the other 6 were at our own pace. Here are a couple of photos of the target. Yeah... I pulled 5-rds into the 9 ring, 1 in the 8 and 1 at the bottom of the 7. I'm sure those were from 25 yards and I attribute those to trigger control, or the lack thereof. The remaining 41-rds pretty much tore up the red:



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  7. smile.png A friend and I went to the range in Woodbury and were almost alone. I carried my CZ 452 American 22LR and my AR and my friend carried his CZ 452 American 17 HMR and his AR. We had a great time but was disappointed in not seeing a bunch of folks from TGO. Oh well maybe next time. Don

    That's where we qualified today. What hours can we shoot? I think I saw some restriction on Sundays, not sure about other days.
  8. I think the real question, Chuck, is are you happy with the current administration? If you are, then great, because anything that distracts from its actions or undermines the Republican nominee guarantees another term for our current President. I suppose the real question, do those who are unsatisified with the Republican candidate, but want the current administration defeated, have an alternative that stands a snowball's chance in Hades of winning? I think the answer is no.i am far more libertarian than Republican and, frankly,voted Libertarian in the last election, but I will do nothing in this one that will assist the current administration? The question isn't is Rominey my ideal candidate. The question is, is he better than the alternative?

    I have mixed emotions about Romney, but we'll not get into that. However, if I had to choose between the lesser of 2-evils, and I wil come November, I'd have to go with Romney. BHO clearly doesn't have the best interests of this nation at the center of his agenda. His total disregard for the rule of law, the constitution and usurping the authority of our limp-wristed Congress, via numerous executive orders, cramming a socialist health care program down the throats of Americans, are but a few examples. With that said, I'm not totally convinced that both Romney and BHO (aka Barry Soetoro) aren't puppets whose strings are being pulled by the same nefarious puppet-master, be it the NWO, the Bilderberg Group, et al. Think about it... as wealthy as Romney is; net worth between $200M and $250M, why would he be spending millions of dollars to get a job that pays an annual salary of $400K? To me, this smacks of some other purpose for getting into office. It's unfortunate that Ron Paul doesn't appear to have a snow-balls' chance in hell of getting elected. The pretty much narrows down the field.

    But that's my .02 worth.

  9. I picked this up at the gun show in Lebanon over the weekend. Sorry 'bout the links, couldn't figure out how to embed the pics.


    Other than the Mission First Tactical 4-rail handguards, I've got a BSA red dot sight, the red dot actually came with the rifle, and MagPul front and rear back-up sights. Besides the quality, what I really like about this rifle is that it's made in Midway, Tennessee.

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  10. I agree with Garufa, your OTD price is too high. It's the original $430 price plus tax, give or take a few bucks. If you have to have it, don't go over $425 OTD.

    I've given it some more thought and will probably pass it up. If I were simply collecting, that'd one thing. But whatever I get will end up being my SHTF piece.
  11. I found a Norinco SKS paratrooper in very good condition, the barrel looks like it's never been fired. It has a side mount scope rail and includes a sling, no bayonet. It was tagged at $430, but shop owner quoted me a "cash" price of $390, $477 otd. It has matching serial numbers and Chinese markings on the left side of the receiver. It has the full wood stock... here's a pic: http://www.hk94.com/images/norinco-paratrooper.jpg Comments anyone, please. I'm thinking seriously about grabbing this before it's gone.

  12. Thanks for the reply. I'd considered that I would probably end up spending at least the cost of the rifle on a scope... probably more. Prices from local dealers vary from $590 to $690 and I've got a call out to Steve at Specialty Arms.

    Regarding "calling the wind", if there's something moving out there, tree leaves, a blade of grass, that's not a problem.

    Thanks again m8!


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