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Posts posted by LastRebel70

  1. Have you lost your mind? Not an insult, just a question.

    As far as the show, I get a good laugh when I watch it. I'm not a fan of killing whales, but there has got to be a better way to stop it than what the Sea Shepherd people are doing. These idiots are lucky they haven't been shot yet. As far as I'm concerned what they are doing is an act of piracy. They put peoples lives in danger when they pull their little stunts, like ramming another ship. The main guy Watson is a real piece of work. He looks like he just woke up from a nap everytime they show him on camera. The crew looks like they wouldn't know how to find their way out of a paper bag. I couldn't find a bigger group of d-bags if I tried.

    Actually, I believe in the 1st season that Watson claimed he was shot but lucky for him it hit his badge and was deflected. It did amaze me though that there was not a hole in his jacket where he was supposed to of been hit.

  2. I work for the Japanese at this time and I vow that if I ever find another job I will never work for them again but I have to say that as far as Whale Wars is concerned that I root for the Japanese. I just can't stand the environmentalist's tactics and they way they lie to the media. I believe it was last season where they hit one of the whaler's boats then got on the radio to the media saying how they had been hit.

  3. Had about the same thing happen when I was a kid. I think I was about 16 and had went to a local dump to shoot .22 rifles. There was an old 2"water hose that had brass couplings on it. I shot it with my rifle and the the bullet came back and hit me right in the temple. Luckly all it did was make a little red mark. Needless to say I never shot that again.

  4. My great grandfather used to eat brains and eggs all the time and my dad loves souse meat, me even though I love pork there are certain parts that I'm going to have to be really hungry to eat when I was younger I worked in a slaughter house has anyone here ever heard of cracklins?


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