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Posts posted by EwokPoacher

  1. I also am a Denier and am proud of it. Ok, EwokPoacher and CLSutton. I have yet to read a good fact-based argument from either of you. Here I am. Convince me to not be a denier. I'm open to good scientific facts and proof!

    Why waste my time? What have you or 6.8 brought to this debate to prove YOUR side? The only links I've seen posted from the skeptics are from the conservative Huffington Post equivalent and paid schill Monckton (Monckton's errors - July 2008). It's like clsutton21 said "Facts that prove global warming is real are the fake facts. Facts the prove global warming isn't real are the real facts." You guys have your minds made up, and apparently we have ours. I might as well be debating carry laws on some lib forum, or the bible with an atheist.

  2. There are lemmings in every crowd, just as there are those who are skeptical of 'established wisdom' and 'consensus'. (We refer to the second type as 'scientists'). Ewok may not have an open mind to the facts, but at least he isn't trying to shove his opinion as proven fact.

    Hey now. I'm trying to look at all the facts, and the problem is, the facts I've seen don't lean your direction. Don't blame me for that. I don't think anyone can claim the "right" view on this issue.

  3. Your two party system may be a political/ economic con game, but it's a real game

    compared to phony science.

    So you're saying don't trust NASA, who has been studying weather patterns and climate for years, all because of Al Gore, gov't grants, and the media...

    Please, don't confuse my belief that global warming exists with agreeing in how our politicians choose to handle it.

  4. Then again, AGW (global warming) isn't science. Its' a political/economic con game.

    That's where we're in disagreement. My opinion is it's real, and that's where I'll leave it. To me, our two party system is the political/economic con game.

    Hopefully you know my last post was in response to clsutton's drama queen exit - I was out at dinner and responding using my cel.

    No worries.:)

  5. ummm, no. Using Mockton as a source is like using Olberman, Limbaugh, or Beck as an unbiased political analyst. However, I did find a interesting discussion on global warming, and what we can do. It's rather long (I'm sure a lot of people will punch out), but basically removes the Gore scare tactics, and presents some ideas of what might ought to be done instead.

  6. Considering that the Arctic ice cap is as large as it was 30 years ago, and growing. And considering that the Antarctic ice cap is 5% larger than it was 30 years ago, and growing. I'd avoid buying property in cold weather climates, unless you like to think REALLY long term. If that's the case, go ahead. Eventually it will be significantly warmer than it is now. The sun will have to decide when that is for us though(barring some cataclysmic event in the meantime). By the way, it HAS been cooling down for the last 12 years.

    uh, where exactly are you getting this info? NASA says differently - NASA - Satellites Show Arctic Literally on Thin Ice

  7. In the long term, like from the formation of the planet, who really knows? Is it CO2 related, f' if I know. I'm just an average joe. But doesn't it disturb you that since the late 1800's that the average temp has risen? Or do you just not buy into NASA's study? I'm not sure what I'm supposed to take from the denialist point of view. Accept that the earth is just in a cycle, and start buying land in Alaska for my descendants, 'cause Anchorage is gonna be the new Cabo for a few millennia? Or "Don't worry, next year it's gonna start cooling down", and look to buy land near the equator, 'cause we've just been living in the uptick? I need answers, I got land to purchase!:)

  8. Hmmm... my thought is "what ever happened to acting like a mature adult and ignoring stupid people instead of turning around and cussing at them?" Seems to me that if you have managed to have a gun pulled on you twice, then you need to rethink the places you go, the people you hang around with, and the way you act while you are in public.


    just think if the night had ended differently with your buddy wounded or dead, and you or your friend shooting derringer guy... all because of the lack of civility in the first part by all parties involved. Derringer guy was obviously scared of the three of you, and thinking because he had a gun gave him misguided courage. Sounds like he didn't want to hurt anyone, but wanted to show he had the upper hand (which is ignorant, everyone could be carrying). Otherwise, your billy-badass friend would have had a hole in him. No wonder the Libs want to take our guns. Good choice by you to not provoke the situation any further, and I hope you don't find yourself in a position like this ever again.


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