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Everything posted by shane_huskey

  1. I came across this site via an advertisement, but can't find any information on them from the forums that I read. It seems like every time someone asks about USA Ammo, someone tells them that they are mistaken and that they are referring to WWB since it has the encircled USA emblem on the box. That being said, usaammo.com seems to have some pretty competitive prices and offer both reloaded and new ammo. From what I've read on their site, they only use brass fired at indoor ranges for their reloads, but their new cased rounds aren't very much more expensive than their reloads. I kindof gather that they load all of their ammo (new or reloaded) themselves, which is why I wanted to find out if anyone has ever used any of their stuff. The reviews on their site are mostly 5 star (although that doesn't matter, because they could just delete the bad reviews if they got any) but I would like to hear from someone on here that may have shot it. Safe, Accurate, Clean etc?
  2. I went to the West Knox DMV to apply today. Paid the $115 and got everything there taken care of but the place they told me to go for the fingerprints closed at 4 and isn't open on the weekends. I guess I'll just have to go get fingerprinted on Monday. Works out okay I guess since I'm off every other Monday and this coming Monday just happens to be the good one. Anyone know of anywhere else to get them done that is open on a Saturday?


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