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C&R in the mail today

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Finally got my c&r in the mail today. Its been a long 31 days. I already made a bunch of copies and am ready to start sending them out to the online merchants. Im not sure where to start as I already have a 91/30 and I do want a m44 but everywhere I turn they are out of stock.

I did read on the forum yesterday that J Floyds had some and Im headed that way tomorrow. I just dont know if they honor a c&r.

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Im sure all went well on your end of the paper work. I thought the same thing when I sent mine off. It took two days after I mailed mine that they charged my account. After that It was a day by day wait and calling the wife asking if the mail ran and did I get any mail. Well the wiat is over and now I just need to send copies out.

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Im sure all went well on your end of the paper work. I thought the same thing when I sent mine off. It took two days after I mailed mine that they charged my account. After that It was a day by day wait and calling the wife asking if the mail ran and did I get any mail. Well the wiat is over and now I just need to send copies out.

That sounds familiar.

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i called Jfloyds the guy told me he hasnt seen 1 in Over a year an m44 that is

yes your right. I was there yesterday and they only had a crate full of 91/30s

I was talking to the wife and she said I was mistaken as to where I read they had the m44s. It must have been on another site.

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Cheap M44...99$ Shylocks Pawn in Clinton. was there today

That is good news. Seeing as how there is a gun show this weekend at the expo I will make the trip to clinton as well. I have made several purchases from them in the past. I hope they still have the m44 when I get there.

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