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Alison Grimes in continual tie with with Mitch McConnel (Look at this pic)

Guest TankerHC

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Guest TankerHC

Mitch McConnel formed a coalition of gun rights supporters a month and a half ago. I heard this tonight on NRA Radio and had to look it up. When he did, Alison Grimes ran a campaign photo (Either this one or one like it) and invited McConnell to go shooting. The left is going pro gun to win elections. (As pointed out by a member in a different thread that the Left wants Bloomberg to go away, which he is not doing). NRA supports McConnell. Considering his voting record concerning the 2A, I hope they have some sort of guarantee. unlike with Joe Manchin. Considering the field up there, they are not left with a lot of choices. it is KY, but when talking US Senate, they do Represent the entire US when voting on bills. Grimes and McConnell have been 37-38 to 41-42 since October. Grimes even led McConnell by two points. But now a third party candidate is speaking up against Grimes, and another GOP Candidate is up against McConnell. Plus McConnell has another problem. Anyone else see the problem here? She has taken McConnell stance (Even the Left is saying good job, moving to the right, and pointing out the McConnell is one of the reasons Washington is like it is), then you consider the campaign photo's. I know, it is superficial right? But working.


I suppose it will not help McConnell with the pro gun voters who are sick of him for other reasons considering Grimes is also an NRA member. 


From her "Kentucky Woman" Campaign




And the "Pro Gun" part of her campaign




AND the incumbent




Anyone else here see the problem for Mitch?




  • Voted against Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) Amendment to block authority under Patriot Act to obtain gun records [RC #82, 5/26/11]
  • Voted for an amendment by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) prohibiting the sale or transfer of handguns by a licensed manufacturer, importer or dealer unless a secure gun storage or safety device is provided for each handgun. 25 Republicans and 2 Democrats voted against it. [RC #17, 02/26/04]
  • Voted for Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) amendment to spend taxpayer funds for Department of Education grants used to disseminate a gun control agenda in schools and through public service announcements. [RC #32, 03/02/00]
  • Voted for Sen. Herb Kohl (D-WI) Amendment requiring that all guns be sold with trigger locks [RC#122, 5/18/99]
  • Voted for the 1991 Crime Bill (S. 1241), sponsored by then Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE), that imposed a waiting period for handguns and a ban on 14 types of assault style weapons. [RC #125, 07/11/91]
  • Senator McConnell cut a deal with the Democrats to allow all of Obama’s second term nominees to sail through the Senate.  Included in that deal was the confirmation of anti-gun zealot Todd Jones to serve as Director of the ATF.
Edited by TankerHC
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