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Posts posted by abusfullofnuns

  1. The two pitfalls that come to mind are pinching an o-ring or heat soak. A little lube will prevent most pinch risk. Heat soak depends on the motor design and how many miles. The electrical connectors are often brittle and crack/crumble when removing. It’s usually the lock mech that cracks and then the continuity is suspect to fail. 

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, TGO David said:

    Nurses going on strike is a pretty real possibility right now.  That's another thread that could cause the whole thing to unravel if someone starts pulling it.  I've heard rumors that it's already happening.  I really hope not.


    I have some hospitals in WI that the nurses are signing intent to unionize. 

    • Sad 1
  3. What do you mean? An audiophile wouldn’t know how to respond to this problem as it’s so simple that it shouldn’t take an explanation. 

    While I consider myself a low end audiophile, the price of admission to a starter home theater is around $2500. Anything less and I would argue it’s better suited for a bedroom. 

    If you want adjustability with gain/equalizer/setup, the you will have to pony up and get a stand alone receiver and speakers of quality. 

  4. Your current setup will allow for the adjustment that you need. I have attached a screenshot from the manual that describes it. These all in one solutions are not something that I have much experience researching. Either way increase center volume and decrease subwoofer and both front channel. 

    It also will depend on what type of input you are using to get the audio to the receiver and the quality of the signal. Nothing is going to make a difference if you are using composite(rca) cables to provide the audio. I didn’t check what inputs the receiver can use. 

  5. I have to admit that I decided to pull the trigger on a couple of parts that I needed to include a brace and lower build kit for a pistol upper that I’ve had sitting around for a couple years.  I wanted the sba3 brace and it was cheaper. Someone snaked the last one while I was perusing the BCG’s. Then while I decided I spring for the pdw brace, the cheap BCG’s sold out. All in all, I think the panic cost me an extra $90 that I wouldn’t have spent last week. Even though I thought I had enough, I sure wish I had another 1K .45 rounds. 

  6. In the last couple of years my wife has transitioned from a traditional college professor to online teaching, as well as, teaching fitness classes at various ymca’s and like places. 

    She teaches 3-4 classes a day for the Bellevue YMCA right. Ow and that has all disappeared. Luckily that money is nothing we need to survive, but she’s going crazy already. 

    I only post because the question was asked about those affected, I don’t need any sympathy. I have been lucky enough to be a regional VP for a healthcare company. I no longer live within my own region of management. I travel most weeks, so this has been a welcomed relief from the road warrior life. 

  7. $346 including tax and shipping. Tax will be collected regardless, so it should be excluded from any calculations. Let’s go with the $317 shipped plus the $30 transfer. The academy price of $439 doesn’t appear to be the laser model.  I don’t see them ever reaching the $350 mark for one including the CT laser. Plus, I plain don’t like shopping with Academy. 

    • Like 2
  8. @ReeferMac it is. I believe he was going to keep this one, but had the chance to buy the dad of my dog, and decided to pass her on to me. She's a giant and very sweet. I feel ya on the potty training. Little sucker pees every five minutes. We've had to pick up the water bowl in order to stay on top of it. 

  9. 14 hours ago, DaveTN said:

    A Dog thread!!

    Good for you and good luck with your new best friend!

    I had a Doberman for 13 years that passed 5 years ago. I didn’t think I wanted to go through that loss again; but about a year ago we got another.

    Mine are house dogs and I missed that security. But I would never have a dog trained to bite (too much liability); dealing with intruders is my job. His job is to let me know something is going on that needs my attention.

    House breaking him shouldn’t be hard, just take him out all the time. Teaching him not to eat the pillows might be harder.








    And here is 20 reasons some people may never want a Doberman....



    Most knowledgeable trainers would argue that a canine that’s trained to bite is far less likely to bite out of fear/reaction than an untrained canine. These dogs know when, why, and how to bite. There’s no chance of getting mine to bite without an act of aggression. There’s definitely a chance that a canine doesn’t do well with the work and may not have the head for it, and it’s up to a responsible owner/trainer to decide what the dog is capable of learning. They are also taught to bite and hold instead of chewing and ripping. 


    I couldn’t stand letting @ReeferMac having the only puppy. My next monster came home Sunday. 


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