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Posts posted by Paladin132

  1. I woke up this morning to find out the embassy in Yemen had been violated, another flag torn down. Really? Where are the host nation security forces? Why are Marines being ordered not to take down and protect our national colors? Why are we allowing mobs to get past what should be a major tripwire in our self defense of sovereign soil, the wall. Embassies do not have them for show but they are worthless if no one defends them.

    A body count will fan the fires however there is a point where force must be applied in our defense. We have lost an ambassador. I am shamed by what the world now sees as our inability to protect ourselves at what are some very secure facilities.

  2. Update overnight: Routers and the AP are quoting a Libyan government official saying that the US Ambassador and three people were killed in a rocket attack...

    I try not to say to much, but this one just irritates me so much that I have to throw something out there as I do not have a real reason not to and feel so very strongly. Our diplomatic efforts are failing. We are being treated around the world that we can be treated disrespectfully and get away with it. I cannot imagine ever allowing the national colors to be captured while I was capable of securing them in a US instillation in which I was working / assigned to. Much less allow them to be occupied. That is US sovereign territory and it is an act of war. Much less the assassination of a ambassador in a foreign country. I am absolutely disgusted that we allowed it to happen. Further reports say that the consulate in Benghazi was burned down.

    What? Really? We are a national superpower and we are calling this a "deplorable act" as the SECSTATE has been quoted as saying yesterday about the occupation. I am NOT saying we should carpet bomb their city, I am saying we should defend US territory and lives. I am questioning why did the Marines and the State Department security folks not have the area denial microwave system or sonic defense systems to knock people off those walls so we could defend our territory without giving the fools on the walls the ability to scream "see they killed us." Why is that not also part of the security plan in these installations?

    Also, why are we giving over 1.5B to Egypt, some 2+B to Pakistan, 2.5M to Libya? These governments are not friendly to us. It is arrogant to believe that we can buy them off. It has not worked well throughout history. Why not put that money into American lives?

    This is an atrocity. Where is our ambassador? If he is dead where are the bodies of him and those that died with him? Is video going to surface today of his body being dragged through the streets as in Somalia in '93?

    Perhaps I am just a dumb hick, but when someone punches my nation in the face I do not believe we should cower and beg them not to take our lunch money.

    My prayers go out to Chris Stevens' family, and for our nation.

    • Like 2
  3. I wrote Regal and recieved no response. I am really jonesing to see Batman and the new Bourne Legacy but I have not found a theater that is not posted so I am not going to go. I just do not want to give my money to folks who think I am a danger to them.

    So much for over half a decade of service to them while providing for their rights to be a chucklehead.

  4. TMF I missed it - came to the thread late and was probably glazed over that far down.

    We didn't do well keeping Kim Jong Il from getting the bomb though did we? It can be done - especially when we see the amount of corruption and stupidity in the UN where we go to have sanctions put into place. As far as us doing anything covertly - well our human assets were gutted in the 90s and we have paid just a little more than lip service putting it back together since.

    I agree that a strike is a bad idea. One we do not want to get into another conflict. The military is very badly stressed logistically and mentally from the past decade. However, with Iran and their ties to Hezbollah, and Hezbollah's ties to both al Qaeda and to some DTOs south of our border that can all add up to something rather nasty. With the rhetoric that comes from both the government and the mullahs of Iran I am not so sure that they have the same reservations that the western world does about their use, especially when they can rationalize it through allowing one of those other parties to actually flip the switch. That makes it our concern.

    Also unfortunately I am not so sure that Israel has the capacity or the will (once we pressure them) to take the risks it would take to go after the facilities such as Nantaz. Bombing it may, and probably will not, take care of it and will only strengthen the resolve to produce the weapons in question. We recently acquired the "bunker buster" bomb which would be a better option, but again - we lack the will to do it.

    BTW I like your description of it with a ant hill... I just disagree about your assessment - again because of our failure with a insignificant country such as NK being able to do it.

  5. I am surprised that folks think Iran will not have the bomb. Also no one has mentioned the DPRK. Their last series of "failed" missile launches are those that can have a nuclear payload. Some folks have pointed out that the trajectory matches more of a EMP launch than anything. It would definitely be a prime weapon for them.

    As for Russia well look at their nuclear deterrence flights they have started up again over the last two years. Perhaps EMP can be used as a threat to coerce us to stay out of some event in the future.

    Finally, their are laws requiring the military acquire hardened equipment. They are and have been for a very long time, suspended for everything I know of that we acquired and even for many big ticket items in other service branches.

    No one wants to think about it but if you read the commission's report on it the pucker factor is pretty high. It's open source: 2011 Essential Guide to Electromagnetic Pulse Attack.

  6. I wondered about the Viking Tactical myself. I have an M4 style AR and was wondering does it require special hardware to mount it?

    I'll google the other one and check it out. I had a galco sling but it has disappeared one me and was a real bear to put on the weapon.


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