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Posts posted by PirateQui

  1. I would second the mention of Academy sports - Though they only have the carbine. Another gun I would strongly suggest is the Savage Mako. I had he opportunity to shoot it and I liked it a lot - Though I do love my 10/22.

  2. I looked at a 10/22 at wally world that was the synthetic stock with SS barrel. I ended up not buying it because it was 'damaged' This damage consisted of a wide scrape down the barrel that appeared to have pulled off paint. It appeared to be SS under the paint. My guess on this is that the new receivers aren't SS they are aluminum or something and are painted a silverish color and the barrel was being painted to match the receiver.

  3. Pirate, I hadn't noticed that it wasn't showing that and when I did, it seemed rather silly that it wasn't provided out of the box. I did some rooting around in the PHP code and joined a few extra tables from the vBulletin database to make it work.

    Thanks for the suggestion. :stare:...


  4. tungsten - On a regular post it has the 'where' field included in the panel for the posters information. This is pretty important because most of these trades / sales are FTF and people are accustomed to not placing where they are located in the advertisement. I noticed there is a user information section in the new classified format but it doesn't have this information. Could we get that added?


  5. BTW: That was not supposed to be a dis on I.T.... I can't do their job, and wouldn't enjoy their job. They get stuck dealing with a lot of stupid people... And I have no idea how to fix "Laptop with windows 2000, It beeps 3 times whenever I try to turn it on then flashes red and turns itself back off"... Our IT guy at work is great. And even programmers can be stupid users... We destroy a computer weekly.. and he just fixes them without making saying a word... They should give that guy a raise.

  6. We have a name for people like you in the sales department... we call you ......... I.T.


    Not to be a stickler but I.T. and Computer Programmer are VERY different.. One of them only needs a highschool degree and a certification to competently manage a network of computers and kep the office running. The other (half of our programmers do myself included) has a Master's degree and can write software for anything be it HD TVs, Jet engines, The software that tests Jet Engines, Your Operating System (Windows), The software that allows your network card to work, etc... Most Software Developers Don't like to be called I.T. ... But I'm not overreacting ;-)

  7. I work as a programmer - This means I never have to talk to most of the stupid people in our company. We have a few good Managers that interface with all the stupid. I was thinking about going to law school, then I remembered there would be no one running interference for me in law school - no one keeping all the stupid at bay.

  8. I was up at Stones River on Sunday and shot someones Savage Mark II Mako and now I am jealous of the amazing trigger on this thing. So, any advice on attempting a trigger job on my 10/22? I would appreciate any suggestions for a particular kit. Or, if someone is in Nashville and does their own trigger work cheap send me a PM and we might be able to work something out.

  9. My mag will hold it fine, but the feeding is an issue. Haven't done any work to the mag (or trigger and hammer) yet, but that day will come too. ... BTW, pulled one round out of the box with a giant dent in the side, that got a couple of head shakes/"hmmph"s.

    Yeah - feeding is the problem.. I was just being careless with words.

  10. Ok - So I see a lot of talk about people buying lowers.. And you can find some uppers here... etc. I don't understand what exactly these two pieces are. The upper, it seems, contains the barrel and the receiver for the AR. The lower is just the stock? Which pieces can be bought and ordered without an FFL? Which can't?

  11. My father is going to be driving down to visit from Ohio in a couple of weeks and he plans on bringing a few guns to take to the range with us and do some shooting. Is there any particular laws or rules he should be aware of when carrying these across state lines? Can he just leave them all in the trunk? He is brining - M1 Carbine, Mosin, 20g Shotty, SW EV40, Colt Army special .32-20...


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