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Posts posted by 300winmag

  1. Yes the way I understand it is illegal to CONCEAL without a license in Missouri.  You can also have a handgun anywhere in your vehicle without a license.

    Also, there is a list of places that are off limits to carry BUT if you have a license you can only be asked to leave.  For example, you can carry inside K-12 schools in Missouri with a license, but if asked to leave you must leave.  It is not a weapons charge like it is here in TN.  Same thing for the 'no guns' signs and colleges.

    Now from what I've read with the new conceal carry w/o a license, the off limits locations can be a misdemeanor charge.

    In my opinion, there is a lot of advantage to having a license in Missouri when you don't have to worry about any weapons charges for carrying in places that here can get you misdemeanor to felony charges.

  2. The way I understand it you are legal to carry in any park within this state whether it is city, county, or state owned.  The 'no gun signs' do not affect someone with a permit.  In fact Knoxville does seem to realize this and is threatening trespass arrest and not weapons charge arrests for people carrying at the park.

    I'm not a lawyer but I don't see how you can get a weapons charge under the park weapon statute or the 'no gun sign' statute when at a public park.  I personally would conceal and not worry about it.

    This is part of the actually law that applies to permits in parks:

    39-17-1311.  Carrying weapons on public parks, playgrounds, civic centers and other public recreational buildings and grounds. 
      (a) It is an offense for any person to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, with the intent to go armed, any weapon prohibited by § 39-17-1302(a), not used solely for instructional, display or sanctioned ceremonial purposes, in or on the grounds of any public park, playground, civic center or other building facility, area or property owned, used or operated by any municipal, county or state government, or instrumentality thereof, for recreational purposes.

    (b)  (1) Subsection (a) shall not apply to the following persons:

    (H)  (i) Persons possessing a handgun, who are authorized to carry the handgun pursuant to § 39-17-1351, while within or on a public park, natural area, historic park, nature trail, campground, forest, greenway, waterway, or other similar public place that is owned or operated by the state, a county, a municipality, or instrumentality of the state, a county, or municipality;

    39-17-1359.  Prohibition at certain meetings -- Posting notice. 
    (f) This section shall not apply to the grounds of any public park, natural area, historic park, nature trail, campground, forest, greenway, waterway or other similar public place that is owned or operated by the state, a county, a municipality or instrumentality thereof. The carrying of firearms in those areas shall be governed by § 39-17-1311.

  3. No gun signs with criminal weapons charges do not apply to park facilities like they do with other properties, such as your city hall or city library.

    If you read the Knoxville news article, you'll see that the police were threatening trespass charges at the fair and not criminal weapons charges.  Trespass is not good, but it is a lot better than risking suspension of your permit, handgun confiscation, and a higher level misdemeanor that comes with a weapons charge.

  4. There is a big difference between flying pre and post 9/11.  Pre 9/11 you just walked through a regular metal detector and could carry ordinary tools like small pocket knives in carry on.  You didn't have to go through the silly taking off your shoes, belt, etc silliness to go through security.  Heck up until the 70's you just walked on the plane.  Now people are being patted down like criminals or run through body scanners to get on a plane because of 9/11.  US citizens were only searched that hard before 9/11 when you went through customs, not traveling within the country.  I would say that freedom from unreasonable search is a big freedom to lose when traveling within the US.

    The US military should have been allowed to fight to win before US citizens' freedoms were reduced within our country.

  5. Most of the population in that state is highly urbanized and unfortunately anti gun.  I have a feeling the only thing to keep some of those crazy laws from happening would be court cases.  You have no hope there with the legislature or the voting population when they can do ballot initiatives.  If you could get a carry license, the carry restrictions used to be pretty good.  You could carry just about anywhere legally, including school property.  That got messed up starting this year by the bed wetters in the legislature making school carry pretty much illegal without permission of the school.  I bet some more carry restrictions will be added to those licenses in the future similar to how it used to be a pain to carry here legally at the grocery stores, restaurants, and parks.  

  6. If the game management folks here are worried about deer night poaching, then why allow coon or pig hunting at night?  Someone with a light and a 22 rifle could claim to be coon hunting when he is poaching deer at night.  Pig hunters can also use centerfire rifles and lights, so very easy for them to get a deer too.  I'm not saying people should not be able to coon or pig hunt at night.  I don't have a problem with it, but to me it is an all or nothing kind of deal when it comes to varmints and pests.


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  7. The way I understand it you can shoot coyotes at night that are getting into livestock or posing some sort of threat to your pets. 

    Any chance at getting TWRA to allow predator night hunting?  People can already coon hunt and pig hunt at night so I don't see what the problem would be.

    Also any chance at getting TWRA to allow center fire rifles for predator hunting during archery and muzzleloading deer seasons?  It is kind of a pain to have to switch to a rimfire or shotgun during archery/muzzleloading deer season if you want to hunt coyotes.

    Our resident hunting licenses have got to be some of the most expensive in this part of the country, so it would be nice if TWRA would cut some slack on the coyote hunting restrictions.

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  8. You do not want to put a TSA lock on your gun case.  You need a regular lock with a key or combination that only you have access to.  TSA cannot open your gun case without you there.

    Just buy a good hard sided handgun case that will fit in your suitcase so it is all kept together.


  9. I think long lines of people waiting to go through metal detectors at events can create a new set of security problems by bunching people together.  To me highly trained police, good private security, and dogs are the better route to go than walk through metal detectors.  But if private businesses want to stick up walk through metal detectors, that is their choice since it is their property to do as they please.

  10. That is correct that there is a long list of places in Mississippi you cannot constitutional carry or with a regular license.  The regular licenses do not require live fire training.   If you take a class that is basically the same as the TN handgun permit class , you can get what is called an enhanced license that does make you legal inside all k through 12 schools and colleges.  The no weapons signs are also treated as trespass instead of weapons charges when you have enhanced license.  Private property owners did not suddenly lose their private property rights when the enhanced Ms licenses came out a few years ago.  They can still ask people to leave who are not following their policies.

    It's not the most  ideal situation but it is still better than what we have here. 


  11. There are quite a few places where carrying in K-12 schools is legal and many more where carry on college property is legal with a license.  Right across the state line from me in Mississippi it is legal to carry in elementary schools through colleges for people with MS enhanced licenses.

    It would be nice to have Constitutional carry, but if I had to pay 50 bucks every few years to be legal everywhere VS highly restricted Constitutional carry, I'd pay to keep up my permit. 

    I like how Mississippi has Constitutional carry but also offers an enhanced license for people who wish to be legal everywhere, including schools and 'no gun' signs.  I wish Tennessee would go that route.



  12. The school property gun law is a real bad law because someone with a permit can be changed with a felony weapons charge just like someone without a permit.  Now I understand that it usually gets brought down to a misdemeanor but still a felony weapons charge for someone who has a permit?  That is a crazy law.  Too bad that the best the TN legislature could do for us this year was create an exception for public college employees instead of just a clean exception for all people with permits.  I guess that is as good as an NRA endorsed R super majority can do for us.

    • Like 1
  13. Yeah you are only guaranteed legal in state or local government owned rec facilities.  Anything else, like a driver license office or place to pull a building permit, they can stick up 'no gun' and you risk a weapons charge.  With a weapons charge comes possible attorney and court fees, handgun forfeiture to the court, and permit suspension.  So no it is not just a 500 dollar fine like a traffic ticket.

    This is just another reason why this bad law needs to be either removed or modified to more of a trespassing issue.  It's stupid that you've paid for a permit but can still have some of the same problems as someone who is carrying without permit.


  14. Yes I am surprised that the nra and tfa have never sponsored a bill to fix this problem in the past several years but have supported open carry and constitutional carry bills.   To me, you can't have successful open or constitutional carry without removing the criminal penalty of these signs.   The minute  you get any kind of unlicensed carry in this state you will see a ton of no gun signs on both businesses and local and state government properties .   You will be running back and forth to your car so much in order to try to be legal with your gun that carry will be impractical.  Yeah you can risk it and probably not be caught kind of like people did here a few years ago at restaurants and parks but good folks should not have to worry about that.

  15. Yeah people forget that this sign law is a criminal weapons charge just like carrying without a license.  That does involve possible permit suspension, handgun confiscation, and hiring a lawyer to go to court with you, so it can turn into more than a 500 dollar fine.  Even someone without a permit who has a firearm in his vehicle can go through that same process besides the permit suspension problem.  Local and state government buildings use this law to frequently stick signs up and add to the minefield of being legal when you carry or have a gun in the vehicle.  That is a whole lot more hassle legal carriers have to deal with than 90% of other states that do not have this same garbage law.

    I'd say if the state is not through criminal law enforcing 'no shirt no shoes no service' signs, then there is no need for the state to get in the middle of 'no guns' signs.  The trespass laws are sufficient to deal with this issue.  There is no need for an additional weapons charge to trap people with handgun carry permits and potentially cost us time and legal fees.


  16. I do agree that we need Constitutional carry, but I don't think we're going to get that with the make up of the legislature and governor anytime soon in this state.  I would rather the NRA and TFA spend time with key folks in the legislature to quietly cut carry restrictions on the handgun carry permit VS the spending time on the political show of running with a Constitutional carry bill that has zero chance of moving through the legislature.  You only get so much time/effort on gun bills.

  17. The bad part is that this no gun sign law applies not just to private businesses but to all public property besides rec facilities.  So if you go to your local government office, airport, hospital you could be breaking the law.

    You do realize that is a potential criminal weapons charge that can result in your permit being suspended?  Also anyone without a permit that has a gun in a vehicle is breaking the law when they park in a parking lot with legal no gun signs, not just private property but all property.  Armed guards are breaking that law at some locations, both public and private property, because there is no exemption for them either and I'm sure they can get their license suspended by the state also in addition to a weapons charge just like anyone else.

    The only folks that have an exception to this bad law are police on and off duty.

    No most police would probably not hassle anyone but it only takes one to give someone a bad day and cost you legal fees.  I knew quite a few folks that at one time carried 'illegally' because they knew they would not get hassled.  They can't do that today because a lot of police won't look the other way.

    No business in Georgia is forced to allow guns by the state government and there is no force of law behind their signs.  Business owners can still ask you to leave in GA.  GA doesn't really recognize 2nd amendment either because you have to have a permit to carry outside your vehicle, just like Tennessee.  Changing up this law to remove the crime from it would open up a lot of properties, both taxpayer funded like your city government office and private business, to legal carry.





  18. It's still a bad law that needs to be changed or removed.  Not many states have criminal weapons charges for no guns signs.  Bad laws are often used to hassle good people.  Also you'll never have school/college carry in this state legalized if this sign law is not changed along with the school gun law.  You can bet every school in the state will put up no gun signs and you still won't be completely legal to carry just like you presently can't carry at a lot of locations in downtown Memphis that are owned by Memphis city government, Shelby County, or the hospitals because of the signs.

  19. I agree the best solution would be to remove the whole no gun sign law, but I figure if it must be in there might as well make it where it cannot cause a person with a handgun carry permit criminal legal problems.  It might also have the appearance of 'compromise' when the law is left in there but worded differently to benefit us.  It would also benefit people who are carrying handguns under other exceptions such as people (who don't have permits) with handguns in their cars in a posted parking lot.


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