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pop pop

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Posts posted by pop pop

  1. Tried to watch the National Celebration on the TV tonight. Couldn't do it. Too sad. Love Lt Dan (Gary) and Joe. So much respect for both of them.  

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  2. Just saw a rough 52 acer horse farm, in Christiana, 1 old house and 2 decrepit barns, in very bad shape bring 850,000.00 last weekend. No road frontage, 1/4 mile from the road with only a shared road easement to get to it. Property is outrageous.  

    edited to add; sold at auction. Very hard to change your living conditions when property, and everything is so high. Would hate to be in bad shape right now. 

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  3. I have a Mosberg Model 500 pump 12 Ga w a short brl for my house shotgun. Has the extended magazine tube and I put a side saddle for extra ammo on board. Has served me well for years. I had a 20 Ga with a short brl and I ordered a 26' hunting brl for it and gave it to my grandson, for hunting, a few years back. Back when I purchased these shotguns I paid 350.00 for them. The Remington 870 is another pump shotgun and is very good also if you can find them. 

  4. Going to replace the batteries in my truck. It has 2. The ones in it now are 5 years old and we travel to out of the way places so I don't want any battery trouble, if I can help it. Been running O Riley's batteries because I can get a large discount on them. Son in law has an account and I get them wholesale. 

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  5. Be sure to hang the targets correctly because you can get bullet splatter coming back at you. The targets need to be swinging or mounted at an angle to the ground so the splatter is directed downward at the ground.

    I had a whole lead R N bullet hit me on the shin and I was shooting directly into a seasoned Oak hardwood target backstop and it came straight back at me and brought blood on my shin. Don't ask me how but it can happen. I don't get closer than 21' from my swinging metal targets and wear protective eye safety shooting glasses. They actually recommend farther away than what I do. 

    Edited to add; My 6" pistol rack is slanted toward the back, at the top, and they direct the splatter upward and behind the target. They fall backward and are not solid mounted when struck by a bullet. Be safe with steel! 

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  6. Went hiking at Natural Bridge State Park, in eastern Kentucky's Red River Gorge, yesterday. We rode the cable gondolas to the top of the mountain and hiked over, and under the bridge. We rode the cable down to the parking lot after our short hike. Had my wife, daughter, her husband, and son in tow. Was a great afternoon. Was up there visiting family. Wore sneakers. 

    Was very proud of myself after having a heart attack back on April 15th and climbing over 40 very uneven steps, hewn out of limestone, out from under the bridge and back to the top. Did not need to stop one time. No heart pain or shortness of breath. Cardiac Rehab is working well for me. Went this morning to C Rehab and attending 3 days per week for 3 months. Life is grand, however to "GOD" goes the glory. He is taking care of me and I praise "Him". 

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  7. We had 5" of rain last evening and the creek in front of our house was overflowing in my front yard. We had no other damage. Wishing the same for you guys. 

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  8. I had a squirrel problem and called them. They would not come but told me to call TWRA. I did and they told me, at that time to kill them and feed them to the local varmints if hunting season was not open and they were being a nuisance. Them suckers cost me over 3,000.00 in one year. I took control and thinned them out.  

  9. Would love to have one. I had a chance to purchase one several years ago for 850.00, and it was like new with a red dot sight on it. Could kick myself. I did purchase a 686+ but has a 3" brl. It is a 7 shot. It is my wife's house gun and she likes it. jeff43 did you purchase one? I would not hesitate if I could find one locally in good shape. Been my experience if you lay your hand on something you like you had better purchase it for it will not be there the next week. 

  10. Rehab went well. No heart problems developed during exercise programs. They have you doing 20 minutes now per set rather than the 15 min of old. Little harder. They said my heart developed no problems with the exertion. Things will get harder from here on. They increase the speed and hardness levels, on the other machines, the longer you are in the program. So good news today. Just may be able to get some of the lost effectiveness of my heart function back over time. Will see.  

    Edited to add. You 60 Y O just look at what you are headed for. The room was full (25ish) of old codgers like me at 76. Both men and women. They run classes all day long. I was 11;00 today but want 9:30 as soon as they can get room for me in the early class. 

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  11. Start my Cardiac Rehab at 11:00 on Monday. Had some heart palpitations when they hooked me to the heart monitor Thursday. Just did a 6 minute walk at normal speed. The Nurse said the top of my heart muscle was firing a little sooner than the bottom.

    Hope things go well for my first day. Will start with 15 min fast walking on a treadmill, and then 15 minutes on a Life step machine which you sit on and use both legs and arms to operate. Will finish with 15 minutes of weightlifting. Gets harder the longer one goes. Praying all goes well. This should get my heart pumping a little better over time. At 35% now and hoping for 55 to 65% by the end of 12 weeks. That is the goal and will be sufficient to get me back into a better situation should we be successful. 

    Gettin old is not for sissies. 

    Edited to add content. 

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  12. All of my heart DR's, and the Nurse at Rehab yesterday, unloaded on the Coved Shots and Coved. My daughter is an ultrasound Tec in Florida, and she told me they are seeing a lot of people, very young (30ish) and old, who have been vaccinated, and some who have contracted coved, are coming in with all sorts of serious heart problems. These are people with no risk factors. 

    I had coved about 4 months ago. Makes me wonder if the Gov rushed this vaccine to our detriment. Coved, and everything about it, is wicked. 

  13. Went to my Cardiologist yesterday. She was encouraging. Said she though I can get back a lot of heart flow, that I lost, with good diet, diabetic numbers in check, and Cardiac Rehab if I take it seriously and work at it. They are going to check my heart output, on July 2, to see how much I have improved. I have a trip set for August, to Alaska, on a cruise ship. She said not to cancel it because she thinks I will have improved enough to make the trip. Go for Rehab today at 1:00. Going to do it 3 days per week if I can. This will be my 3rd time at Rehab. Got work to do! 

    • Like 9
  14. Looking to purchase another ride. My wife wants a 2017-18 GMC Denali SUV, or a Surburban. Know anyone that has one for sale "Reasonable" If that is possible? Hate buying cars. Most frustrating.  

  15. I have the SW MP series and not the shield. Have 3 of them. Totally reliable with 100's of rounds through them. No experience with the other 2.  Total S W Fan. Also have a Ruger Max 9 which is a good one also for  pocket carry. Carry the Ruger to church when I wear Kakis. Smaller pockets.

  16. mikegideion, I am NOT in favor of waiting to be shot in your room. Rt101 what about Jean Assam, who stopped the Colorado Church Shooter armed with the AR 15 and she has a 9 MM pistol. Or the Church Security team captain at the Sugarland Church of Christ in Texas. He made a head shot, with a 357 Sig pistol, on a shotgun toting perp at 40 paces dropping him on the spot. It is possible and can be done! I agree not many teachers will apply, IMO. But to use the other sides musings, "If It Stops One School shooter, early, It Will Be Worth it." 

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