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pop pop

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pop pop last won the day on December 18 2024

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About pop pop

  • Birthday 03/04/1948

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    Lascassas, TN
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  1. pop pop


    My EDC is a 357 and I have it stocked with Cor Bon DPX 125 gr 357 Mag. This ammo is somewhat softer shooting than most full power 357 S D loads. Follow up shots are much easier and back on target is very quick. The bullets are solid copper, and it expands to a large front face into a perfect star in water jugs. Travels into the 4th jug with 2 layers of terrycloth and 2 layers of denim outside the first jug of water. Actually, most times, it puts a large dent, sometimes slightly punctures, in the very back wall of the 4th jug so penetration is exceptional. They are costly to purchase, but I don't shoot them most times I practice. My practice ammo is Winchester white box 115 gr in 9 mm, and 130 gr full metal jacket RN white box in 38 spl. None of the ammo is cheap any longer. My Sweetie and me plan a practice trip to our back yard range this afternoon. We will practice both 9 MM and 38 Spl as I shot out the DPX that I had been carrying daily for 6 months, in my EDC. Like to replace the carry ammo every 6 months with fresh ammo. I probably have 3500 rounds through my Tarius mdl 617 7 38Spl/357 Mag shooter revolver and 1700 through my MP 9 C 2.0 carry pistol. Both have been flawless and will get a good cleaning this afternoon. Edited to add; My wife has a Lady Smith model 65 SS 38Spl/357Mag 6 shot 3 " brl revolver for her house gun. It is loaded with Cor Bon DPX 38Spl ammo. She shoots it well and the K frame Rosewood grip handles fits her hands will.
  2. pop pop


    Agree with you guys. Don't think they will totally go away. I have several revolvers and love them all. When you pick one up then pick up a fantastic plastic there is no comparison in feel. In every life event I have ever been involved with, except Vietnam, a revolver has solved the problem. In country some of the tunnel rats used 38 spl, with a few 45's. For me, Revolvers turn my crank, and yes, I am old school. Thanks for replies.
  3. pop pop


    Industry paper reported that revolve sales was 15% of overall guns sales for the big companies in 2024. S W reported revolver sales was 25% of their total sales, Ruger reported revolvers were 15% of theirs. Taurus had brisk sales but no figures given nor was any for Colt who has recently really delved into revolver development with the new Python lines and others. Ammo is hard to get locally, sometimes, but internet orders are going strong. Ammo is a little higher that the wonder nines, but it has always been so. Do you guys think the 38 spl is dying with us oldies? What are your thoughts? I will say this I pocket carry a 38Spl/357 7 shot revolver myself. I have 9 MM of all sizes and shapes. Do carry them sometimes. Practice with both regularly. Also own several J frame snubbies. Thoughts?
  4. My wife just does not want to carry on her body; however she will purse carry when we travel. Good luck with your wife. Good advice here, let her choose.
  5. pop pop


    Praying for you DeepSouth. Edited to add; Jesus Christ is a tremendous comfort in my life.
  6. Always liked Bersa abut just never purchased one. They are good pistols from my experience. Good looking pistol. Hope it is a good one and you get a lot of enjoyment out of it. Bersa has a forum.
  7. NoBanStan almost looks too good to be real. I purchased my first AR, Springfield Armory Saint, a couple years back after carrying a M 16 in Viet Nam. The Saint was considerably more than that one, however I wanted an all-metal rifle. SIL purchased a Palmetto Armory AR last year for 299.00 in S Carolina. I am not an 223-556 fan. I will say I purchased it to use in training young kids so they would not consider it the monster that they (Media/antis) have been led to believe it is. When I bring it out kid's eyes get very large because all know what the platform has been used for in schools and other places. A large portion will reluctantly handle the rifle, and you can see the "almost fear" begin to leave. Then when they shoot it and one explains that rifle has shot no one on its own, the most of them accept it for what it really is. Really it is just the fear of the unknown.
  8. What are some price ranges.
  9. Turns out this kid was "well know" to Police in Nashville and within that school system as a problem child and has a history of run-ins with authority including the Police removing 2 handguns from his home in 2023. He actually published he was going to do this act, at that school, on a social platform, and live streamed the video of part of his shooting on that media as he did it. WSM just ran the facts and their findings on their news outlet this morning. Should we be surprised???
  10. IMHO, good and willing teachers need to step up and arm themselves to protect the kids. I know this is totally unpopular, but I just may help these situations. My kids, when in our local school, had a coach who carried every day. He was a former Vietnam Vet and Marine. This was back before everyone went ballistic over concealed carry and school and guns. He was the assistant principal, and I am sure the principal knew about it. His room was the very first room away from the office and he was on guard every day and they also had an SRO every day. One was in the lunchroom for the whole feeding time. The other was in the hall, close by the students, and next to the library where students congregated. This was shortly after the Columbine tragedy. If 10 or 15 well trained, and a well supervised safety team, then carriers could be in all the congregation (cafeteria, library, ETC) areas and there when bad things happen. It is working in Ohio and several other states. The Ohio school system says it is a great deterrent. These teachers have constant training paid for by the system and the individuals themselves. Could work here if the antis and bleeding hearts could bend a little, IMO. The state of TN already had money available and the law to back this program. It is the local districts that are not going along. I have to ask, how is their decisions working out for them now? I just can't understand these kids of today. Totally no coping skills. Edited to add; What is making a few these kids think this way now? Just so sad.
  11. WSM News just reported the school had a security system, developed through an AI backed system, and it was on when the shooter entered the cafeteria, but it did not detect the pistol nor alert anyone. The system was supposed to immediately alert Police and the office staff in the school. Total system failure.
  12. The new common sense laws the antis are wanting to get passed will do nothing to stop this. Background checks and red flag laws, and on and on will do nothing to stop this from happening. I am not sure there is any law that could be passed that would stop attacks at schools. Edited to add; I just don't understand why a 17 Y O would want to kill himself!
  13. Police Spokesman just said a 17 YO male shot 2 females. Reporting on injured, 2 dead.
  14. Reporting 1 dead, two injured. The news aired the sound recording of the incident. Sounded like 3 shots fired to me.
  15. Nashville News Media reporting a school shooting at Antioch High School. Reporting 3 people shot, one being the shooter who shot himself. Not reporting any deaths yet. Reported this school is the most violent of all schools in the Metro School System. More incidences of violence, in this school, last school year. Edited to add; I guess one could say Antioch is a suburb of Nashville located within Davidson County.


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