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Posts posted by Verne

  1. I love it. Poor old girl is pushing 80,000 miles and still trucking along like she was new. The biggest weak link to the SH is the suspension but when I got this one it already had an aftermarket rear shock and Gold Valves up front. All I had to do was add the right weight fork springs up front and set the sag. Handles great with tons of low end torque.

  2. I had a Crossbreed Supertuck when I had a XD45 and still have a Milt Sparks VMII for my Sig 1911 Stainless Carry.

    All I can say is they are not even in the same category. The Supertuck is a nice holster but takes up a lot of real estate and I couldn't get use to it. The only drawback to the VMII is the cost and wait to get one. I wear mine for anywhere from 3 to 12 hours a day with out a problem. Since you said money is not an issue the question is can you wait 6 or so months for one?

  3. Sorry for not keeping everyone in the loop but I haven't been home much since he got home.

    I got to spend the day with him yesterday, pulling PRN duty as his wife called it, and got to show him this thread. He wanted me to Thank Everyone for the Very Kind Words, Well Wishes and Prayers. Said he would never be able to Thank everyone for everything that has been done.

    He is doing great and is in great spirits.

    He really likes your Ninja Turtle avatar Mad4rcn

  4. I just got back from the hospital again but did get to see him this time. I can't say how great it was to see him. They have him on some pretty serious meds so he is not saying a lot but still got to see him. All the local LEO's that were there got a chance to visit him too.

    He is going to have to heal for a while but the most important thing is he is still here.

  5. I just got back from the hospital and he and his family are doing good. Please keep them in your prayers as he will have a long road ahead of him.

    All I can say is that he is so much beyond a great man and friend.

    What really is awful about this is the guy that did it is in the same ICU ward as him.


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