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Posts posted by RWF

  1. yesturday. for the first time since i got hurt (still do not the okay to shoot at all) we to the range to shoot the M10 she got me last Sept. for 2 reasons really so i could try to shoot at distance and see if i can use a standard range table. the standard table is too low and the cut out is too small for my chair.

     back to the subject my 2nd shot at 200, i called a center hit. the wife said using the spotting scope no it was not and i said yes it is. so she took the range cart and went and looked, then sayed i told u so, no center hit, then had her show me were it was on the extra targets we had. you be the judge.

     then i tryed at 400 my guess for the bullet drop was off (chrono got a hole it) so it took a couple of shots but pictured is my 5 and 6th shots at 400. then tryed 4 shots at nickle for fun. and called it a day. no hits on the nickle.

    PS she checks out tgo from time to time, so help me out on my center hit.



  2. on PD 5 i talked to Mrs Wilson about the free pass disable shooter are suppose to have. her comment is we do have free pass on what eqipment that is needed, i can use. i told her the rule says you mount the equipment anywere i need. but mag holsters are the racing type so they can be canted forward and not legal. again she i stated doe nots matter for the disable. i told there is no exeption about that in the rules



    5 9.1 on the ladies gear the worded rule does not match what is drawn out on the picture

  3. Looking at the Handitasker reminds me of some plastic I used in a project.  Essentially, it's the same stuff the white cutting boards are made of.  I got some scraps from a company in Louisville a few years back when we lived there.  When I say scraps, these were like 15" wide by 36" long.  A few of those and you'd be set.


    I don't remember the guy's name I spoke with but you might call and tell them what you're doing and see if they could ship you some scrap.  They have all different thicknesses.  You could get the 3/8" stuff and cut holes in it to relieve some of the weight.



    thanks, i will check on that.

  4. Would you be interested  in using something like this?


    Looks like it would give more room for you arms to move around the rifle.

    Just putting ideas out.

    thanks but again i am sure the rear support would make it illegal. i know suppresser's are also illegal but at club matches no one complains, i did one time show up with a suppresser and a rear mono pod the other shooters did not like the rear support so i removed it.

  5. I wouldn't be surprised if the NRA Protest Committee were to take issue with the front vertical edge/lip you have installed on the bench. Allowing your bi-pod to rest against that edge/lip could be seen as an advantage to you. They may or may nor require your shooting surface to be completely flat.

    true that is why i told to send pictures, but on that point i believe most F-class shooters use there loops on there mats to hold the bipod in place, i know i use too.


    and thanks all for the links and i promise i will check them all out.


    also i am hoping to link up with one of you soon who better explain what i need.

  6. Personally I enjoy getting out and shooting IDPA, just to send some rounds down range if nothing else.


    Whom ever dreams up some of these scenarios and stages must be having a relapse from their college experimental days...


    Actual scenario from memory: You and your small child are at the park sitting at a picnic table (the child is represented by a heavy doll). When several armed bad guys approach you and demand your money and valuable.


    You are to grab your gun out of your man-purse on the picnic table, grab your kid (doll) and put two rounds strong hand only in the torso of each bad guy. You are not to drop the kid, you are to use the kid as a shield, shower him / her with hot brass, use kid as a chest rig / body armor and blow his / her ear drums out?


    I laughed so hard at the stage description when being read I got the hiccups. Guess it could happen, but certainly not the man-purse thing :rofl: 

    +1 just having fun putting rounds down range! now do not forget its based on real life, like the time at a major you are riding your bike and can not stop pedeling til you shot all the bad guys. yes it was a real bike with the rear wheel off the ground. it was different

  7. I agree about the Jawhorse. It is a great tool, and even if you had to use two, you could put together something that would be easy to put up and tear down. 

    i have to find one first the table top has to at least 36" off the ground, but i agree one on each side should be very solid.

    we used the old table top to shoot out to 800 yards.

  8. Hmmm the more I look at what you have and picture it in use in my mind I think two thoughts.

    1. Something that could be mounted to your chair would be ideal like Red said.

    2. Barring that wouldn't it help to have adjustable legs so it could be used easier on uneven ground? Maybe mount a few levels so it would be easy to adjust to make a flat surface.

    This is actually a pretty cool project, I wish I was handier so I could cobble some tables up for you to try out.

    BTW, nice shooting, those targets are looking good.

    thanks, just hope once i get it all worked out i can do that at a real distance. i do have levels just need to remove them from the old top. i do have some stuff to put under the legs

  9. You're not going to let this one go are ya?  We all know your participation at that club has nothing to do with your injuries.  For the people not familiar with the history, please don't try to make it seem that way.



    Edit: typo

    why would say that,  where did you read that intent. please stop trying to read between the lines.  history? i shot there for more than 10 years. :) lets keep this thread on track

  10. If you broke your neck and was paralyzed wouldn't your arms be paralyzed too? 

    if it was a total break of the cord. broke/crushed C5,C6 & C7 and as i understand one of them is not complete. having to relearn how to use my arms and hands. lots of work yet to go. wanted to try a classifier but was told not to show up.


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