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Posts posted by Rainsford

  1. Can’t seem to reach thru messages but @scatman I believe we had a misunderstanding regarding this post. My sincerest apologies for anything that was said on my end from a place of unwarranted frustration. I hope we can make amends. It’s been on my mind for a few months now.

  2. 1 hour ago, NoBanStan said:

    Popping up like the ghost of Christmas past on this one (I haven't posted in YEARS).

    These guys are steering you right, though I would add a bit. Down and to the left also sounds like you're anticipating recoil and you have too much finger on the trigger.

    TDR is dead on, get a video of yourself, that will tell you alot. A couple other things you can do.

    1. ensure the gun is unloaded and put a piece of spent brass on the front sight (or as close as you can get it). Then pull the trigger naturally, see if it falls off. work the slide and try it again (did i say yet to make sure it was empty?). Don't fire a live round until you can balance that thing consistently

    2. have your buddy load your magazine but sneak in a snap cap somewhere in there. When you hit it, you'll likely notice how much recoil anticipation you're doing because your gun will dip without the "boom"

    3. squeeze the trigger, don't pull it or yank it. It should surprise you. Make sure you're using 3/4 pad on your index (just google it for pictures). Try to teach yourself to bend the trigger finger from your second knuckle, not the third. If you're bending the entire finger, you will push the gun left (assuming you're righty).

    Thanks so much! Good tip on the empty brass. I’ll have ti try that out. I don’t know why my mind can’t comprehend #3 very well but I’ll try to find some videos and pictures.

  3. 53 minutes ago, TGO David said:

    @62caster - This video is worth watching.  It takes some reps to get the procedure down, but once you do it's solid and adapts to practically any semi-auto handgun.

    Bear in mind that that there is some off-color language in this video.  If you've got kids around, maybe wait or listen with headphones.  😉




    That’s helpful! So less right hand, more left hand grip.

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  4. I went shooting last night with my Glock 45. I noticed 2 things. First, I was consistently low left. My friend was dead on with it, so I know it’s me, not the gun.

    Second, I have a sore and bruise on my first thumb knuckle closest to my palm (pictured below you can see the red dot). 

    Is something wrong with my grip? Any suggestions?




  5. Looking to offload my Ruger LCP. Includes one magazine, around 40 rounds of ammo, and a carry clip installed. Great little carry gun.

    Priced for a quick sale at $200, pickup around Spring Hill. Will want to see a drivers license or CCW.





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