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Posts posted by Howler

  1. No one has given a valid reason to not change the fluid that I can see.


    You may be able to get by without doing it for 200K but I'm not willing to take the chance. Your mileage my vary. ;)

    A valid reason is this: Most manufactures build adaptive transmissions. The adaptive transmissions learn the driving patterns of the owner and adjust pressures to create smoother shifts. In theory a smooth shift equals less wear therefore longer fluid life. It's a good selling point to a new car buyer and also looks good in Car and Driver magazine. Fluid condition, timing, temperature, throttle, and on and on determins the shift. Changing the fluid can make the cars shift funny. If the fluid is changed have the fluid counters and adaptations cleared. This just resets the TCM and allows it to start the learning process over.

  2. "X number of states have passed laws to make it harder to buy guns."  But she also said, "X number of states (of which included Tennessee) have passed laws to make it easier to buy guns." What was she talking about? I don't know of any law passed that has made it easier to buy a firearm.


  3. Took a trip to ORSA to do a little shooting yesterday and all I can say is wow.  I know the time of year can dictate what guns you might see. So the best I can tell March must be AR month. Every table but one was loaded with AR's. Not just one AR but two or three. Brass was hitting the ground like rain drops. And speeking of brass, it was being picked up as soon as it hit the ground. Not just rifle brass but handgun brass as well. After walking down the plinking range to put up new targets I turn around to see my brass being collected by a couple guys. Couldn't  believe they didn't even ask. I don't reload but do keep brass for some of my friends to use. I can remember a time when the brass bucket would be 1/3 of the way full. Not now! Might as well be gold on the ground. Had a blast though. Got a chance to shoot a small vid using a gopro camera. I need to get one of them. That's a cool little device.




  4. I tried it and the buffer seems to be the problem. It comes out of the other AR's as well. All the other buffers seem to be cut at a perfect 90 degree angle. The problem buffer is also cut at 90 degree but right at the edge it has a small 45 degree cut. This is like a small ramp on the very front edge of the buffer.  



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  5. I'm looking at a standard carbine buffer that was in a kit I just bought. The end that strikes the buffer retainer is cut at an angle like all the others I have, but its cut a little more aggressive. I can actually move the buffer around with my thumb and make it come out of the tube without pressing the retainer down. Normal? I can't make any of my other guns do it. I'm thinking the buffer may be cut wrong.

  6. What model of Ford are you talking about the paint blowing off? Just out of curiousity I ask this because I have never had that problem or heard of it before.

    I own both an SVT and a Lincoln so perhaps I am biased as I feel I have two of their best models. I do have several friends with regular model Fords that have nothing but praise for them.

    I will say this, I just bought my wife a new loaded 4x4 Lincoln Navigator, traded her Expedition in on it before I did I test drove a fully loaded Escalade, that GM model cost nearly $20k more than our Navigator, there is absolutely no way I would pay that , it is severely overpriced, I think GM is the one putting themselves on a pedestal


    The first one was an 88 F150. The truck was a solid vehicle but the paint was terrible. The truck I drive now is a 2000 F150 that I bought new. Paint started coming off in 06 and has never stopped. Its never had body damage or paint work. The paint is good all over the truck except the top and hood (just like the old truck). Do a google search an you'll find it.

  7. I also drive a Ford, and this one will probably be my last. Seems Ford can't make paint that will stick to a  roof or hood. I've been a big Ford fan my entire adult life, However, I'm tired of driving around in a vehicle (that I have taken great care of) that's a big rust bucket. I can't wash the roof or hood because the paint just blows off.


    Ford also bought and sold Volvo. Paid around 6 and sold it for under 2 bil. They raped the company for their R&D work while holding back advertising funds. I understand why people are upset with GM but I don't understand putting Ford on a pedistal. And very seldom does anyone say a word about Dodge. Chrysler has been bailed out twice I believe, correct? If there is a Dodge in my driveway...I have company! 

  8. I've been a member for years and will continue unless the yearly fees go way up. Out of all the ranges I only use a few of them. If you are the kind of person that jumps in with both feet ORSA is probably for you, but if you join just to sight in the rifle before hunting season it might not be your thing. Its a nice facility with tons of potential activities. The one thing that does get in my crack is...only certain people can use the 1000 yard range. You have to pull targets or something to gain the right to shoot on that range. I understand people abuse or misuse things, but I pay as much as the next guy. If I'm caught doing something wrong kick me out, if not let me shoot.

    Met a lot of nice people at that range and only one di**. Don't let one person make up your mind. Join and if ya don't like it don't renew.


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