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Beretta Racer

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Posts posted by Beretta Racer

  1. Having met and worked with McCain and Hillary both, I'll take the guy with the balls to spit in the eye of his captors over a carpet munching liar like Hillary.

    At least with McCain you pretty much know what to expect. With Hillary, she will say and do anything to get elected. She was at the core of almost every scandal of the Bill Clinton era. Yes, even Monica, referenced above.

    EVERY election is the lesser of evils.

  2. Isn't IDPA oriented more towards defensive shooting?(on the move, from behind cover, etc.?)

    That's correct. Also the exact reason why many believe IDPA is a substitute for tactical training. Neither USPSA or IDPA should ever be thought of as self defense or tactical training.

  3. Both are just a game. Both have pretty tight rules. Although my experience is mostly USPSA, I have shot IDPA. I prefer the game that allows me to shoot the stage as I see best. To me, having multiple ways to shoot and having to figure it out, makes for a better game.

    I like IDPA, but I like USPSA a lot more.

  4. If true that wins the award for dumbest rule in a shooting sport. The extra weight is negligible and will not change the shooting characteristics of the pistol appreciably.

    I agree.

    The new rulebook for 08 just came out. We had a hell of a fight keeping a ton of stupid rule changes.

    Now I must edit myself.

    Factory installed light rails no longer than 3.25 inches ARE allowed. I guess we were successful after all!

  5. I'm up for some competition shooting in mid-TN. My only issue is that I can't shoot Saturdays (check screen name).

    It seems there are enough people here that if we could find someplace we could stage our own TNGO IDPA-style match.

    fwiw, I have been shooting at the Volunteer Pistol Club (Brush Creek) for about 3 years, mostly revolver but I am also rated in the other classes.

    NTPS matches are held on both Saturdays and Sundays.

  6. Is it possible to get a USPSA membership (and is it required??) the day of the event, or is that something that needs to be done in advance?

    I don't know of any clubs that require USPSA membership for first time shooters. There are clubs that require NRA membership though. At NTPS however, we do not.

    One thing to remember, perhaps even take this as a warning. If you are a competitive person, you will get hooked on USPSA. I've been shooting for a little over five years and haven't missed an NTPS club match in almost four years.

  7. even without the light?? geez...that is a royal PITFnA for me. All my other 1911s are alloy commander sized pieces. Not really the 1st choice for IDPA from what I've been reading

    heh...I HAVE been wanting to look at the new Taurus 1911s....hunmm...perhaps all is NOT lost after all

    I've been thinking about one of those myself for Single Stack.

  8. Count me in. Now the question is which gun to use....

    1911, M&P 45, or the Beretta 92FS?

    Ill have to pick up a couple more magazines for whichever I decide on. Anyone want to offer an opinion on which gun to use?

    You have three options. Production with the Beretta, Single stack with the 1911 and with the M&P .45 you could go Limited 10 or Production.

    Me personally, I'd go with the Beretta.

  9. I own a 92FS and a 92G Elite. Smooth action, reliable as an anvil and very accurate. I shoot my Berettas in USPSA where I have seen many Glocks hiccup, fart, and Kaboom, but my Berettas keep on going. Never had a gun related failure in 5 years of match shooting with them.

  10. In Single Stack Div. your 1911 clone is what you need, but it does not have to be a .45. 9mm, 38 super and .40 are also available to you. As long as it's a single stack and does not have a light rail you should be fine.

    In Production Division you see a wide range with Glocks being pretty popular, but losing ground quickly to S&W's M&P 9mm and Springfields XD's. I personally shoot a Beretta 92G Elite.

    Limited and Limited 10 Divisions are pretty much dominated by STI and SV 1911 variants. Open is mostly 2011's made by a number of custom shops.

  11. Fellas, I've been looking over the rules, there's even rules that deal with your clothing? Especially when it comes to BDUs? What if I'm comfortable wearing BDUs?

    I would like to as well for the Mid TN, but I would like a block of instruction before going out there and looking like a fool. Pretty strict rules & requirements..

    The strict rules & requirements are to keep the sport safe. USPSA has an excellent safety record and strict rules keep it so.

    Don't worry about looking like a fool, you won't. New shooters are always coached by more experienced shooters. RO's will remind you to not try and shoot as fast as an experienced shooter. Just have fun and get to know the rules and learn the game.

  12. I wasn't trying to knock ya, but our local IDPA matches are $10 for six stages, and then you can stay and re-shoot the whole match for free. We may be more fortunate that we are part of an already-established club/range, and our costs are therefore lower. My apologies. $25 is just higher than any other match I've ever heard of (except sanctioned matches).

    No worries, I didn't take it as a knock on myself or NTPS.

    Clubs that use established ranges are sometimes able to charge less, but the draw back is not having a dedicated range. Our range is used solely for NTPS, USPSA matches and that is how we can build some very cool stages. But, as you said, we do have to charge a little more.

  13. Yikes! $25 for non-members and only four stages? They are a little greedy, but first-time shooters shoot free. Hmmm...would be interesting to shoot some USPSA for the first time, as well as meet some of you guys.


    Four stages plus a classifier stage. Round count is usually 125 to 135.

    Greedy? Land use costs, range equipment, targets, insurance, website, etc.

    Expensive hobby, but very much worth it. Come check it out, we'll make you feel right at home.

    If you want to check it out and get a little practice in, we setup on the first Saturday of the month with matches on the second Saturday and Sunday.

    After setup the range is open for practice.

    Did I mention that our stages are known for being championship caliber?

    Fun and challenging.

  14. To me it's a hardware vs supplies issue. Keep the hardware buy more supplies.

    If you want to dump the 92 that bad, I'll take it and give it a good home with my 1990 Italian 92FS and my 92G Elite comp gun.:rolleyes:

  15. It is my understanding that there used to be a "safe harbor" provision in Tennessee gun law that basically kept you from being subject to criminal charges if you employed justified deadly force with your handgun in a location where that handgun should not have been carried to begin with.

    Example: You're eating at Logan's Roadhouse and someone comes in and starts shooting the place up. You shouldn't have your own handgun with you since they serve alcohol for on-site consumption, but you smuggled it in anyway. You use your handgun to take down the killer, saving not only your own life but the lives of many others.

    The law used to be such that you would not be charged with the misdemeanor offense of carrying where it was prohibited.


    It was the opinion of John Harris, esq. that the recent amendment to the Tennessee Code Annotated that more or less granted us the "must not retreat" Castle Doctrine sort of provision that we no longer have that assurance.

    The new TCA statutes assert that you can only employ deadly force so long as you are not in the commission of a crime!

    Since carrying where prohibited is a crime, would you still be granted safe harbor for defending yourself? Or would the Court bury you beneath the jailhouse because you were illegally carrying at that moment?

    See, this is why TCA needs a serious overhaul in regard to gun laws. :D

    Hmmmm. Sounds like an inquiry with the AG might be in order.


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