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Posts posted by dats82

  1. I have had two close calls with negligent/accidental discharges. Thankfully, the muzzle rule saved me both times.

    The first was when I was very young and just started hunting. I had a borrowed gun, and I was trying to unload after completing the hunt. The safety was difficult to disengage to clear the chamber, and when it did finally disengage, the gun discharged. The muzzle was pointed at soft ground, but it still scared the hell out of my buddy and me.

    The second was while doing some skeet shooting just out in a field. I was with a couple of very inexperienced shooters, but I had layed out the safety rules included no loaded guns while you are not shooting and always keep the muzzle in a safe direction. For some dumbass reason, one person chose to ignore the rule about being unloaded unless shooting. He had an old 16ga single shot. He loaded a round in the chamber, and was apparently try to actually cock the hammer. The hammer slipped and dropped on the charged chamber. Of course it went off, but again, thankfully, the muzzle was in a good direction. I have no idea what the hell he was doing, and he could provide no explaination for his actions. I have never been shooting with him again.

  2. Legal troubles or not, I have to commend the guy. I applaud the fact that he did not just let them get away with it. Was it wise? Not sure, as the story is obviously a bit ambiguous. However, I do believe it will take more of this fighting mentality if all this home invasion crap is ever going to get under control. Too bad he just could not have taken care of both of them as they were coming through the window. If anyone every breaks in my house, I hope to hell I can just drop them where they are; it would be entirely too much work to have to drag their ass back to my house.

  3. +1

    And someone can bleed out enough and thus reduce oxygen amounts to a point that they are 100% brain dead yet their heart still beats. There is a difference between the brain and the brain stem. It is quite possible for someone to be completely brain dead yet still have a heartbeat as well as other autonomous functions. The brain stem controls the most basic of functions vital to staying alive like heartbeat, bloodpressure and breathing.

    I suspect, as TMF 18B said, that she lost so much blood that she was unable to recover no matter how much blood they put back in her.


    The more likely scenario is that she went into DIC. In the event of hypovolemic shock, the body will shunt blood to the most vital organs; the brain being one of the last to loose profusion. However, it is not uncommon for people with traumatic injuries, especially those involving large bones, to enter a condition know as disseminated intravascular coagulation. I participated in an autopsy of a patient who had what some would consider relatively minor injuries but still bled to death on an operating table. The worst injury sustained was a pelvic fracture, but even after about 8 units of blood within 10 minutes, the patient still bled out because of DIC.

  4. First off, if he is bleed profusely, "A" would most likely be futile and a waste of time unless you are a trained medical professional with access to fluids and means to control the bleeding internally. Not to mention, if you are putting yourself in contact with a criminal's blood, there is a good chance you are exposing yourself to ugly diseases; thereby endangering your health with not only the immediate circumstances but also with future health concerns.

    I also would not want there to be any question of whether this truly was a self defense situation. If the threat is adequately neutralized with the first voley and you stop shooting long enough to make the assessment as you have describe, it would be a poor decision to commence fire again in order to kill the intruder. You never really know who is around and will hear the subsequent shots.

    Given the above reasoning, my answer would be B. However, this is not to imply that I won't do my damnedest to completely eliminate this person, but I will not risk facing any unwarranted scrutiny in order to do this.

    The reality of it is this. If the guy is on the floor bleeding like stink as you described, by the time I make sure my position is secure and am able to call 911 and explain the situation as calmly as possible, this dude is going to die, and I will have a reason to install hardwood floors :)

  5. I bought my five gallon ones at Old Time Pottery in Murfreesboro. They work pretty good for a larger batch. I am not sure what size you want, but if you are just making a few gallons, you can just use the one gallon jugs that can be bought about any home brew store. There is also a place in Nashville called All Seasons that had some last time I was in there. I know you are in Chattanooga, but if you get up toward either of those places, you can keep your eye open.

  6. An SR1911 and a KSG in the same store? What's he charge for unicorn rides?

    Sounds like the KSG is not for sale. He has it on the wall, but said he would not sale it. :)

  7. The only speeding ticket I've had was 83 in a 50 on Chapman Hwy in Knoxville. THP pulled me over as a car was passing me. I did not deny speeding, but I certainly was not that far over. He acknowledged seeing the car passing me, but somehow I ended up with the effin' ticket. Short story is I ended up with about a $200 donation to the court and 16 hrs of community service at the Goodwill store. I'm still pissed about it. However, since then, I have been let off a couple of times that I should have had a ticket, so I guess it all pans out in the end.

  8. I don't know what the "issue" is, but if indeed it is a major tear, you might want to seek a second opinion. You are obviously very active and wish to continue to be.

    An orthopedic surgeon I worked with explained it to me this way, the knee sustained an injury during one of the patient's normal activities. If the patient continues to be active and subject the joint to the same type of activity that caused the injury, it will most likely be injured again. The tear in the cartilage will not heal, and as long as there is a tear started, it will be easier for that free corner to get caught in the joint and tear more. Think of it as a hang nail; until you trim it up and get rid of the piece that gets caught, you will continue to hurt it.

    If you wish to continue the same type of activities, you should probably be proactive in actually treating the problem, which is injured cartilage in the joint. Granted the treatment does remove some good cartilage, but this prevents further injury of what is still intact. If you risk therapy, you are (1) delaying the inevitable if you continue your current activities and (2) risking making the injury much worse and heading to surgery in worse shape.

    By the way, I have had a medial meniscus repair in my right knee, and have had no problems to speak of. I was walking within 24hrs (not sure if I was supposed to), driving the next day, and by the time post-op therapy was done, my "bad knee" was better than my "good knee" in regards to range of motion. I cannot give you medical advice, but given your circumstances, my unprofessional advice would be to skip the therapy and fix it.

  9. It is generally well known that the crazy ifs/solid front axle that fords of that era had were both weak and a bitch to work on. Regardless of what brand you go for, you would be well advised to find something with a solid front axle. They are much easier to work on, generally stronger, and lifting a vehicle without an sfa is both much more complicated and more expensive.

    Of course all that depends on how much you want to lift and what size tire you want to run. If I intended to run anything over a 31, it would be hard to talk me out of a straight axle.

  10. I would have to agree with the Cherokee. They can be had very easily and for cheap, which also means parts can be had readily too. I posted some of my vehicles in another thread, and I did not have more than a couple grand in any of them.

    Of the vehicles I have had experience with, the cherokee performed better all around. It went well offroad, and was comfortable to ride in. I have an old back injury that was easily aggravated by too much bouncing, and the cherokee I had treated it better than anything in that price range. When it was all said and done, I think I had about $1300 in it.


    If I were to get another toy today, I would get another Cherokee and set it up to have about a 34" tire, locked front and rear, and put a moderate size winch on it.

  11. I have heard about how hard these are to take apart and put back together but I found a video a while ago with a guy doing it and he made it look very easy. Am I missing something here?

    No, you're not missing anything. I have never used a mallet to take one apart. I have worked on several of them, and I will say that the newer they were, the more difficult it was to strip them. The more you do it and the more you shoot it, the easier it will get.

  12. If these are both just on the "want list" with no specific need at this time, I would have to vote for the Marlin. A quality lever gun is way classier than any plastic gun ever dreamed of being. Not to crap on the Glock, but it just does not share that nostalgic sentiment that any Marlin lever gun has. I guess for me, I think about it as which would I rather pass down to my kids? The answer to that is easy...

  13. I have one in the stainless target model, and it would be a toss up with my 10/22 as to which would be the last sold if I had to sell guns.

    I do not particularly care for the sights, but they have not bothered me enough to change them out. They are simply a joy to shoot, and I have had no problems from mine.

    There will undoubtedly be someone to chime in shortly talking about how terrible they are to strip, but don't let that deter from buying one. First off, it is really not as difficult as people like to make it out to be, and secondly, unless you are just anal, you really do not need to strip them that often. I run a boresnake through mine, but other than that, I cannot tell you the last time I had it apart.

  14. I am not a real successful hunter, perhaps because I do not devote enough time to it. However, I think one of the most important things to think about before you go out is the question, "What do I expect to gain from this experience?" It is likely that you will not harvest game the first time out or even the first season. So you must consider, is it a failure if you don't harvest game or is it still a charished experience to gain knowledge and be a part of this wonderful creation? For myself, I think my hunt would almost be equally enjoyable if I did not even take a gun.

    If your sole objective is to harvest an animal, good luck to you, but also remember that you might be setting yourself up for failure and a dismal experience. Take time to enjoy the other aspects of a hunt that most people never have the pleasure to experience.

    All that kinda sounds like I am a hippy or something, and maybe I am a little. However, this philosophy has allowed my to never have a "bad hunt." Any day hunting is a good day regardless of the day's bounty.

  15. She was not found guilty on the murder charge. The prosecutor could not prove his case against her. Case closed. She has every right to do what she wants like you and me.

    Do I think she did it? I don't know if she was "the" killer. Did she have something to do with it, yep, I think so.

    She was cleared through the legal system, just because she is "guilty" in the eyes of the public doesn't mean her rights should be stripped away.

    Would I ask her to babysit my kids, hellz no!

    I agree man.

    I would not say she is completely innocent, and I do not know the full story, as does no one else. However, just listening to the media, those people had her hanged before the trial even started.


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