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Posts posted by TNTitan

  1. You lucky guy! That looks like a wonderful deer hunting place. A friend of mine swears the trail cameras is the way to go now days. That good scouting work everyone is talking about should tell you volumes about where to put your stand. My guess is that you're going to have lots of success there. I'm jealous! Good luck.

    Why do they call it common sense, when it's so uncommon? TN Sen. Fred Thompson

    thanks! I actually talked it up so much my DAD is going to go out with me! he hasnt hunted in YEARS so I'm excited about this.

    Regarding the trail cameras.. I have NO IDEA about these? Anyone have any good links or resources on these things? They must be crazy expensive.

  2. Sorry, but 20-30 for how many?

    I have no knowledge about reloading other than what I have started to read. Truly a newbie, I admit it. It does, however sound like a fun addition to the shooting hobby. Maybe some money saved as well.


    pistol Primers are almost always sold in 1000 count boxes (10 boxes of 100)

  3. Good work on getting out there and voting! This is a BIG victory.

    Dear Friends:

    I wanted to make sure that you were aware of last night's results in the special election to fill the vacant State House District 62 seat. I'm very pleased to inform you that our Republican candidate Pat Marsh prevailed over Democrat Ty Cobb whose brother Curt Cobb vacated the seat over the summer to take a different government job. Despite the seat being held by Democrats for generations, Marsh defeated Cobb by a significant margin of 56 to 41 percent.

    Democrats attempted to run their candidate as a Republican to gain support from voters because they know that Tennesseans are fed up with liberal policies being pushed at all levels of government. Pat stood on his principles of limited government, lower taxes and a strong free enterprise system and voters chose to send him, a true conservative, to Nashville.

    Pat ran a powerful campaign, but his success would not have been possible without support from you. Whether it was making phone calls, knocking on doors or making a donation, your efforts were a large part of what made this election so successful. I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for everything that you have done to help the Tennessee Republican Party and urge you to continue your support so that we can keep electing Republican candidates at all levels of government.



    Chris Devaney



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