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Posts posted by TMMT

  1. If you ever get the chance to attend a Larry Vickers Class, get him to explain to you the "Super Bowl Syndrome".

    It will give you a good understanding of where stuff like this usually comes from.

    EDIT: Kinda reminds me of all those prissy, uppity royals drinking tea...


  2. I think you are supposed to make every effort to be clear you want no part of an altercation. Exactly what every effort is, I don't know. Kind of like "a reasonable person to reasonably believe" type wording. Basically, just cower and look like a victim. Don't worry, you'll get the last laugh.

    What your talking about is the reasonable man test and its the objective standard by which an individual's conduct can be measured against. If your actions are judged to be the actions of a reasonable man acting on the information you knew to be factual at the time of the incident then you would most likely escape accusation of criminal negligence.

  3. I suppose I was considering that there would be witnesses or the assailant was an intruder on your property. Good point.

    Assume you are in a gas station bathroom and a 300 pound gorilla comes barging in and attacks you.

    And you have no idea why.

    But come to find out you unknowingly cut him off when turning into the gas station and he is suffering from classic steroid rage?

  4. I think so much rides on the circumstances behind the confrontation. This is what the jury will come to know. If I feel I may become incapacitated, I believe I would draw and then negotiate before using deadly force.

    But something to add to your thinking is that a Jury can only base their decisions on information that you had at the time you made the decision to use or threaten the use of deadly force. And nothing more.

    Even if the Investigators find other information that could very well explain why your attacker did what he did. If you had no way of knowing the information then neither will the jury.

    Even if the information somehow comes to you immediately after you use force.

  5. Here is something else to think about.

    At what point does a slight "tune up" or a "thumping" turn into great bodily harm?

    And will you still be able to react once you realize your attacker is not just going to pop you once or twice but he is going to beat you down because his rage is growing with each punch?

    Losing control of your weapon once he knocks you out, then shoots you with your own gun?

    What about size disparity? You weigh 150 pounds and your attacker is a 300 pound professional body builder and wrestler, who also knows judo. What then?

    What if your attacker can land a single punch with the force that would knock Mike Tyson unconscious?

  6. Mysterious radio waves emitted from nearby galaxy

    There is something strange in the cosmic neighbourhood. An unknown object in the nearby galaxy M82 has started sending out radio waves, and the emission does not look like anything seen anywhere in the universe before.

    "We don't know what it is," says co-discoverer Tom Muxlow of Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics near Macclesfield, UK.

    The thing appeared in May last year, while Muxlow and his colleagues were monitoring an unrelated stellar explosion in M82 using the MERLIN network of radio telescopes in the UK. A bright spot of radio emission emerged over only a few days, quite rapidly in astronomical terms. Since then it has done very little except baffle astrophysicists.

    It certainly does not fit the pattern of radio emissions from supernovae: they usually get brighter over a few weeks and then fade away over months, with the spectrum of the radiation changing all the while. The new source has hardly changed in brightness over the course of a year, and its spectrum is steady.

    Warp speed

    Yet it does seem to be moving – and fast: its apparent sideways velocity is four times the speed of light. Such apparent "superluminal" motion has been seen before in high-speed jets of material squirted out by some black holes. The stuff in these jets is moving towards us at a slight angle and travelling at a fair fraction of the speed of light, and the effects of relativity produce a kind of optical illusion that makes the motion appear superluminal.

    Could the object be a black hole? It is not quite in the middle of M82, where astronomers would expect to find the kind of supermassive central black hole that most other galaxies have. Which leaves the possibility that it could be a smaller-scale "microquasar".

    A microquasar is formed after a very massive star explodes, leaving behind a black hole around 10 to 20 times the mass of the sun, which then starts feeding on gas from a surviving companion star. Microquasars do emit radio waves – but none seen in our galaxy is as bright as the new source in M82. Microquasars also produce plenty of X-rays, whereas no X-rays have been seen from the mystery object. "So that's not right either", Muxlow told New Scientist.

    His best guess is still that the radio source is some kind of dense object accreting surrounding material, perhaps a large black hole or a black hole in an unusual environment. Perhaps the phenomenon also happens occasionally in our galaxy, but is more common in M82 because it is a "starburst" galaxy – a cosmic cauldron where massive stars are forming and exploding at a much higher rate than in the Milky Way, creating a lot of new black holes.

    Muxlow will report the discovery at the Royal Astronomical Society National Astronomy Meeting in Glasgow, UK, today.

    Mysterious radio waves emitted from nearby galaxy - space - 14 April 2010 - New Scientist

  7. Anyone else live in a neighborhood or apartment complex where your neighbors are unbearable?

    You know the types, 24/7/365 unbelievable levels of noise.

    Everything from pounding on random objects, walls etc to slamming doors and loud bass filled music, TV, XBox... and noises that are so loud and unusual they are no longer identifiable at all. Just unpalatable racket.

    The types of neighbors who cannot walk to the mailbox without making more bedlam than the entire 3rd Armored Division as they moved through Iraq, complete with recon by fire ops.

    Loud cars and trucks coming and going all hours of the day and night, with little to no muffler systems. Loud stereos played at concert levels.

    What makes folks do this?

    What possesses people to be this loud, is it out of some type of need, hate for the world or a complete lack of respect for other or the ability to even understand what they are doing?


    Its pointless to call Metro PD. All they can do is BOLO loud music complaints, they don't have the man power to send a car out to every noise complaint.

    So what the heck do you do?

    There is no home owners association or community courtesy officer, so whats left?

    Calling in an airstrike?


  8. This is the ultimate UAV.

    I could see a small squadron of these things prepped to pre launch like an ICBM, in a launcher somewhere. Just minus fuel and payload. Within hours we could have one, fueled and loaded and over a target with a reconnaissance package or a nuke or an even cooler weapons.

    Like the "Rods from God" Rods from God | Popular Science

  9. I vote to risk it.

    But absent probable cause or consent there is no justification for a search. If she's stopped for running a stop sign the officer would need to develop PC to perform a search. And her would have to articulate his steps from point A to B to C to justify his reasoning for performing a search based upon PC. If she is stopped and the cops just comes up to her and says,

    "Hey I stopped you because you were weaving, gonna give you a warning but I want to ask you if you have anything in the car I need to know about"?

    "Can I search your car?"

    Thats a pre textual stop and a huge no-no.

    Just tell her that under no circumstances is she to ever give any agent of the state permission to search anything, car, purse, person, home anything.

    As long as the gun is completely out of view and she refrains from any type of movement inside the car that could possibly be perceived, if looked at by an officer wearing green coke bottle glasses, while standing on his head during the equinox as furtive movement.

    I exaggerate this statement because I have seen officers pull people out of cars on stops and frisk the passenger compartments for weapons based on "furtive movement", movement that was nothing more than the driver reaching for an insurance card.

    In the end it all depends on the officer who stops you.

  10. Eddie Carroll, voice of Jiminy Cricket and Jack Benny impersonator, dies at 76 - latimes.com

    Eddie Carroll, an actor who for decades gave voice to Jiminy Cricket in Disney projects and impersonated Jack Benny in a noted one-man stage show, has died. He was 76.

    Carroll died Tuesday from a brain tumor at the Motion Picture and Television Fund Hospital in Woodland Hills, said his wife, Carolyn.

  11. Who ever Bambi picks there will be a fight over in the Senate. There is a broader reason to it.

    First it will ensure that very little in the way of Bambi's legislative agenda is debated, and voted on.

    Next its an election year, more RATS are up for reelection than Repubs. By ensuring a floor fight over any SCOTUS pic, means longer time spent away from the campaign trail for the RATS who are already hurting.

    And then it becomes an election issue. Which is a rare commodity, a SCOTUS appointment becoming an actual physical election issue.

    Many important issues are currently before the court and will be before the court within a year.

    Before the court is local and states limits on gun rights, and a potentially huge ruling on prosecutorial immunity.

    Issues that will end up before the court, Health Care and the forced mandates, illegal amnesty. States rights under the 10th Amendment Claims, Firearm Freedom Acts from various states.

    This retirement actually couldn't come at a worst time for the RATS. Its an election year, they are wildly unpopular, they have no political capital left. And they cannot afford to turn this into a huge feces throwing contest in the Senate with just 6 real months to campaign for office left.

    Everything is against them, healthcare, the economy and jobs, looming deficits and the inevitable taxes that are coming. And Bambi's crusade to disarm us and pi$$ off all our allies.

  12. I am going to agree that alot of cops should not be cops. It seems like I run into more cops that are a-hole jerkoffs than I do a decent cop. That is the main reason I carry...Cause I can't trust a cop.

    Well, your profile says you live in Memphis and I'll be the first to admit that's not a good localized example for folks to point to on either side of the LEO equation. Because they have a really bad problem with their police. And it grossly over exaggerates the actual problems that do exist in this state.

    Infact Memphis's rate of misconduct per 100 officers is just a bit over 3 times as high as the state average. But then again so is their criminal rates as a whole. So maybe what we are seeing is a reflection of the local society and culture in the people hired on as cops, I can't really say.

    But regardless of the rates in Memphis they do happen and must be counted towards the state as a whole.

    What we also know is that Tennessee has a population of just over 6 million and ranks 16th in the US for rates of misconduct. While Ohio which has a population of just over 11 million ranks 17th. So Tennessee with half the population has a rate of misconduct that is higher than a state with twice the population.

    Thats where the questions lay

  13. I like some order, some regulation. Not too much, but some.

    Well of course your fine with more laws and regulations, its essentially job security for you. :tinfoil:

    You know, kinda like the Divorce Lawyer who started the internet dating and marriage web site.

    Seriously your examples of permits for protests and marriage license are great examples but ones I disagree with.

    First off the state should not be in the business of sanctioning marriage and therefore divorce. If I want to live with someone and call them my wife that's my business. If I want to have a child its my business. If I want to put them on my insurance its my business. If I want to get married then I can go to church, or Wal-mart... my choice. But the government should not be in the business any of the above.

    And the state should not be charging me a fee to exercise my first amendment rights to assemble and speak and peaceably protest.

  14. Okay, since many here have no problem with the state making you pay for the "privilege" to exercise your rights.

    Currently that rights tax is around $200 giver or take...

    So whats to stop them from upping the state fee to $200 from $115? Now the cost is over $300 for the completed process.



    The cost of a permit in DC is well over $500 and it take almost a year to get, as one reporter for the guns rights examiner found out.

    So my question to all you gun owning, gun carrying, freedom loving people here.

    When does it become so prohibitive that it is a de facto ban for the poor?



    How about $10,000?

  15. You can set aside money. It may take several months but you can save up $200. I don't live on minimum wage but pretty damn close. If I can do it, I'm sure just about anyone else can. On the same token, if they can't afford a permit, how are they going to afford a gun? Are gun prices a de facto ban on gun ownership to poor people? It's that crazy gov't. Always out to get ya.

    Good point, but don't you think that $200 would be better spent paying on a handgun you have on lay away at a pawn shop or gun store somewhere, instead of in the pockets of the all might government, who must "bless" us, after we pay homage to them in the form of yet another fee before we can exercise our rights?

    This coming from the guy with,

    The United States Constitution ©1791. All Rights Reserved.

    In his signature line...


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