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Posts posted by TMMT

  1. Metro is an excellent place to cut your teeth in LE.

    They have a good academy and a great FTO program. Once you survive both and are cleared for solo patrol you can truly say that you have accomplished something.

    And as someone has already pointed out. 4 or 5 years working patrol in Trashville and you can pretty much go anywhere you want so long as the jobs are there.

    Ride alongs are a really great way to get a good look behind the curtain.

    Metro is a stat driven agency, you will be expected to carry your weight, answer your calls and keep up good numbers. Which includes traffic stops and field interviews.

    You really need to find a Metro officer you can make friends with and let him or her tell you how it really is. Politics inside the department is on par with larger departments. But Metro does have some unique issues that would resonate better with you coming from the mouth of an officer you personally know and not from someone you don't know posting on an internet forum.

  2. The problem that you will run into will be in a situation where you present a valid Tennessee Drivers License to a cop along with a handgun permit from another state. Even though it is issued in your name, DOB, etc... you best pray that said cop is well versed and educated in the carry laws of this state and fully understands the reciprocity agreements between the states.

    If not, I can assure you that you or your Attorney will be explaining it to a Judge. I'm not saying it would happen but my money would be on you getting legally hassled over you not being hassled.

    Also understand that you cannot carry a gun in your vehicle without a valid state issued HCP.

    Welcome to Tennessee take some time to educate yourself on the gun laws here as we do have some on the books that might make one think they moved to Michigan or Delaware by mistake...

  3. Amerika is getting exactly what its people asked for. Never forget the majority of voters asked for this when they elected Barry The Kenyan without hesitation all in the name of hope and change.

    Personally I'm disgusted with my fellow rock dwellers and if this country falls into the abyss its death can be blamed on no one but the Amerikan voter.


  4. I hate to break it to ya'll but when you look at the totality of gun ownership in this so called "gun friendly" state its way more expensive than $10 for the TBI check.

    To be completely honest with yourselves, you gotta add in the ridiculous fee for the HCP permit as well as the cost of the mandatory training course.

    I think you guys are justified in fussing about the fee... tax. But you should be flat out steaming mad about how much you pay to the state so you can be given permission to exercise your constitutional rights.

    Without the permit (aka states permission) you can't even keep a loaded gun in your car or truck. That's absurd in any state, let alone a southern state.

    Thats the real outrage.

  5. Does that mean that Interpol has police powers inside our borders? Could they arrest you or I? That seems to me to require a treaty and the ratification process, or a constitutional amendment. I don't see how that could stand up to muster by Executive

    Order. Some might even say it's treason.

    Powers of arrest are unique, they are derived from the people, and here is how you give us our powers of arrest.

    LEO's are empowered to arrest through charters that create cities and articles of incorporation if such articles so mandate the creation of a law enforcement body within the incorporated areas or through state constitutions where constitutionally elected sheriffs are empowered to enforce laws and hire deputies to act on his behalf.

    These charters, articles of incorporation and state constitutions are created by people, like you who draft them up and vote them into being.

    Federal LEO's are granted limited powers of arrest within the state strictly by state statute only. These statutes acknowledge their jurisdiction and limit their powers of arrest to federal search and seizure warrants, federal arrest warrants, crimes committed against the federal government within the venue of the state, to official and lawfully requested assistance by state or local agencies, who themselves are vested by charter or state constitution with powers of enforcement and arrest. Or to felonies committed in the presence of a federal law enforcement officer while on state soil.

    Obama has no ability to give any one powers of arrest.

    Congress can hire and empower agency heads and task them with enforcing the federal code and to hire agents to act on their behalf.

    The Military can appoint its own law enforcement bodies as well as its own criminal justice and court system. But it only applies to military personnel. While a military police officer can arrest a civilian, both on and off military property for crimes committed in their presence as well as outstanding warrants. The arrested civilian must be turned over to stand trial in either a local criminal court or federal civilian court, whichever has jurisdiction.

    All Obama can do is give them the same status as a diplomatic mission, which exempts them from certain laws while in the official course of their duties.

  6. There were 218,004 Handgun Carry Permit Holders on 1/1/2009, in the State of Tennessee. For the calendar year 2008, there were a total of exactly 607 permits suspended or revoked. Therefore, 0.278% of permits were at least suspended for crime or other reasons last year. Suspensions can be temporary; the actual number of permits revoked was 263 which is 0.1206% of the total number of permits at the end of the year, that's less than 1/8 of 1%. In the same time period, there were 47,315 arrests for Domestic Violence, 236 for Stalking, 29,387 for DUI plus 2,843 for Weapon Law Violations in the state during the same time period. With an estimated population of 6,214,888, that means that at least 1.28% of the total population committed crimes that would result in revocations of a permit. In essence the General Population was 1061% more likely to commit an offence of such a magnitude that would result in revocation of a permit, than the HCP Holder as a group. Included in this is the fact that failure to pay child support results in revocation of a permit, but the numbers of that infraction are not included in the crime rate statistics on the General Population, were that to be the case, the order of magnitude would be much higher.[/font][/size]

    When taking the 607 permits suspended or revoked figure you cite into account you need to understand how this action works.

    In Tennessee, when you are arrested for a felony or DV, once you and the officer appear before the Judicial Commissioner and the warrant is issued, the JC must determine if you hold a valid HCP, if you do he/she must complete the suspension/revocation notice and sent it to the state along with the case number of the criminal complaint filed against you.

    The state automatically suspends your permit without comment. This suspension is held until either a conviction or acquittal in a court of law.

    Now the funny part...

    If you are convicted, the court notifies the state and your permit is permanently revoked, but...

    If you are acquitted the court sends absolutely nothing to the state regarding the status of your HCP. You or your attorney must wade into the bureaucratic sea of state lunacy to get your permit reinstated.

    And this is not just a HCP thing either, the same process holds for a court and a suspended DL in this state... its a freaking joke.

  7. I read this on another site and what doesnt make any sense is that interpol is not a physical department there are no officers that work for interpol its only a computer database system for international criminal tracking. Thats why this sounds like BS to me.

    Its a real EO, the full thing is on the WH website and was posted on Free Republic.

    INTERPOL is real, its a cooperative effort made up of selected officers from Local, State and National Police Forces from around the globe. It started out as a clearing house for information and investigative material way back when but has morphed into a physical agency made up of real people with real powers of arrest.

  8. I've responded to many citizen shootings in my career and the vast, vast majority were justified and in non of those instances was the shooter ever arrested. All were questioned and all were read their miranda warning as required by law and I think only one actually requested a lawyer. Most were happy the encounter was over and they survived, they were confident the shooting was justified and that confidence showed in their statements and demeanor when we talked to them.

    Plus as an experienced officer and investigator it usually took only a few moments to begin to see elements in the scene which pointed to justification. I always did a good thorough walk through of the scene prior to even greeting the victim, much less asking any questions. Just the body of the suspect alone can tell you most of what you need to know.

    Most of the unjustified ones tended to involve store owners/employees, for some reason. I think it was adrenaline or something involving the combat sense of fight or flight where robbers would flee the store and the armed clerk would give chase and end up shooting the robber in the back well outside the store.

    Even in those cases it was hard to do what the law required, because you completely understood the emotional level and psychological trauma the victim had just endured surviving an encounter with an armed felon.

    Sometimes the Juries did what we couldn't do, but not always... depended on just how warped the prosecutors were.

  9. Anyone remember, back during the Klintoon Admin, just before the AWB when the Brady Bunch got caught running some "stats" from an "FBI UCR" (Uniform Crime Report) that showed some ridiculously stupid spike in gun crimes.

    It turned out the UCR was actually a fake UCR, it had been created to show off a new UCR format and was posted to an FBI news server so other admin types could look it over.

    I don't think they ever actually retracted their story either.

    I remember Rush talking about it.

  10. I actually wonder if, we could gain from showing how gun control and those who support it, support past injustices against blacks?

    That gun control was initially pasted for that very reason. It sure would put the Dems into a pickle once the case was successfully made.

    Honestly I can't see how it would hurt because to further any gun control agenda would put them on the wrong side of the vast majority of their voters. It would make for compelling arguments in courts across the land, especially in front of known liberal activists judges.

    And it would seem the logical way for the Dems to proceed would be to support repealing gun control to help further the rights of blacks all across the country.

  11. Politically speaking, not a chance... in fact Harry Reid the Democrat from Nevada is one record as saying the AWB Reauthorization won't come to the floor as long as he's Majority Leader, that should tell ya something right there.

    Dems shot their political capital wad on healthcare, which will be a fight to the death, might even go into next year.

    Next up is some type of jobs bill aka another stimulus bill, not a popular subject, will be met with much fury. Economy is still on life support and such areas as commercial real-estate could fall causing more harm to an already beaten down banking system.

    Next is an election year, campaigning will kick off around Spring and from that point on no one is going within 1,000 miles of anything even remotely close to controversial.

    Mid Terms will be a blood bath for the Dems, projections call for losses in both houses of Congress and the slight possibility that we could win control of the House. If so then you can rest assure that nothing with Obama or Pelosi's fingerprints on it will pass.

    Gun and ammo sales are through the roof, Chicago is facing a smack down in the USSC this year by the same gang that gave us Heller.

    It would take a massive shift politically and socially in this country before the winds shift enough to let another ban pass.

  12. After reading this anyone who can still say Tennessee is "gun friendly" needs their head examined.

    I've said it before this state is merely "gun tolerant" a course of action the liberals here maintain until they have sufficiently polluted every level of government in this state at which time they will move to further restrictions in this state.

    Heck all one has to do is look at who is being elected in this state to show that a tend exists, where liberals from liberal states are slowly infecting this state and thru voting are changing the face of the state itself.

    Good grief! We have a Governor who was born in New Jersey, raised, educated and ran for office in Massachusetts...


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