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Posts posted by towerclimber37

  1. Note to self: Glocks work underwater at close ranges. :(

    Pretty interesting.

    Now having seen that the Sig and revolver didn't work, wonder why the LLamma did?? Could it be the strength of the hammer springs at play here?? I'd figure the revolver out of all of them would have worked with no issues........

    Note to Kwe45919: You'd do better to use a JBL speargun with a .38 powerhead on the end of it..that way you can sit 30 feet away and REALLY do some damage and laugh at the jackass who is trying to shoot you with a handgun, underwater. :)

    The right tool for the right job gentlemen..otherwise you're gonna get your @$$ handed to you.

  2. I had the opposite problem...my fridge was causing frost to form in my soft drinks!!

    had to turn it down to it's lowest setting...:(

    Hey mike, check your drain line/condenser drain (what they said...I have no idea but it sounded smart... :))

    Hope you get it fixed!!

  3. I have always agreed with Israel's responses, and wished WE were more like them. Just baffles me the way the bush admin handled 911. Why did they say that Islam is peaceful, and we were dealing with extremists. Based on what you're showing, we're dealing with their friggin' deacons.

    Bush said what he said in order to NOT have to fight and take over a country in order to get the folks who did 9/11

    Otherwise we'd have to fight all of Afghanistan..remember how that worked out for the Russians?

    He knew we could take Iran (which was hosting 2 al queda training camps, on the border of Syria and had a traveling chemical weapons plant..)

    His mistake was saying that they had nuclear weapons of mass destruction.

    Instead he should have pointed out the numerous violations of the UN ceasefire accord as well as the ongoing slaughter of Kurds..and those 2 training camps, as justification for the capture of Hussein.

  4. There is an old Bedouin proverb that sums up the mindset of many Muslims.

    An old man, the wise man of his tribe, used to keep turkeys because they were said to bestow virility on their owners.

    One day, the wise man awoke to find his turkeys had been stolen. This was a very terrible thing and the wise old man ran to his son, the tribe's chief and said "son, something terrible has happened..someone stole my turkeys!! we MUST FIND THEM IMMEDIATELY!"

    The chief, thinking his father just wanted his turkeys back because his virility was missing, laughed it off and ignored the old man.

    2 nights later, a camel was stolen.

    this alarmed the chief so he asked his father, the wise man, "what should we do??"

    the old man said "first, find my turkeys"

    the chief didn't understand, and did nothing.

    a week later, a young girl from the tribe turned up missing. this alarmed and inflamed the entire tribe. The chief, now fearing for not only the missing girl but for his position, asked his father "what should I do"???

    the old man said "first, find my turkeys"

    If they perceive weakness, they will take advantage. This is the moral of this parable. This is also why Israelis use disproportionate responses..this puts the message across in no uncertain terms.


    why? because this is language that they understand.

    anything else? they will not believe.

    If you don't believe this, look up how many Israeli's have been kidnapped since Galil Shalit.

    Israel doesn't posture. they can't afford to. When muslims attack the Jews, the question isn't "will they attack us back"...the question that muslims have to ask themselves now is "how many will they kill and will it be worth it".

    They know that they can get away with harassment...so they fire mortars and rockets from inside Gaza. in 5 years they fired over 10,000 rockets into Israel from lebanon and Gaza.

    ONE operation ...Operation "cast/lead" put a stop to that. In order to fight against this operation, muslims hid weapons in mosques and fired from behind women and children, in order to cry "they're killing civilians!!"

    One of the reasons that they still kill in Iraq? when Marines kicked the crap out of the Maadi Militia, and over ran their positions, putting the militia behind enemy lines, they called a cease fire and asked to reform their lines...knowing that this would ensure their survival.

    the marines allowed this..and in return? the militias hounded them from mosques, shooting and sniping, killing many marines.

    the marine officers were IDIOTS to allow them any mercy..for the muslims will give none when they have that chance...it's perceived as a weakness, you see.

  5. So... what's wrong with giving Israel a few pickup load of weapons grade plutonium? Sounds like everything is OK until they outnumber us. ;)

    Muslims outnumber Israel already. They are gaining a foothold here in the U.S. with the tacit approval of Obama and several organizations.

    Israel already has nuclear weapons. That they haven't used them shows their restraint.

    Everything isn't" ok until they outnumber us."

    Have you ever wondered why Arabs hate the Israelis so?

    One of the reasons is that the Israelis know the Muslim tactics...strike when they can and then say "it's all just a misunderstanding" to avert a response. They attempt to negotiate.

    That is why Lebanon got leveled when ONE Israeli soldier was kidnapped.

    Galil Shalit..an 18 year old soldier..yet to be returned.

    some say that this is a disproportionate response. I disagree. If you remember, Iran started mouthing off about how bad Israel is after they struck Lebanon and destroyed rocket sites...yada yada yada, until Israel issued the statement "any more attacks WHATSOEVER will result in the destruction of the entire supply train of rockets into Lebanon.

    Syria knew just what this meant and told Iran to stfu before they get them all killed.

    They hate Israel because Israel knows that negotiations are fruitless and will not be honored. The Muslim religion mandates this.

  6. help me figure something out. I know we have a number of translations. Here's another version of Surah 9:5 from Muslim access...

    9:5But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

    I'm surprised that they got it that close to the original.

    Keep in mind, with many translations, the translator isn't at home in English, or else he is intent on misleading the reader..because Arabic is only language that the Qur'an is supposed to be read in. (no lie!!)

    any translations OUT of Arabic are considered to be void. What they didn't figure on was that someone who wasn't Arabic would learn their language.

    Many times, if you translate something that they don't agree with, they will tell you that your Arabic is flawed and you don't comprehend it sufficiently to make the translation.

    this is horse crap. Again, taqqiya in order to hide their true intentions.

    The qur'an commands Muslims to hold their hand until they outnumber the infidels. To lie and work until they hold the numerical advantage. Once they do, THIS is the verse that they obey:

    Surah 47:35

    So do not be weak and do not call for peace when you have the upper hand and God is with you and he will not decrease your work.

  7. Don't get me wrong...I don't hate Muslims. Christ commands us to love them.

    but that doesn't mean that I have to be blind to what they're about either...neither will I lay down and be a non electrical pop up target for them.

    Then again, I'm more of a "Christian heathen"...so they've got a 50/50 chance, depending on what they DO, not what they say.

  8. In case you didn't know it, the Jews were there first. If I come to your house and say that I am establishing a new religion that will include your living room as our holiest place, will you leave? Hell no, you wouldn't.

    The Muslims showed up 4600 years (yes, four thousand six hundred years) after the Jews and decided that they would take over Judaism's holiest place (where Issac's attempted sacrifice occurred and where Salomon's Temple was built which housed the Ark of the Covenant) and establish it as their 3rd holiest place (sounds rather fishy to me considering the Muslims' hatred for the Jews, which is condoned repeatedly in the Koran).

    I suggest to you that you get a copy of the Koran and actually read it (too many people go by what they hear on the news and other sources). You'll find that the entire religion is actually based on hatred for the Jews, whom Muhammad claims had stolen the birthright of Ishmael. Educating oneself will go a long way to understanding the problem that exists and how irreconcilable it is.

    As far as I know, there are actually TWO Foundations of buildings built by Jews, underneath the Dome of the rock.

    I have read the Qua'ran. All 114 surahs.

    Once you get to Surah 9:5 you will find that it negates all of the calls for peace, by Mohammad, that come before it.

    Here is the verse:

    surah 9:5 when the forbidden months are passed, GO AND FIND THE IDOLATERS AND KILL THEM WHERE EVER YOU FIND THEM. and take them (as captives) and besiege them, and lay in wait for them with every kind of ambush. SO if they REPENT and say the prayer and perform zakat (mandatory charity) go and leave their way free.

    There are many verses after this which call for the deaths of unbelievers, but Surah 9:5 is important. It renders all of the other verses, that call for peace, nugatory. Over 125 verses that are before this ONE verse are now useless. They apply only to Persons of like faith...or Muslims.

    For instance: Surah 47:4

    So when you meet the infidels, CHOP OFF their heads until you have made a great slaughter among them.

    Or One of my favorites (not!!) :

    Qur'an 8:12: "Your Lord inspired the angels with the message: 'I will terrorize the unbelievers. Therefore smite them on their necks and every joint and incapacitate them. Strike off their heads and cut off each of their fingers and toes.

    Lest you believe that they will respect you as a Christian, allow me to outline what their definition of an unbeliever or "infidel" is:

    sura 5:72 Infidels are those who said, "surely God is the Christ, son of Mary" And the christ said "oh children of Israel, serve God, my lord and your lord" Surely whoever associates other Gods with Allah, so indeed Allah forbids him from entering the garden and his abode will be fire, and the unjust will have no helpers.

    Surah 5:73

    Infidels indeed are those who said "surely God is the third of three" and there is no God except one God and if they do not refrain from what they are saying, surely a painful torment will touch those who have become infidels among them.


    For those of you who suggest that we "learn to peacefully coexist"...please understand. there IS no such thing with a Muslim..this is considered Apostasy by their own holy writings.

    If they say that there is...then they are practicing "taqqiya". This is a a word that, best translated into English : "Lying to promote the faith".

    it's supported by the Quran with this Surah:

    Surah 2:225

    Allah will not hold you responsible for your UNINTENTIONAL oath, but he will hold you responsible for that which your hearts have earned. and Allah is forgiving and forbearing.

    This is also a basis, with a couple of other verses, for their sanction of death for apostates, or those who leave Islam.

    You folks who say "well, they deserve THEIR views too" (MikeGideon)

    You'd better dang well understand exactly what "their views" are, before you support that kind of mindset..because they do NOT.

    I myself am ambivalent to their cries that "we're a peaceful religion".

    When they tell you that, just say "surah 9:5"

    They will know what you're talking about and they will know that YOU understand.

  9. Seriously I am not sure how much heat is applied to the internal parts or the cylinder pin when the pistol is fired.

    Mostly my lubing concern is the internal parts and what I put over the balls.

    I like my balls well lubed myself!:P

    I swear..one of the best things about this thread is the opportunities for innuendo.

    As for the pistol itself...Mine works fine for me. it's not rusted, it's not gummed up and it hasn't given me any problems on the firing line.

    Is there more for me to learn about Black powder firearms? heck yah!! since my way of lubrication hasn't given me any troubles what so ever, then this is more of a "more info that's not absolutely critical" thread for me.

    as for gunking up my pistol's internal parts? that's what they make dishwashers for...I take off the grips and break the pistol down, then put it in the upper rack of the dishwasher and when the cycle is done, a little oil, and relube the cylinder pin and I'm good.

  10. LOL...I'll have you guys down to my house one weekend and I'll fire up the smoker...or...when and if i get my new one..I'll drag it over to Marks and we'll have a big BBQ party. Just bring the meat!:usa:

    I'm down with that! :P

    heck, let us know when you and Lisa want to bbq one weekend...I'm willing to bet that we could bring the meat and we could probably manage to drag sue and mark with us!

  11. I wish I could have stayed for the food, but I had to catch my own going away party.

    I had a great time. It was fun seeing everyone again! And meeting new people as well.

    Stay safe as you can manage, Cody. Keep in mind, the idea is to be able to come home to enjoy that which you've defended.


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