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Posts posted by Mykltn

  1. As does blowing the name of the movie in rebuttal. :) :)
    However, I agree with your other points. And I'll buy from from CTD again when they have something I want at the price I'm willing to pay. 'Cause I'm a whore, and my bucks are largely apolitical if not outright amoral.
    - OS

    I'm blaming it on androids crappy spell checker.
  2. I thank you for your apology. I have a different view though. In my mind "rape" is an act of force. No one at CTD forced buyers to purchase ammo from them. As far as brown bear ammo is concerned, it goes bang when the triggers pulled and that's what's important when TSHTF. Lol
  3. Sounds great. Hope you enjoy the Brown Bear and that it shoots well for you. No one asked you not to advise others. You were, in fact, thanked for doing so.

    Meanwhile, CTD will still never see another dollar of MY money.

    I respect your right to express your opinions but this was not a request for opinions. It was meant to share information to those who wished to purchase ammo before it was sold out.
    • Like 1
  4. Prices are what the market will bear. Regardless of CTD's price hike, taking firearms off sale or asking $99 dollars for a PMag, I am not going to pass up the opportunity to pick up much needed ammo nor advise others looking for a source to replenish their stock. If you don't like CTD, post it on one of the many "I'll never buy from CTD again" threads that I'm are available or start your own new one. Please be respectful to the original post and not facilitate the hijacking of an information post. Thanks.
  5. I've shot both the Sig and my brothers XD in .45 cap. In my opinion the XD was the better gun. His is a 5" barrel so wouldn't be my first choice for an EDC. Just my 2p-
  6. Well I bought them because I needed them and I'm not sure I'll be able to get them before the Obama Nazis outlaw the sale of them. Plus they were cheaper than the vendors were selling ak mags for at the Franklin gun show last weekend. Those bastards wanted $40 and up for ak mags.
  7. To the people who keep saying there is no need to own a so called "assault rifle." Last time I checked it was the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs. As far as the AR15 being a "military style weapon." The modern lever action rifle of the old west was first developed for military use in the civil war. The first bolt action rifles were used by the Prussian army in 1841. The first semiautomatic rifle (the Mondragón) was also a military rifle designed for the Mexican army. Just about every modern rifle has its roots as a military weapon first before being adapted for the civilian market. The AR15 is just the latest. But I guess history and education doesn't sell as well as fear. Just my 2 cents.
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