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Posts posted by D3vo

  1. Help narrow down the field of self defense handguns for my father to re-consider.

    He is in his 70s and has arthritis in the knuckle

    joint of his trigger finger. He has a Taurus PT 709 slim, but it doesn't seem to be working for him for the reason stated above.

    I spent some time with him and the following seemed to be reasons the PT 709 was not good.

    #1. The PT 709 trigger break is almost if not almost completely to the back of the trigger gaurd

    #2. The PT 709 slim has a narrow grip that his hand envelopes which 'seemed' to exacerbate how far back the trigger break was.

    In closing he can make about a 90 too 110 degree angle with his arthritic knuckle. A trigger that breaks farther forward might be helpful. A lighter trigger as well.

  2. I am looking for a slim 9MM for my next toy........PF9 has really gotten some

    bad reviews and had a horrid reputation for not working ,jamming and just plain

    wearing out.......then you get that one guy who says his has 2500 rounds though it and it

    works great.......go figure....

    I have my eye on the Beretta Nano

  3. This is not my gun, rather a web photo to illustrate my opinion. I was looking at the PF9, but the deal breaker was how little room there is to insert the finger inside the trigger guard. I knew I couldn't do it in a high stress self defense encounter.



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