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Posts posted by sigmtnman

  1. Dress nice, go to your court date and ask for them to reduce the charges to a non moving violation. If they say no, ask for school. They really only want the fine and court costs. When you attend court, you will see just how many people need you to speed so they can feed their families.

  2. Well, that's a separate and unrelated argument as far as I'm concerned.

    As a former bar/restaurant investor/owner, allowing guns alongside alcohol in establishments located in a state where a large portion of the residents think it's just fine to spend thousands on lift-kits and wheels for trucks they'll never take off-road in leu of things like higher education, or where seeing 20k+ bass boats parked right next to doublewides in leu of moving their families to better homes is common-place, I'd tend to lien towards Randy's conclusion too I guess... seeing as so many of the firearms owners who are so into the debate spend far more on their toy collection than on actual practice-ammo , I'm kind of fine with it actually, hate to get hit by a stray bullet while sipping on a cold Stella after a couple good ol' boys get into it after arguing over whether Hank Jr. is better than Jerry Reed or not...

    Having a good time and enjoying some good food isn't dependent on whether I'm heeled or not to me. To each his own...




  3. I wanted to buy a couple replacement recoil springs, but was unable to find any on the innertubes.

    I called S&W, asked for 2 and they sent them free of charge. The new springs were at my door in 4 days.

    Thanks S&W for great customer support.

  4. No problem Mac. Let me know when you are head to gee creek with your new one and I will see if I can join you. Based on your post on the other board, you made a fine selection. I am eager to check it out.


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