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Posts posted by jb980

  1. I traded for one of these a few months ago. The price was right and the guy gave me a 50 round box of hollow points. After a little research I've started reloading for it. Shoots great with the reloads (2.25" groups at 25 yards off of bags). I can't bring myself to shoot the factory stuff. I use 38 S&W cases cut down to correct length and loaded using 9mm luger data.
  2. Crossroads(Randys) in Knoxville usually has a decent supply.

    Where is this? I'm always looking for a place to find components locally. Seems very few stores stock supplies, and the ones that do are very expensive, so what I've been doing is waiting for a gun show and buying from David or ordering from wideners in Johnson city and picking up the order on Tuesday or Thursday. That's a about a 3 1/2 hour round trip and due to my work schedule it's a pain because you can only pick up orders between 3 and 5 pm.
    On the up side though, I usually stop at Pal's to eat on the way back.
    I just can't seem to bring myself to pay bass pro $50 a 1000 for primers yet, but I have bought a pound or two of powder there before when a trip to wideners or the gun show was out of the question.

  3. Not sure why we are disagreeing over something that has been proven to work. Start googling, see how many school shooters have been stopped by ordinary people - principles, teachers, other (college) students. Compare results to incidents where no one was allowed to carry, except for possibly 'resource officers'. Do the math.

    The answer is staring everyone right in the face, and only the willfully blind will not see. "Gun-Free Zones" are killing fields. It doesn't take a specialist, it doesn't require law enforcement, you don't have to be a world-class IPSC competitor. It requires two things - the right tool and a will to live.

    Keep in mind that every requirement or restriction beyond those two basics is a sop to someones' fear, and an impediment to survival.

    This is exactly it. Why require anyone to get more training before they can defend themselves. A hcp should suffice.
  4. I got my oldest daughter her 1st gun for Christmas this year. She started asking for a gun of her own over the summer when I let her(with my help and careful instruction) shoot for the first time. It's not pink, but she wasn't asking for pink. She wanted bright yellow and that's exactly what she got.

    I thought she was a little young for a 22 but I came across one from a friend for about $10 more than I was going to pay for a bb gun and got it for her anyway. She has blasted several balloons so far with 22lr shot shells and has told everybody about it. She was even nice enough to let her little sister give it a try today. (Her sister is 3)

    She is only 5 but has been watching me clean, handle, carry, and shoot guns since she was old enough to see, and I have taken the time to patiently answer and show her anything about guns that she has ever asked. I even take her and her little sister squirrel hunting and and let them help me sort and deprime cases, but I'm always careful not to over do it. I let them decide when they are ready to quit and do something else.

    Guns are not taboo in my house, but are respected and enjoyed by my family, including my wife who enjoys shooting and hunting with her friends and me.

    I hope eventually they will be as into guns, hunting, and shooting as I am.
    • Like 2
  5. It seems that every time someone starts to talk about restricting gun sales, someone else says to raise the taxes on the sale of guns so no one can afford to buy one, and still someone else says just raise the taxes on ammunition so no one can afford to shoot, but let them buy all the guns they want.
    I have heard several times over the last couple of weeks that the gun control crowd is wanting to impose a per round tax on ammunition. That and the fear that common ammunition (9mm,7.62x39,5.56,.223,.308,etc) could be made illegal is why there is so much hoarding of ammunition.
    I don't personally believe that this will happen but ammo restrictions are on their agenda too.
  6. The idea is to allow all the teachers to exercise their right to protect themselves, and in doing so eliminate that one big gun free zone that all these "misunderstood" statement makers all flock too. I think that arming at, tax payer expense, a few "chosen protectors" is only slightly better than it is now and isn't really dealing with the root cause behind schools being made targets for these "mistreated" people.

    By allowing the teachers to protect themselves they would in turn be protecting the students because the students and teachers would no longer be completely unarmed, and the man planning the attack would more than likely choose a softer target where he could inflict maximum damage before being stopped.

    And if, god forbid, they(the armed teachers) accidentally harm one of the students while trying to stop the maniac from shooting ALL of the students, I believe I can live with that, because until someone puts a bullet into those sickos, they will continue to harm innocent people.
    • Like 1
  7. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="JayC" data-cid="863345" data-time="1355927849"><p>
    TN should pass a law prohibiting unmarked cars from doing traffic enforcement... It's too big of a safety risk for the public to be pulled over by unmarked cars....<br />

    <br />
    And the reality is that marked cars doing traffic enforcement have a better effect on road safety than unmarked cars.<br />
    <br />
    The only reason cities want to use unmarked cars is for revenue, NOT road safety, it's time we place the safety of our wives and daughters above revenue in this state.</p></blockquote>
    I completely agree. Unmarked cars or even slick top cruisers should not be used for traffic stops. I have also told my wife not to stop for them at night without finding a well lit, populated spot to do so.just turn on hazard lights and slow down. If close to a PD go there to stop. She may make a patrolman upset and will probably get a ticket but she won't be dragged from the car kicking and screaming by some thug wanting to get his rocks off.
  8. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="DaveTN" data-cid="861338" data-time="1355686034"><p>
    It’s a freedom Americans enjoy; one I served in the military to protect. No one is twisting anyone’s arm and making them join a union. If the majority of workers in a company don’t want a union; it’s gone…. that simple.<br />
    <br />

    If you have to join a union to work a certain job or at a certain company, that sounds like they are twisting your arm.

    The majority of union workers that don't want the union dissolved either don't care that their high salaries are increasing the cost of production to a level where it would be more cost effective to move the company to another area, or country where there are no unions to contend with, so that whatever the product they are making can be affordable enough for the consumer to purchase, or feel that they have "put in their time" and can now skate by, doing the absolute minimum amount of work required to continue to receive there benefits and salaries. Why would the consumer pay exorbitant prices for comparable goods?

    I see absolutely no reason for government workers to be unionized. If there are budget cuts that would require good but over paid employees to be laid off or fired, so that the services can still be rendered, then the unions are only protecting the workers who will eventually be the reason behind the loss of that service or an increase in taxes to cover for the budget deficit.

    All that I can see that unions are accomplishing anymore is higher taxes, higher cost of living, and a decrease in consumer spending on domestic products that have comparable quality, less expensive, foreign made, competition.
  9. I would prefer to see the teachers have the option to carry, and would like them to be able to do so openly. I like that we have SRO's at all the schools in my county, but also realize that they can't be everywhere at once while they are there. The teachers are almost always at least within eyesight of all the students while school is in session. The SRO's are trained in how to respond to active shooter situations but may still be minutes away from the actual event due to the size of the school, other duties (traffic control, fights, belligerent parents, etc.), or occupied at the time the incident begins (restroom). I think that the SRO's should take control of the situation as soon as possible but the teachers should be allowed to protect themselves and the kids until help arrives.
  10. I totally agree. Gun free zones are just breeding grounds for mass murders. I would like to see my daughter's teachers be able to legally go armed while at school. It would make me feel better knowing that if something like this happened at her school someone might be in the possession to stop it before a lot of kids got hurt. Not to mention it would almost certainly prevent it in the first place.
  11. That will get you started but, you will definitely want more space when you move up to reloading for rifles. And be prepared, if you get hooked you will never have enough tools, bench space, or shelves for storing your stuff. I built a 12'x14' foot work shop with 1 3'x6' bench for reloading and another bigger one for everything else. The small bench is only going to cut it for a little while longer. Also thinking about building a bench devoted completely to casting. It's addictive.
  12. You might need a hand priming tool too. I'm not sure if those loaders have any way to seat primers or not. You might want to consider buying a manual as well. They have alot more info in them than just load recipes. If you buy the manual first it can help you decide which tools are needed and which are just wanted.


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