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Posts posted by greenego

  1. Impeach Obama and Biden is President............this is why they wont impeach Obama. 


    At this point I would take Biden over Obama. Biden is an idiot. Obama is out to change the country to a socialist's dream. As far as Holder, he will leave when he wants to or Obama wants him to. If the house impeaches him, they are racist and gives the Dems. something else to bitch about. Unless the Republicans take the Senate, it goes no where.   

    • Like 2
  2. I have had my card ripped off a couple of times. I have no idea how they got my number. Never has a cash transaction. Each time the credit card security folks would call my home number and report unusual charges, From what they told me they form a profil of the card card holder. if anything gets too far away from that profil they contact the card holder. I never had to pay for any of the charge. 

  3. A long time model for the left, Obamacare could take us there. Healthcare in Cuba Medical staff

    According to the World Health Organization, Cuba provides a doctor for every 170 residents,[53] and has the second highest doctor-to-patient ratio in the world after Italy.[54]

    Medical professionals are not paid high salaries by international standards. In 2002 the mean monthly salary was 261 pesos, 1.5 times the national mean.[55] A doctor’s salary in the late 1990s was equivalent to about US$15–20 per month in purchasing power. Therefore, some prefer to work in different occupations, for example in the lucrative tourist industry where earnings can be much higher.[17]

    The San Francisco Chronicle, the Washington Post, and National Public Radio have all reported on Cuban doctors defecting to other countries.[

  4. Another missed opportunity by Mr. Obama.

    It may be little more than a blip on Washington’s radar screen, but President Obama’s decision to be a no-show at an upcoming ceremony to mark the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address has touched off a firestorm in Pennsylvania.

  5. I heard Microsoft pulled back 8.1 almost as soon as they released it. Don't recall what the problem was. They were trying to restore some of the look and feel of Windows 7 I believe. I just purchased new, off lease, computers with Windows 7 replacing XP machines. Microsoft will stop supporting XP in April of 2014. I am staying away from Windows 8.

  6. :cry:                 :cry:                     :cry:                     :cry:



                          :cry:                 :cry:                  :cry:


                                   :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:



    Defence Lineup for losing team :stir:

    • Like 6
  7. New Jersey just reconize same sex marriage due to a court case. Gov. Christie dropped his challage to the NJ Supreme Court. I believe it will go this way in most states that still oppose same sex marriage until all states reconize it. More of a legel matter than religious. If a church don't want to perform same sex marriages or reconize them, it's the church's right to do so.

  8. Mitch is a member of the political elite. This is a class of citizens that is above the rest of us. No matter what party they call themselves, in the end they will always stick together. They vote themselves perks like unconstitutional dead benefits, $175,000 to  Lautenberg, widow, he was only worth $57 million, and exempt themselves from laws they enact to keep the rest of us in line. Not all in Washington are members of this club as we saw last couple of weeks. You can bet your last $ than they will be targets of the elite's groups to be defended in the coming elections. They can't have these rebel rousers spoil their club. 

    • Like 1
  9. Well, can only say with the economy still so bad, a big portion of it is now underground.


    It used to be that most of the underground economy dealt in something illegal, now most of it is just people plying honest trades who couldn't get a steady decent job. But that doesn't mean very many are paying accurate (or any) income tax


    - OS

    This is very correct. Cash is the game. Can't tell you how many times a year someone will come into the office with a letter from IRS for not filing a 1099 misc on their return. When I point it out to them, they always say the guy told them he wasn't going to turn the money they were paid in. As governments want more and more they will look for more ways to collect taxes. End the so called loop holes or tax avoidance methods.

  10. Now you went and done it. You have violated human rights by not paying your unfair share. :-\  i guess UN will take over our tax system now.

    The report, Tax Abuses, Poverty and Human Rights, asserts that tax practices contrary to the letter or spirit of international and domestic tax laws and policies have a significant negative impact on the realization of human rights in developing countries. Profits flowing out of developing countries can thus deprive governments of the resources that they need to alleviate poverty and uphold international human rights standards."

  11. As with anything, if there is a demand someone will fill it. I am guessing as other calibers became hard to come by, a lot of shooter turned to 22. I have read than supplies were starting to come back so hopefully this will all equal out.


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