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gun sane

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Posts posted by gun sane

  1. Call me naive, but I can't imagine that a case would be decided by what kind of ammo a person used irregardless of other facts. "Well, sure the decedent was sticking up the convenience store and pointed his gun at the defendant, who drew his permitted pistol, ordered the decedent to drop his gun and dodged three bullets himself before firing in self defense. But he handloaded his own ammunition, thus ensuring that the decedent would be deader than factory made rounds."

  2. I need to meet up with some of you guys at these shows.

    As a newbie to the board, I'd like to know who the TGO members are who have a table at these shows. Why not put a small sign on the table to ID yourself or let us know where you'll be. Even if I'm broke I can still stop and say hello.

  3. Anyone who thinks that if Paul is elected the country will magically transform overnight into Libertarian heaven needs to get off the stuff they think should be legalized. The president can do damn little without the support of Congress, the Supreme Court and, as we've seen in the last three years, the fawning press. Paul will get a majority of none of these. His presidency will be little more than a continual rant over how hard Washington is fighting against his ideals. Contrary to what we're brainwashed to believe, the executive office doesn't run the entire country. If you really want to make a difference, fight your battles in your own city, county and state. . There's a lot to do right here at home to regain our freedoms.

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  4. When I was a kid in Oklahoma, I used to take care of red ants and have fun at the same time. When firecrackers were in short supply, I got an old hand-pumped gasoline torch, stirred up the hill and fried them as they scurried about. Good thing I grew out of it, huh?

  5. It's not the LCP's recoil that's been bothering my wife lately, but her accuracy. She tends to go all over the place when she's aiming for that bull about 10 yards away. I keep telling her that an attacker will probably be much closer than that, plus these mouseguns are not built for comfort but for quick dirty work. Next time we're at the range I'm going to splurge for a full-sized BG picture target, then maybe she'll see that all of her hits have actually been center mass. She's a nurse I'm sure she'll "get the picture."

  6. Years ago in Houston I had a close friend who hosted a local TV talk show and met a lot of show biz folk by hanging with him. Without a doubt, the two most likeable, down-to-earth celebrities I ever had the pleasure of talking to was Dub Taylor and his son, Buck. Dub was a character actor better known for his role as Cannonball on old Western movies and Buck played Newly on Gunsmoke. I picked them up at the airport to take them to the studio for an interview. By the time we got to there it was like we were old friends.

  7. My Bersa Thunder .380 is very similar to the Walther. It fits in my hands very comfortably and has yet to bite me. IMHO it's not a copy, but an improvement in design.

  8. I've sweatted through the GOP primary this far thinking that Romney's gotta be stopped. Now I see it's most important that Prez Zero be stopped. If Romney makes it to the oval office, folks like us better be doing two things: (1) holding his feet to the fire and (2) bust our butts building a national Conservative Party to put our own candidate up in four years. I'm getting more than a little weary of these two-party beauty contests. Perhaps a third choice will create a checks and balance system, like the government is supposed to be.

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  9. I went to the auction in Lenoir City last month. They had a 12% buyer's premium but reduced it to 10% if you paid cash. I was the final bidder on a Ruger New Model Blackhawk which had only about 65% of the blueing left but looked to be in sound condition. I still had to pay 9% sales tax, a $10 background check and a $10 transfer fee, but still got a good deal--about $200 less than normal used value. After I got it home and cleaned up, I was happy with the deal.

    Then I noticed something peculiar. Even though it was a New Model Blackhawk, there was no lawyer talk on the barrel--you know, the warning to read the manual before you do what the gun's made for. I researched the serial number on the Ruger website and the revolver was off the chart. It had a number lower than the oldest New Model range. I soon learned that my revolver was a transitional piece that Ruger produced. They took an Old Model barrel and stuck it on a New Model cylinder frame. This would appeal to collectors, but whatever premium they would pay might be erased by its worn condition. Whatever...it was a nice find and a good shooter. So, it's buyer beware at those auctions--know before you go.

  10. We've worn out the pithy lines, such as, "When seconds count, the police are minutes away", or "I carry a pistol because a cop's too heavy." But I carry for two reasons: (1) Because I can; and (2) because both my father and father-in-law fought a hard war in the 40s and lost a lot of friends. If my wife and I ever came to harm because we were too stupid to defend ourselves with the rights we have, I could never forgive myself for dishonoring their sacrifices. My user name is simply my opinion that arming yourself in these perilous times is the most rational thing you can do.

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