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I am in total Shock and highly upset and still dont believe it!

Guest slim

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Guest mark_justmark

"In America, they came first for the Cigarettes, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a smoker of Cigarettes;

And then they came for the Alcohol, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a drinker of Alcohol;

And then they came for the Guns, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t an owner of Guns;

And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up for my idiot liberal ass."


Edited by mark_justmark
public school education
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Guest Galba

Roll your own, boys. A pouch costs less than a pack of manufactured cigs, and I can get 40 cigarettes out of a pouch easy. Handrolls taste better too.

I reload my own ammunition, as well. Same benefits apply there, too.

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Guest Galba

And to everyone that is so concerned about the health and well-being of smokers (David): I seriously doubt that anyone on this board is unaware of the health risks associated with smoking, and I don't think anyone needs you to enlighten them about those risks. We're all adults here, and can make our own choices.

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And to everyone that is so concerned about the health and well-being of smokers (David): I seriously doubt that anyone on this board is unaware of the health risks associated with smoking, and I don't think anyone needs you to enlighten them about those risks. We're all adults here, and can make our own choices.

I quit 20 somethin' years ago. I don't want to sit next to a smoker while I'm eating, or ride the bus sitting next to you. My choice. But I can't tell you how many cars I've seen that you can't hardly see in the windows for the nicotine coating, but there's a kid or two in carseats sucking that crap in. Should be child abuse. They're not adults and have'nt made that choice.

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Guest Galba


I confess, I have not read this thread in it's entirety, but I don't think anyone has taken a position on smoking in cars with children.

I was merely pointing out that it's rather tiresome to hear 'holier than thou' types constantly spouting off about how bad cigarettes are for you as if there were anyone left in the country that hasn't heard already. There is a warning on every pack, you know...

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I confess, I have not read this thread in it's entirety, but I don't think anyone has taken a position on smoking in cars with children.

I was merely pointing out that it's rather tiresome to hear 'holier than thou' types constantly spouting off about how bad cigarettes are for you as if there were anyone left in the country that hasn't heard already. There is a warning on every pack, you know...

I didn't bring up the point of taxes because it's all been said and I've been there. In Washington state almost half the cost of a bottle of Jim Beam is tax and the reasoning is the same as cigs. "We want the tax to help pay the cost of DUI injuries and illnesses. BS!!!!

As far as this thread......

It has been brought up about health, insurance issues and who has quit.

The relevence is that a lot of smokers are inconciderate as to when and where they smoke, and chewers are inconciderate as to where they spit and discard their chaw. And I'll admit, that I was probably one of the former when I smoked. My only point is smoking has been proven to be unhealthy and I think it's very wrong to smoke in a vehicle with your kids couped up in there.( A 3 year old can't read that warning.)

And sometimes I ignore my dad, see sig below.

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:screwy:Well, had to get another $40. carton of Dorals last night and again was told that in April the price will go up another $6.20 a carton since the fed. tax will start. Stock up while you can!:)

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Guest siegfried

Just 1 3/4 yrs ago tn. raised its tax by $6. a carton, now the cig. companies raise their price by $10. a carton and next month the feds by $6.20 a carton, about 50% increase in less than 2 yrs.

Ammo and gas taxes are next.

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