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Glock 19 vs Glock 19c

Guest Baddawg865

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Guest Baddawg865

Not sure if this has been asked before, but which is the better gun? I have been looking at getting the g19, and came across the 19c version. I have read up on it 19c, but still hadn't figured out to which is better. I understand that the 19c is more for competition, but if it shoots faster, wouldn't it be a better carry?

Or should i just wait on the gen 4 g19, and get the whole new assembly?

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I've never shot a C model, so take all this with some salt, but from what I've gathered, everyone's biggest complaint with the "C" models is that at night the vents pretty much turn into flame throwers(there are pictures of this on google) which destroys your night vision. Also, if you're having to shoot from a non traditional position, I'd like to know that all of the harmful things that are coming out of my gun (bullets, gases, flame) are pointed toward the assailant. Besides, since the 19 isn't bad on recoil anyway, the point of the C models for them is kinda lost on me. Just my two cents. Have a good one.

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Ported guns have their advantages and disadvantages... two of the big disadvantages are the flash from the ports causing:

1) loss of night vision right in the center of your focus, over the sights where you need it.

2) Potential for burning gunpowder to catch your or your clothing on fire or injure you, if you are holding the pistol near you (ie, by your side for retention in a realistic self-defense posture)

Besides that, the type of porting done on Glocks and several other semi-auto pistols introduces alot more fouling into the gun between the slide and barrel, and also bleeds alot of pressure off, reducing the velocity of the bullet compared to an unported barrel.

Also, we're talking about a 9mm here... those don't have much muzzle flip anyways, so the benefit is almost nil. There might be some benefit for a subcompact .40 I suppose, but none that couldn't be replaced by some range time and learning to control the pistol through practice.

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Ported guns have their advantages and disadvantages... two of the big disadvantages are the flash from the ports causing:

1) loss of night vision right in the center of your focus, over the sights where you need it.

2) Potential for burning gunpowder to catch your or your clothing on fire or injure you, if you are holding the pistol near you (ie, by your side for retention in a realistic self-defense posture)

Besides that, the type of porting done on Glocks and several other semi-auto pistols introduces alot more fouling into the gun between the slide and barrel, and also bleeds alot of pressure off, reducing the velocity of the bullet compared to an unported barrel.

Also, we're talking about a 9mm here... those don't have much muzzle flip anyways, so the benefit is almost nil. There might be some benefit for a subcompact .40 I suppose, but none that couldn't be replaced by some range time and learning to control the pistol through practice.

First Iv got a 31c love it, round count is way up; day and night.

Im going to have to disagree with not being able to see at night from the flash. Iv fired this gun just about everyway you can and never have the ports caused me not to be able to relocated the target (day or night) any slower than any other gun that Iv shot that is not ported.

I have night sights on it and the only thing that I see a problem if there is one. It gets dirty after a lot of rounds. Have to clean the front sight off. But I hope Im never in a spot where Iv fired 200+ rounds at a bad guy at night and Iv got to tell them to stop to clean my front sight.

Also as I stated Iv shot this gun everyway and Iv never notice anymore powder coming back on me or clothing, my revolvers kick powder back more than this C model glock...

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The bottom line on a G19 and G19c the difference is very little in recoil recovery, the G19 is more versatile.

One concern, is you have to be aware of the gas ports hurting someone you don't want to in close quarters combat.

The big negative is you can't use it in USPSA or IDPA (with the exception of shooting open class USPSA) and maybe not allowed in some other shooting games either.

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My feeling on the subject is: compensation is simply not needed in a 9mm. If you want it for carry duty, then I say no C. If it is a range gun only then rock n roll.

If I were you, I'd wait and snag a 4th gen. Worried about the double spring recoil assembly? (assumign the 19 gets one) Who cares, I think the 26&27 have been doing fine with it for decades and it is a similar design to that. If any issues did arise, rest assured Glock would fix them right quick fast and in a hurry.

Edited by RoDan
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