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Anyone remember Leo's gun shop in Morristown?


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Hey everyone.....I was just wondering if any of you used to frequent Leo's Sporting Goods in Morristown? I bought quite a few guns from Leo and used to just go in there just to chat with him too. Leo is a great guy and his shop is now closed. I heard the feds closed him down for something....not sure on the details. I'd love to say hello to him if I knew where to find him. Anybody know anything?

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I did some trading with the guys at Leo's back a few years ago. Usually traded with a fellow named Jim. There used to be a guy that hung around there, maybe worked part time. Bill Schrader I think. We did alot of trading. I miss the place. Never heard what happened. I dropped by one day and it was closed. If you're looking for a nice shop, ran by some good people, try Mike's in New Tazewell. Good selection and a good place to hang and talk firearms. Be careful though, they have layaway and 90 days same as cash! Hillbilly.

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I usually dealt with either Leo or an older gent named Kelly....he was really nice too. Kelly went on to work at the other gun shop in Morristown, Smoky Mountain Outfitters....but I'm not sure if he still works there or not. The last couple times I went in there I didn't see him. I think I remember Jim.....he was an older tall skinny fellow with glasses? He was nice, but Leo gave me better deals:cool: And Bill......was he the heavier guy with the awesome black GTO? I really miss going in there.....Leo always had a new gun he would take out and show me. Now that I am older and have a 3 year old, I don't get to go shooting (or buy more guns) like I used to. I'll keep that Tazwell gun shop in mind though if I'm ever in the market for a new gun;) The guys at Smoky Mountain Outfitters are pretty cool too I have to say. I bought a new Taurus Multialloy .38 there when I had my last one stolen:mad: and they let me load it and put it on before I left the shop.

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