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Jammed AR


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A Buddy of mine purchased a new CMMG AR locally. After a few rounds of new ammo the rifle jammed closed. The seller fixed the jam and said that it was caused by too much oil in the bolt assembly. My Buddy has maintained guns all his life so I don't think that he went stupid with the oil.

So, from you guys that have run the AR, is the line really that fine between too much oil and not enough oil?

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I've had cases get stuck because of running steel then brass ammo, or in some cases just from running steel then letting the rifle cool before running steel again.

I'd get a chamber brush and some Hoppe's and clean the chamber and bore really well. Then lightly lube the bolt where necessary, but don't soak it down with oil. Try running the gun again and report on ammo. If you're running steel then that's likely your problem as some rifle handle it without issue and other's don't run it well. If it's all brass ammo make sure it's new and not reloaded. My buddies Colt didn't like my reloads while my two rifle's eat them like candy....just a tighter chamber on the Colt I guess.

Good luck!

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is it a .223 or 5.56 upper. He could have been shooting the wrong ammo. If he was shooting 5.56 in a .223 that not a great idea. the over pressure could have swelled the case and jamed it up.

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