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  1. Ahh. Just missed it
  2. I’ll take it. Pm’ing
  3. Pm sent on Tisas
  4. I messaged as well but he hasn’t messaged back. I’ll relinquish my claim on the Warcomp if you want to sell the whole lot.
  5. I’ll take it!
  6. Dang. If we were closer this would have a new home.
  7. What sort of 9mm bullets?
  8. Does this do thermal too?
  9. I’ve got a nice Savior rifle case that has some organization, but it seems like most of my range bags are just junky old back packs. Which… work… but I’d really like something that has some organization and isn’t just a big dump pouch. I had a Dillon bag that had a main compartment for big stiff and ammo, then a smaller compartment with mag organization, then a front pouch for tool organization, and a small pouch on that one for pens/markers/pasters. But alas, it ripped and has long since gone to the landfill. I normally preload mags, but usually carry some ammo too, ear and eye pro, stapler, basic tools, and admin supplies, just looking for a way to better organize my stuff. And I like a backpack
  10. Anyone know if they are still open? I shot a competition there a few years ago, but haven't had much reason to check back in. I'm looking for somewhere to shoot a little longer range than the 57 yards at Royal Range and I feel like I need to have my level 4 plates on any time I go to Cheatham WMA. I tried to look up Eagle Eye today but they don't seem to have a website and their Facebook seems to have been taken down.


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