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Herman Cain in Rogersville on the 15th


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Guest President Fernatt

About how far is Rogersville from Sevier County? I could just google map it but I'm feelin' old fashioned today so I'll ask a human.

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Well, Cain's first big hurdle is to raise enough money for an organization that can compete with Romney, but he probably really should go ahead and allocate a few extra bucks for a responsive webmaster.

- OS

It's working......now! Yep, it went down earlier.

Anybody know what his NRA rank is?

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Guest President Fernatt

If people become energized and begin donating then there will be no issue with money. His first quarter was only 2 million in donations and his next quarter already quadrupled and is expected to be well over 8 million. That's a pretty good turn around so quickly. Oh, and his campain has zero debt which is certainly a promising factor that few people think to research. Even without donations he is worth over 20 million so he can finance a good bit himself to get started.

I have only heard him answer about guns once. Since he is a conservative, he is all about States' rights and limited government. He said he thinks that gun policies should be up to the state. I respect that but I think if prodded further the answer may be better. (the answer was given in a very informal coffee shop setting with only seconds to respond...I would love to hear further details)

Regardless, I have chosen to back him. I have donated and joined Team Cain to begin campaigning soon....moral of story. If you like the man, start getting involved and make his campaign finances skyrocket. He won the Florida Straw Poll (history shows that the candidate to win the Fl straw poll always get the GOP nomination). The next big step is the Ohio straw poll; he is a real candidate with real solutions and definitely deserves your attention and or consideration.

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I do, I just never had a reason to go to Rogersville before :rolleyes:

Great place, beautiful country, historical, lotsa' small town appeal, the few people I met were really nice.

Actully Cookeville was another excellent choice for a good city. Different from Rogersville but has alot of good qualities

Edited by laktrash
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Guest President Fernatt

Well, I went and let me say you are right, Rogersville is beautiful. As in any city there were run down parts/country areas/historical places etc... but downtown was really nice.

Herman Cain rally was AMAZING! I follow politics pretty heavily so I'm not just being naive when I say this; I have never seen a more genuine and sincere individual that passionate to make a difference. He was pretty motivating and I whole heartedly believe that he will be President in '12. If you haven't given him much thought, please do your research and discover why he is such an incredible future president. If you like him, get active! Donate or Campaign if you feel inspired.

His GUN STANCE was also very confident. As I stated earlier, he is a strong supporter of states rights and thinks they should have the power to make laws and policies regarding guns. But Cain spoke FIRMLY today that he believes that the Constitution must be defended and the 2nd ammendment especially. He passionately spoke about the fact that he has guns and will NEVER give them up. He would insure we would never lose the right to protect our home, our family, or ourselves because the Constitution and the Founding Fathers clearly give us that right.

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