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Hospital stay

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Well folks, after a much anticipated start to rifle season, I was put in the hospital Thursday morning, and got home this morning. I hope ya'll did well on opening morning. I may hit the woods tomorrow afternoon, but will have to sit on the 4 wheeler or on the ground under a tree. Will just have to see how I feel. Hunting alone is not allowed for awhile.

Big Bucks and "Chicks" on the creek bank "drinking Coronas" is out of the question. Not allow to abuse my heart anymore! So little deers it is!

Edited by wd-40
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Sorry to hear you were in the hospital Dave. Hope and pray you get to feeling better. Seriously get to feeling better. Whiskey and Guntroll will come over and give you a foot rub.

Just keep your eye on Guuntroll.....:screwy:

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It's my first. I need to take better care of myself. Gun Troll and Whiskey ? Now that's a whole "different" subject! :screwy:

Im on a diet and so far ive lost 17 pounds the first month. Trying to take care of myself. I also quit smoking 8 months ago. Again take care of yourself.

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Well folks, after a much anticipated start to rifle season, I was put in the hospital Thursday morning, and got home this morning. I hope ya'll did well on opening morning. I may hit the woods tomorrow afternoon, but will have to sit on the 4 wheeler or on the ground under a tree. Will just have to see it I feel. Hunting alone is not allowed for awhile.

Big Bucks and "Chicks" on the creek bank "drinking Coronas" is out of the question. Not allow to abuse my heart anymore! So little deers it is!

Sorry to hear that. Glad you made it out, though. Don't remind me how old I am, anymore.

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Guest GunTroll

I'm not sure whats going on here. People are falling ill. I give foot rubs with midgets, I mean vertically challenged adults. Something about hairy men. I leave TN for a minute and this is what I come back too?

Stay well my friend.

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Sorry to hear it. I've lost 30lbs over the last seven months only to start having back trouble. Trying to take it easy and healing has all but killed my hunting season too. This is the first time in a looong time I wasn't in the woods opening day of ML or rifle season. Hang in there. Getting old isn't much fun!

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Thanks Whiskey. Yes I got your number, and Troll's and Adamox2's. I'll give ya'll a call in the near future, as I've been advised not to over do it with things like dragging deers, climbing trees, letting my heart race out of control while calling in big bucks, chase'n women ect ect.....plus, I need someone to open beers for me during my Titans game!

Thanks for the offer my friend!

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Well, I feel well enough to get out and hunt this morning. My son is treating me to a deer hunt. We have alot of does and some boneheads on the property that need thinning. There are plenty of "big boys" running around, but will take whatever gives me a shot. I can't be very picky any more. Will be hunting the thickets on the sides of the ridges and bottoms.

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