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Music City Tactical Shooters - 12/17/2011 IDPA Match

Guest gw2and4

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Guest gw2and4

This coming Saturday, December 17, 2011, Music City Tactical Shooters will be hosting a 5-stage IDPA match at our range in Dickson, TN.

NEXT MATCH: IDPA Match - December 17, 2011

62 rounds minimum

Click Here for stage descriptions

Registration starts at 8:30 AM. New shooters meeting 8:45 AM. Start shooting 9:00 AM.

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John have you ever shot a revolver in a match? I thought we were friends............They look pretty good. That 35yd in a chair stage is gonna be tough. Anyone takin bets on FTN's or HNT's or ever PF thats a good one.

I haven't shot one. Is that an offer?

Let me quote the rule book; "Occasional targets out to thirty-five (35) yards are to be encouraged."

You have a table to use as a rest. Those of us shooting 5 in. guns may have an advantage on that one.

I thought you wheel gun guys never missed?

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AAAAAAAH,, Truthfully I think it goes we can't afford to miss!! it doesn't mean we don't sometimes quite often. Hey On these 35yd shots does the steel have to fall or just shoot the required no. of shots?

If I can get away I'd really like to shoot this one and yes that's a offer I got 2 SSR guns and a ESR gun next time I come I'll bring a extra gun and ammo everything you'd need to shoot one. In case you didn't know "A Wheel Gun is a Real Gun" so I've heard... LOL

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WOW, With all the brain farts I had don't know how I ended where I am overall. John the stages you design was great, keep them coming..

Glen, How you gonna let me beat you with all the mess up I got. Especially when I was shooting the "Man Bullet"....

I think Hognut may ban me from stage design. Well it was fun while it lasted.

Did I mention Carla knocked the steel over with two shots?

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