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Guest nraforlife

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Guest nraforlife
Good citizens not causing a bother??? You're kidding right? Your prescribed method is to be a complete bother. You think one day of being a slow, cheap eater would even have an impact. So what? You messed up one meal service. You didn't even cause a dent in their bottom line.

BUt ADDING to the bottom line of those places we are allowed to carry would send a far greater message, in my opinion only.

It would send a very clear message if it was done time and time again. A one off event would not do anything but consistent pressure will. Its time to come up with numerous non-confrontational ideas that get the point across don't you agree.

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Guest TNDixieGirl

The only message you'd be passing on by being a cheap, rude customer is the owners/managers would say "oh, if thats how they all are, then no, don't let permit holders carry in our stores. We'd rather not have that kind anyway". Is that really the image you want to put out there?

Or would you rather them get the image of "oh, those hard-working, good mannered, high tipping permit holders are spending their money elsewhere, maybe they need to be allowed in our stores too"?

Like someone said earlier, it's the old cliche of honey vs. vinegar.

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Guest nraforlife

Don't believe I used the term rude anywhere, cheap yes but not rude. But I am open to any suggestion(s) that can get our point across to the Naifeh enablers, if it is financially painful for them to bad...

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Guest TNDixieGirl

Rude = a bunch of people going into a restaurant with the intent to waste table space for hours on end while being as cheap as possible. Yes, wasting a servers table space for hours on end is rude. And rude is exactly how the employees will view your behaviour, whether you care or not.

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Guest nraforlife

As I said, I am open to any suggestion, that is legal, that gets the attention of those who enable Naifeh. Writing letters and calling the elected whores, oops politicians, does not seem to be getting it done. Doubt if the alcohol serving business are going to miss our business as they always seem to be full.

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Guest nraforlife
I suggest working on making a Republican majority in the House.

Cute gimmicks will just make us look foolish.

I would agree on getting a majority of Republicans if it wouldn't take forever to accomplish - still a goal though. My question to this forum is 1) Who lives in a democratic district 2) Who was running or has run against the incumbent and 3) Did you get involved in the campaign?

And as far as cute gimmicks making us look foolish, well lets see the Restaurant Association supports Naife, and could put pressure on him to let a good bill come out for a vote, Naife shafts us at every opportunity in regards to less restricted carry laws and we still frequent their restaurants with no ramifications. That sounds kinda foolish to me.

I am game for anything anyone can think of that legally puts pressure on the elected officials to do the right thing. The whores we keep electing count of us to beat our gums and bitch and moan and do nothing.

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Let's see. I personally contacted the local sheriff to enlist his help in getting the bill's we want passed. He agreed to a meeting. We are just trying to get the schedule right. Forget the politicians, get everyone else on board and they will have to support it or risk loosing their big fat paychecks and pension.

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Guest HexHead

What's wrong with a boycott? Supposedly King Jimmy was influenced by letters and calls he got from restaurant owners. And since all politics are local, he probably was only influenced by his Covington constituents. What restaurant chains are in Covington?

There's 190,000+ permit holders in TN. Let's say just a fraction of those sent letters expressing their displeasure and asking for the restaurant chain to support legislation next time it comes up. Believe me, no business is going to ignore 10,000 letters. Take them one restaurant chain at a time. "gee, I'd like to eat at O'Charley's but I'll be going to Crackerbarrel instead." They'll get the message.

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Guest db99wj
What's wrong with a boycott? Supposedly King Jimmy was influenced by letters and calls he got from restaurant owners. And since all politics are local, he probably was only influenced by his Covington constituents. What restaurant chains are in Covington?

There's 190,000+ permit holders in TN. Let's say just a fraction of those sent letters expressing their displeasure and asking for the restaurant chain to support legislation next time it comes up. Believe me, no business is going to ignore 10,000 letters. Take them one restaurant chain at a time. "gee, I'd like to eat at O'Charley's but I'll be going to Crackerbarrel instead." They'll get the message.

Covington only has pizza hut, mcdonalds, kfc, Arby's Taco bell, Captain D's, Sonic, Country Kitchen, a few Mexican places, several BBQ (Craig's BBQ has some a great BBQ sammich) and a few other local owned places, I don't think they can serve alcohol at any restaurants. (I could be wrong about that, but I don't believe they can)

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Guest nraforlife

Unless the majority of Handgun carry permit holders, and what a joke a permit to exercise a right, stand up and shake the politicians by their short hairs we will never get sensible laws passed. It maybe considered 'rude' or 'crude' but as long as the action is effective so what? Here in East Tn we had a young beautiful couple carjacked and brutally raped, tortured, mutilated and eventually murdered. What they had to go through the last hrs of their young lives by a pack of crazed animals I don't even want to think about. Things I don't leave home without, AMEX and AAA card, charged Cel phone and my 40c. Now how the wife and I eat out is anybodies guess but keeping her safe is my responsibility. SO I AM IN FAVOR IN TRYING ANYTHING LEGAL TO GET THE LAW CHANGED NO MATTER WHO IT OFFENDS...

Edited by nraforlife
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Guest dotsun
I would agree on getting a majority of Republicans if it wouldn't take forever to accomplish - still a goal though. My question to this forum is 1) Who lives in a democratic district 2) Who was running or has run against the incumbent and 3) Did you get involved in the campaign?

1. Me.

2. Alex Moseley is running this year.

3. I fully intend to do so.

Why do you think it would take forever? I'm pretty sure every house seat is up for election every 2 years. Ie. This year! The pubs only lack about 4 or 5 seats to have a majority. If you could mobilize half of the HCP'ers in TN, you could have a much greater impact on carry laws than if you could actually get all 190,000 to stage some kind of protest. Good luck with that.

The by product of even failing in what I suggest, is the dems in the state would be talking about so and so who lost his seat and all the people they talked to during the campaign that said they were voting republican because of Nerfy's antics. So even failure could be a win if they reassess their vote for speaker.

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We in GA done that - GCO members gathered while the law makers were in session. We had several helpful hands. One being state rep Tim Bearden that introduced a bill to repeal the public gathering clause - which would have allowed carry into restaurants that serve alcohol. The NRA introduced their parking lot bill and stomped all over Bearden's bill. They went back and forth and finally parts of both bills ended up making it through the house & senate. Another big player was GeorgiaCarry.Org or www.georgiacarry.org - it is a member supported with dues/donations. GCO has been very effective in suing various counties in GA for violations against gun control/carry issues/issuing permits & illegal laws, etc.. Also here is Rep Bearden's site. http://www.timbearden.com/index.asp Here is www.georgiapacking.org which contains most of the happenings of the GA bills/laws & things/events sponsored by GCO. If you have a gun friendly state rep/or senator - you guys in TN might want to take him/her to lunch and see if you can get the process rolling in some direction. A TennesseeCarry.Org might be in order also. I am sure those at GeorgiaCarry.Org would be willing to offer some advice.

Of course the biggest is each state rep's and state senator's constituents. Constantly write them, email them, phone them. Set up lunch (pick up the tab) to get your voice heard. Start a campaign for the above to get others involved/informed. Resist the urge to respond with rudeness or threats to those who are anti gun.

We here in GA have made some progress, but now all the antis are urging the Gov to veto. So we keep doing the email, phone, letters, etc. It is hard to get Sonny boy to sit down at lunch - so are options are limited somewhat.

Just thought I would toss some ideas out there.

Edited by FlyboyLDB
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Hmmm... I just checked and tncarry.org is available...

To a certain extent, though, I wonder if such a site would be somewhat redundant with TGO around. But if there's sufficient interest, I'd be willing to donate my time and skills as a web developer to build and host a site.

Edited by GUTTERbOY
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Sometimes all it takes is a couple of idiot's and a news camera to get the word out.

This is my concern. Undoubtedly, the media will report that we are the idiots.

The income tax was killed because lots of people got upset and marched on Nashville. HCP holders make up 3% of the Tennessee population. The restaurants are more concerned about what would happen to their insurance costs than making 3% of their customers angry. And besides, they know most of that 3% will eat with them anyway. Standing up to us "gun loonies" would probably increase their business anyway just from the free publicity.

These tactics are a loser from the start. They might make us "feel good" until reality came crashing in on our head, but they won't work. We need to come up with a realistic plan that will work.

I think that's all I need to say.

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I pretty much don't go to restaurants unless I am with Mar's so what ever the law is it really does not effect me.

But i really think going in a place and hogging tables to not spend money is classless and will do no good at all. Not even a little bit.

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Instead of trying to hurt someones business by taking over the dining area. Why not find a restaraunt to help. Find one that doesn't server alcohol and have the HCP holders gather there. Give our money to that business and invite the media. I know for a fact that the Catfish House is Springfield, TN is NOT posted and they do NOT serve alcohol. Just an idea, but I think this would have a more positive effect than a "sit in".

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Guest nraforlife

Good discussion on what we can do to get the attention of the politicians. What I was trying for was to get everyone to think 'out of the box' and come up with ideas besides writing and calling the whores that keep being elected. Thanks, now lets come up with something most can live with and run with it shall we...

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Guest dotsun
Good discussion on what we can do to get the attention of the politicians. What I was trying for was to get everyone to think 'out of the box' and come up with ideas besides writing and calling the whores that keep being elected. Thanks, now lets come up with something most can live with and run with it shall we...

Really when it boils right down to it, the only thing that gets politicians' attention is money and every 2 (or 4) years votes.

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