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Posts posted by chipperi

  1. He is a civilian.

    I was always taught in civics class that the Prez wears 3 hats

    Chief Executive of the US Government

    Chief Diplomat for Foreign Relations

    Commander and Chief of the US Military

    I think if I remember correctly, if the Prez were ever to don military uniform It would show the ranking of a 5 star general.

    But either way the SOB better salute the Marines and his own flag!

  2. When I was in scouts we had at our peak about 50 boys. The church that sponsored us gave us a storage room inside. It was cramped but with the shelving and strategic planing everything had its place. The only thing that was too big to store in there was 8 large Klondike type sleds that were used for our "Polar Bear Camporee" every February.

  3. My MIL was looking at property in Kingsport and currently lives in Sullivan County near us. Why if you live in the county you pay only county tax but if you live in the city you pay both city and county tax?? When I lived in MD if you lived in Baltimore city you paid city tax, if you live in Baltimore county you only pay county tax. Also what the hell is with annexation??? I had never heard of it before moving here.

  4. 1. I'd delete this thread - what you intend to do is not legal.

    2. I'd do whatever needs to be done: quietly, discreetly, as needed.

    1: both 39-14-205 and 44-17-403 make it a crime only if I go onto the owners property and shoot them. I called and verified this with the Sullivan County Sheriffs Dept. In either case they don't own the property just the house the landlord which has given me permission has ok'd the shoot owns all the land.

    It is not my responsibility to buy live traps using my own money, then pay when I drop off the cats, just to have the same end result as me shooting them.

  5. I have gotten permission from the land lord to hunt on my lot. We have a bunch of stray cats that are offspring of my neighbors cats who also run loose in violation of the leash clause in our leases. My dog has never had fleas now we are infested with them and cant get rid of them, and they keep finding acess under my house. I called animal control and Sullivan County only has one animal control officer and he works very limited hours. So we were told to "buy some live traps and bring them in"! WTF thats not my job its theirs. Needless to say there is going to be some kitty extermination around here. Land lord got the same run around and is tired of telling the people next door so I wonder if any Chinese joints are buying. :whistle:

  6. I will fly my flag upside down as we will truly be a nation in distress. Having a person of questionable citizenship, who has radical ties, who has ties to the PLO, who's wife is as racist as they they come, who has no regard for our constitution, who is nothing more than an inexperienced punk, and who is two faced and lies more than most politicians.

    Oh yea were screwed.

  7. This is from her Blog,

    the family tragedy of jennifer hudson

    no words will do

    a grief 2 hard 2 comprehend

    Guns and domestic violence are a lethal combination - injuring and killing women every day in the

    United States. A gun is the weapon most commonly used in domestic homicides. In fact, more than three times as many women are murdered by guns used by their husbands or intimate acquaintances than are killed by strangers’ guns, knives or other weapons combined.i Contrary to many public perceptions, many women who are murdered are killed not by strangers

    but by men they know.

    • Nearly one-third of all women murdered in the United States in recent years were murdered by

    a current or former intimate partner. In 2000, 1,247 women, more than three a day, were killed

    by their intimate partners.

    • Of females killed with a firearm, almost two-thirds of were killed by their intimate partners.

    • Access to firearms increases the risk of intimate partner homicide more than five times more

    than in instances where there are no weapons, according to a recent study. In addition, abusers

    who possess guns tend to inflict the most severe abuse on their partners.

    • In 2002, 54 percent of female homicide victims were shot and killed with a gun.

    peace in

    peace out

    I put a rather lengthy response in my own Blog

  8. Yep they can do what they want at will. I severely pissed off a Baltimore City cop one year. The USCG has ultimate rule on any US navigable waterway and the cop didn't expect me to know the law. My wife and I were anchored more than 50yds off of the pier 6 pavilion listening to a concert. The BCPD marine unit tries to run people out of there because the pier 6 gripes about us not buying tickets. So the BCPD comes aboard and says you "know you cant anchor here and procedes to do a "safety inspection." While he was below here is what the officer heard from me:

    "This is the power vessel Obssesion power vessel Obssesion hailing the United States Coast Guard Baltimore Group"

    "This is the United States Coast Guard Baltimore Group go ahead captain"

    a little more VHF lingo to go to a working channel:

    "Yes sir I have a question regarding maritime law."

    Explianed my situation. :

    "Sir you are correct if you are outside of the Craighill channel but more than 50 yds from shore, you are in legal anchorage, would you like a nearby Patrol craft to assist?"

    Cop storms off the boat without even a thank you captn, and proceeds to fly out of the area in violation of the 6kt limit.

    My reply:

    "No thank you USCG, I think he got the message, however he is speeding out of here at full throttle in a 6kt zone."

    "Our patrol craft near by had an eye on the area and has him in sight, we will take care of it capt. Have a pleasant evening USCG Baltimore group returning to CH16 out. "

  9. I was back handed and caught the business end of a belt several times, hell I am 32 now and my parents would probably still take a swat at me if I disrespected them. Then and now if I angered them to the point of getting hit....I probably deserved it.

    I hope the guy is cleared and the DA made to pay the tax payers back out of her own pocket for BS charges.

  10. that blue text on grey background hurts my eyes

    I will have to see what I can do. Blue is the standard color for links maybe I can make the background maroon like the rest of the page. The problem all the pages use the same CSS sheet to keep the site looking uniform. I will tinker with it a little.

    your ad links float over the right column of the table of links.

    Dang it I thought I got that fixed. The site seems to work best with Firefox with a screen res of 1024 x 768. Back to the drawing board.

    your link to walther has the L missing. ;)


    Otherwise it's an excellent resource. Thanks for the hard work!

    I am not a professional webmaster but I try. Thanks again.

  11. I just got the call back from the Manager she said we are allowed to carry in Wal-Mart but she asks that we keep it concealed. Even though TN says we can carry open one of the associates was scared by the sight of it and panicked to loss prevention and management. The cashier will be "counseled" as she had no right to approach me. Only a manager or loss prevention accompanied by a manager can confront a customer.

  12. When I was in the FD there was a member who was a cop when he would bring his car to the station we would sneak out and turn on all the lights and sirens etc so it went nuts when he turned the key.


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