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Posts posted by chipperi

  1. I saw some good deals while surfing the internet. I was considering an order and saw on their shipping page that they don't ship to Tn. So I wrote an E-mail asking why and if they had a walk in location.


    Our parent company is a wholesale only distributor, and they service the dealers in TN, GA, and AL. We have made in agreement to not sell in those three states to protect the dealers. We are a mail order company and not open to the public. I apologize for the inconvenience.

  2. I carry the PT145 bought in October have about 1000rds through it so far with no hiccups. When you buy a Taurus new make sure you clean it good before the first trip especially the striker channel under the dust cap on the rear, as they put buckets of cosmoline in them.

  3. I looked at a dozen different reloading sites tonight and everyone is out of stock on either 45acp bullets and brass some have one but not the other, others have both at a crazy price, and Midway didn't even work it kept giving me " Server Busy."

  4. Would there be anyway to enhance the pic and get the license plate or does that only work in movies?

    No the amount you can zoom on a picture depends on the resolution. A low end security camera takes probably lass than 1MP (Mega Pixel) so lets say tat pic has 1million pixels. Higher end camera go up to 8mp or more so yo uhave 8million pixels in the same amount of space. The 8mp I could blow up to a poster with no distortion visible to the human eye, The 1mp you can already see the pixels so there is very little that can be done. The most i can do is adjust to get the sun and shadows out or reduced to see it a little better.

  5. Just for *****s and giggles I took your pic into Photoshop and played with it but its too dang grainy and the sun was so harsh I couldn't even make the color of the truck If I had to take my best guess it is light blue. But I do know since I had one that is a 92-95 Chevy/GMC 1500 series regular cab truck. Makes you want to go out and buy one of those GPS trackers so you can just go beat the hell out of them and take it back.

  6. Former Reagan press secretary James Brady husband to Sara Brady of the Brady Campaign. He was dumb enough to take a bullet that was intended for Reagan(the secret services job), and paralyzed. Ever since then that woman keeps spewing anti gun BS of which she knows nothing about and donates millions to the most anti gun dems.

  7. The only 2 I know of is the "SafeKeeper" by Desantis gunleather. this is the rig TSA requires pilots to use, and IMHO a bad bad idea as there has already been a Negligent Discharge caused by this holster.

    The other is the Bianchi "carrylok" which you push a lever with your extended trigger finger to retrieve it from the holster.

    If you were looking toward Kydex there is the Blackhawk "serpa" holsters

    I carry the PT145 and there aren't a ton of choices out there.

  8. Makes you want to puke. I wrote a rather vile E-mail to the city manager and the letter below to all the state reps and senator for that area.

    Here re the addys if anyone else is as pissed as I am







    You are all probably already aware of a recent murder in Bay City MI in your district. I am referring to Bay City Light and Power placing an electric limiter on the home of a 93yr old WWII veteran with out informing him the limiter was being placed, or how to reset it. The result was an American Hero that had survived war, being killed in his own home due to Hypothermia. The real kick in the pants is when they found the body they also found his electric bill on the table with cash clipped to it. Apparently he was too sick to go pay. I am aware in some states it is illegal for power companies to terminate or limit the power during certain months or when the temperature is below a certain pre-determined limit. Also with everything being computerized these days they should have known immediately that he was elderly. I would strongly encourage you to immediately introduce and pass a bill to prevent this from happening again. I would also like to see the city of Bay City investigated for possible criminal actions.

    I am not asking this for my vote, as I live in TN. Instead I would ask you to do this because it is the right and responsible thing to do. Bay City is obviously not capable of determining right from wrong.

    Chip Iley

    Piney Flats,TN

  9. Hey Thanks everyone I haven't been on much with the Holidays and all. The new Pup is hell on wheels...Paws, but will work out fine. Hopefully 09 is far better than 08. Work is very slow and a printing company about the same size as the plant I work at shut its doors and screwed all its employees out of their last weeks checks. Hopefully Donnelley wont do the same thing Mazer did. I am casually looking at the job adds daily looking for a back up plan in case everything heads south.

  10. As if Christmas could suck anymore this year between work and money woes, I woke up Wednesday afternoon to find my constant companion for the last 12 years had died peacefully in his sleep (thank God). His name was Bingo and we stole/rescued him from an abusive family and he had been King **** on Turd Mountain ever since. We dont have kids but we considered him ours.


    We were heart broken and the house was just too quiet and joyless, So we went to the Unicoi County Animal Shelter and adopted 10 week old Isabelle AKA Izzy. She is such a trip and a Band-Aid for the heart to keep Christmas not completely depressing.


  11. As if I could afford it with my company calling off our bonus, Christmas dinner, and our gift card. I have found a new hobby if Osama manages to ban guns. Unfortunately it costs the same if not more than guns. RC Helicopters, you aughta see these things, the problem is every time you crash you just slammed $1000 in the ground. Are there any RCer's in here by any chance.


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