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Posts posted by subsonic

  1. Years ago I helped a friend move into his new house in Vermont. It was late summer and the houseflies were moving in for the winter, and we had the doors open all day. When he noticed all the flies that evening, he got out an old Benjamin pump pellet pistol in .177 and grabbed a handful of rabbit food, which fit perfectly. We spent the next 3 evenings dispatching every fly in the house. The "ammo" was frangible and would vaporize a fly on a window without breaking the glass. I'm going to get some rabbit food next time I'm out, press the Crossman 760 into service.

  2. While I'm here, anyone know of any citrus trees that will grow around here? Not looking for an orchard, just wanting to start some apple/pear trees in the "back forty" as it were. Which got me to wondering, would oranges or something similar survive? Not thrive obviously, but one more thing to have growing semi wild.

    No, too cold in the winter. You'd need a greenhouse. Some friends in Ashland City have a nursery business and babysit citrus trees for people, they have some pretty good sized trees.

  3. I am sorry if this offends anyone but I just don't think that things will get bad enough in E TN and the mountains to have to go all out and prepare for EOW and repopulation. Knoxville has a population of just 200,000 and I dont see all those people coming 20 mi into the hills to my doorstep trying to take me out

    You might find it interesting to study up on the civil unrest that occured in Argentina about 10-15 years ago. People poured out of the cities to either get away from mob violence, or parts of the mob went looking in nearby rural areas for easy targets to victimize for food and supplies within driving distance of the cities.

  4. .

    Saw a couple of lever guns at wally-world for less than $400 last friday. One was henry .22 (closer to $300) and one was a Marlin (closer to $400), but it was in 30-30 with a "wood appearance" plastic stock. Then again, the plastic stock might make for a much lighter weather-proof weapon, though this plastic was such an ugly brown wood simulation it would have looked better as unapologetic black plastic. Asked the feller if they ever get any .357 Marlins in stock and he said he didn't recall seeing any. Maybe wally world could order you one.

    Went to the Cool Springs store over the weekend, lady at the counter said she's had an 1894c on order for a customer for 11 months now. I have found several on an auction site, but budget won't allow doing the deed for at least another month, hope there's one left by then.

    Read a 3 way comparison between the Marlin, Henry Big Boy and some Italian make. The Italian gun had the smoothest cycling action, but the Marlin would reliably cycle when held at tilt to the side, while the other two had some cycling issues in that position. Also Marlin is the lightest and easiest to carry and has the quickest swing, least expensive as well. All three were comparable in the accuracy department.

  5. Shintomi in Green Hills is really good, many authentic non sushi items on the menu also. My nephew's fiancee is Japanese, we took them there last year for dinner and she was very impressed. Koi is Franklin is good, south of downtown about 3 miles on Columbia Avenue, they also rock at Thai.

  6. Seriously, I'd contact some neighbors and take the temperature, see if others are as chapped as you are. Attend the HOA meetings and bitch. Then I'd go as a group to an attorney and have him send a letter to the HOA demanding the work get done, or no fees will be paid. It's amazing how effective a good $100 letter can be. I'm settling my mother's estate in Rhode Island right now, selling the condo the end of April. HOA fees are $467 a month. They're pretty good about maintaining everything, but that's just a ridiculous amount of money.

  7. I started carrying when I was 23 yearls old (coming up on 57 now) and living in Connecticut, where it took a year to get a permit. Didn't really need one, lived in a very safe small town, but growing. Used to shoot in the woods behind my parents house, then houses started sprouting up and I had to go to ranges or friend's property. I just decided it would be easier to get a permit and not sweat the particulars of loaded vs. unloaded. When I moved to TN in '94, there wasn't a permit requirement, so I let my CT permit lapse. A year later, I needed a permit. Finally got around to it 3 years ago because I sensed the nation taking a turn down a scary road, which we're still rolling down. I carry every time I leave the house and have hardware hidden and spread throughout the house within a few feet's reach. I feel fairly secure not carrying at home due to a fenced, gated yard and 5 big dogs.


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