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Posts posted by Sam1

  1. It's crap as usual, That guy has no inside information, the FOMC meeting is on August 1st to discuss QE3 and long term securities. That in itself is already causing the market to fluctuate.

    Let me try this:

    Hey everyone, I've got some hot top secret information on currency trading. Between August and September, the AUD is going to rise 5% against the USD. I can't say who gave me this information, but we have known each other for years. Now, you may ask yourself why me myself am not a multi-multi-multi millionaire while being privy to this information, but I don't want to be greedy. I'm going to help all of you make money for no reason other than from the goodness of my heart.

    I'm now an official speculator, after all it's on the internet so it must be real!

  2. Somewhere between Nashville and Mt Juliet, got a couple shop locations to choose from. Gonna be spending this week checking out the locations and the traffic in their area

    If you need someone to hang around and slap the piss out of the mall ninjas that come in, the forum provides personnel for those services at no charge.

  3. Are there local places around Nashville that don't charge sales tax?

    (disclaimer) There *might* be a few places I've heard about from a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy that heard a story way back.

    If you pay with cash sometimes they will ask you if you want a receipt and that usually determines if you pay taxes or not.

  4. Will keep an eye out for them then, but they definitely wouldn't do for my normal purchases because of the $20 charge on transactions under $10k. Usually we buy 4-5 bars a month and that would be spot price +$4 - $5 and shipping, and most of the local places will do spot +$2 for cash

    Thanks for the link, definitely want to get one of those as long as the price is reasonable

  5. I believe prohibited would have a slash across it. Signs were probably used to designate approved routes as a lot of streets in the "old counties" are too narrow or a corner too sharp/narrow for a tank. Also warns that you may meet or come up behind a tank. The locals get tired of things getting torn up by NATO, particular US.

    It is a prohibited sign, and is the reason it got ran over. Darn thing was blocking a shortcut that saved us nearly an hour of travel time.... No signs, no rules!

  6. The "most fun" assortment I got was a low premium 100 oz grab bag of assorted old .999 silver. Oddball stuff. 2.5 oz coins, commemorative bars of various weight, age, and "elegance". A few "giant coins" 5, 10 and 20 ounce things. Two 5 oz silver bars that are poured fairly thin, maybe 1/8", the same rectangular size as U.S. currency, with an excellent shiny casting imprint of a dollar bill on each side. A literal "silver dollar bill". Those "silver dollar bills" are a little too thin and a fella could accidentally bend em, but neat novelties. It would be better to make "silver dollar bills" at about 20 oz or better I think. Wonder if a silver cast copy of U.S. paper currency breaks some kind of counterfeiting law?

    Do you buy those bags locally or on the web? If it's a public business can you shoot me over a link in a pm so I can check the price?

  7. The main reason folks consider coins, not numismatic mind you, is that it is actual currency and presumed to not be able to be confiscated by the .gov.

    That's a myth that companies use to sell the higher priced coins over bullion. Here's a good read on that specific issue: http://www.cmi-gold-silver.com/gold-confiscation-1933.html

    I'm all for people having a stockpile of whatever they prefer, but I really do hate to see good people fall into the marketing trap. Have been messing with this stuff for a while now and about every time something major changes in the global market, the companies use a person's fear to profit from just as any other market would.

  8. Oh he's nowhere near the top of the list as an actual racer but he is at the top of the list for showmanship. No matter what it is, everything takes practice so doing 10 or 20 takes to do those scenes is really nothing.

  9. If you haven't been paying close attention to what was being said, the price of all Commodities have been manipulated for years now. Especially when it comes to Gold and Silver, the price has been suppressed because of all the shorting going on by JP Morgan Chase & others. Not to mention they have been throwing in a whole years worth of production on a whim, any given day. The paper price of Silver is way, way to low. So take advantage of the discounted price now.

    I don't pay attention to any of them as they are doing nothing but guessing. Our rule for the past few years is buy some bars monthly as long as the total cost is under $35, we never consider coinage and especially never even remotely consider any non-physical silver. Only buy locally. Investing in silver to profit from is as dumb as getting into currency trading.

  10. The people selling this stuff is beefing it up as much as possible because they make money on it. There's a rush to this stuff because gold has skyrocketed and few can afford it. Now there is some gameplay going on making people think silver is going to do the same exact thing.

    Check out the charts Silver is valued around 50% of what it was a year ago because of all the talk about how china had bought up all of the mineral rights and that most of the silver in the world had already been mined etc... it's all bullhonkey and if people rush to this it will build up again and fall just like it did previously. The only thing worse than this is the people who think buying silver coins is a good investment.. When it comes down to it, that coin is only worth the volume it contains unless you can find some sucker to pay more for it.

  11. I enjoy his videos for what they are.


    They never show that it takes twenty takes for each segment, and when in a 'one time only' scenario (such as the WRC...) Ken Block consistently fails to perform.

    With that said, I wouldn't challenge him to a race. And even though we only see the final product, he is a hell of a precision driver.

    Never seen an F1 driver hop in a car and run a track wide open until they've put a full day's practice in on the track either.

  12. I see passion and conviction here but certainly no logic in continuing to promote a candidate like Ron Paul (or any other fringe candidate) who has lost every single run for President he's made (and lost big this time).

    I like Jerry Doyle and I understand his point but refusing to support Romney is only going to serve to keep the communist in office and there is nothing logical about that.

    The thing that gets me is how Ron Paul is the same as the rest of them. He's near the top of the list for funneling money back to his district out of congress. He plugs them into bills then votes against them when he knows the bills will get passed so he gets the money and says he voted against it. He's a joke like the rest of them...

  13. If anyone is bored and in the between Brentwood/Antioch area, you're more than welcome to drop in for beer and snacks while these are on. Only got a 47" so don't expect it to be a movie theater or anything, but good news is we won't charge $17 for 6 oz of popcorn either :hat:

    Hey Just noticed something off the wall, isn't this the hand from one of those Monty Python movies? --->>> :fingerleft:


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