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Posts posted by No_0ne

  1. 16 minutes ago, Moped said:

    I believe you can purchase it online and have them send it to the store in Sevierville. Of course the next thing is finding ammo for it…

    Yeah, I kind of figured that was the case, but having never actually bought anything from Bud's, I wasn't sure.  Sounds like the way to order guns, at least for anyone reasonably close to Sevierville.

  2. 33 minutes ago, Gustavo said:

    I’ve been searching for a 38 super and haven’t had any luck with anywhere local. Anyone know of anything in Tennessee??! Lmk @2569973052

    Buds online store shows the Rock Island GI Standard in stock in that caliber.  I know they have a store in Sevierville, no idea how to check stock there.

  3. 56 minutes ago, bobsguns said:

    But feel free to trot out examples of your "no talent" premise. I'd wager a milkshake Taylor Swift is at the top of your list.  

    You'd lose the milkshake bet.  While I'm vaguely aware that Taylor Swift is some sort of singer, if I've ever heard anything she's done I don't know it.  I'm no pop music guru, in fact I rarely listen to music of any kind anymore, much preferring books on tape (or rather MP3 files) these days...

    Most of my "no-talent"  examples would have to be whoever is doing a lot of the rap I'm constantly bombarded with in high schools these days.  I don't know who these people are either ...

  4. 34 minutes ago, TGO David said:

    My brother and his family and my oldest daughter and her family live in Mayfield, Kentucky and the immediately surrounding area.  All of them are safe.  My brother's family had to evacuate due to lack of utilities.  Their town was obliterated, as we've all seen on the news.

    Mayfield is one of two towns where I spent a lot of my life growing up.  It's only 30 miles or so from my actual hometown.  There's nothing much in between them other than farmland.  Mayfield was my high-school's rival team, but all of us in spent an equal amount of time between both towns growing up.  I know a lot of that town's streets like I knew my own.  I recognize some of it from the photos, but all of the landmarks I've known my entire life are now completely gone.

    To say it's heartbreaking is an understatement.


    • Sad 1
  5. 47 minutes ago, OLDNEWBIE said:

    Either way they are fading away fast in our collective memories. 

    All true, but also the way of pop culture.  Although I'm old enough to have seen all these shows during their original runs (and many times over in syndication), there are a lot of even earlier TV shows, as well as radio programs, that I never saw (or heard).  Many of these were fondly remembered by my parents and grandparents, I'm sure they also lamented the passing from memory of those as well.  Another aspect to consider, from the late 40's through the widespread advent of cable, satellite, and now streaming television, the "big three" networks controlled the airwaves, dominating ratings and viewership in a way that no network or single show can do now.  It would be interesting to see how many of these widely popular shows from an earlier era would perform in today's world of limitless channels, shows and networks.  I suspect at least some of them would have never garnered the following they had during their original runs ...

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, bobsguns said:

    The Monkees were formed in 1965 to give an American version of the Beatles.

    The "Pre-Fab 4" was a slang moniker applied to the Monkees during their TV run.  It was in reference to the nature of their founding, which, as you indicated, was to imitate the Beatles. 



    Prior quote: "Proof positive that talent isn't a prerequisite for music stardom ... "

    3 hours ago, bobsguns said:

    But it is complete contradiction of what you wrote when shown their sales records. 

    Sales records don't necessarily equate to talent.  There are a lot of current musical acts that prove that point conclusively ...

    • Like 2
  7. 44 minutes ago, Grayfox54 said:

    What's the current state of history classes in Tennessee?

    High schools generally offer at least US history, World History, Geography, Econ/Government and personal finance to satisfy graduation requirements.  Many high schools, especially the larger ones, also offer a variety of AP/IBA/Honors classes which can also satisfy the requirements.  There's also a list of optional (elective) courses that can be offered, this varies by district.  In Tennessee, like most states, there's a list of standards that are to be taught, the actual curriculum and specific courses offered are left up to local Boards to determine.  As for Tennessee history, the state standards require that it be included in the curriculum, including at the 3rd, 5th and 8th grade levels, incorporated as part of the social studies classes during those grades.  Other courses may also include at least some aspects of Tennessee history, but as far as I can determine, the old "Tennessee History" course that I took in 7th grade circa 1973 isn't specifically required or offered anymore ...

  8. 2 hours ago, Daniel said:

    “Well, hindsight being 20/20, probably not the best idea to go down there,” Rittenhouse said.

    That qualifies as a huge understatement ...

    17 minutes ago, Quavodus said:

    He got a medal. Could be fake, who knows. At least it's online. I know you can't believe everything you see online but, it's there. Let me know if it's not real. Thanks.

    Given the current occupant of the White House, I'm betting "fake" is a real possibility ...

    • Like 6
  9. 15 minutes ago, RED333 said:



    The hare was a popular motif in medieval church art. In ancient times, it was widely believed (as by Pliny, Plutarch, Philostratus, and Aelian) that the hare was a hermaphrodite.[4][5][6] The idea that a hare could reproduce without loss of virginity led to an association with the Virgin Mary, with hares sometimes occurring in illuminated manuscripts and Northern European paintings of the Virgin and Christ Child. It may also have been associated with the Holy Trinity, as in the three hares motif.[4][7]

    Well.  That article lends new meaning to the term "screwing like rabbits" ...

    • Haha 2
  10. While I don't know the specifics of the local laws in this case, most states have statutes that say something to the effect that if you're present, and/or assisting in a crime that results in a murder, you're as guilty as the guy who pulled the trigger.  I suspect that the one you mentioned is at least guilty of that type of charge.  I'm good with frying the lot of them ...

    • Like 4
  11. 1 hour ago, FUJIMO said:

    I could be totally wrong but im pretty sure if you are in TN and he lives in SC you have to transfer it if he plans on taking it back to SC with him. 

    Yes, the transfer will need to go through an FFL in the son's resident state.  Many people recommend the axiom "FFL to FFL, every time" for these transfers, as that pretty much covers all transfer laws in all states.  If you don't want to fool with an FFL on the shipping end, you can find a carrier to send the gun to an FFL in the receiving state, assuming the said FFL allows guns to be shipped directly to them from individuals (some don't).  I suppose there are some states that impose further restrictions, however most of my transfers are milsurps using C&R credentials, so I don't really keep up with all these laws ...

    • Thanks 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Whisper said:

    . Finally, and perhaps most important:  When you see politicians or news organizations on the left or the right that promote general hatred and contempt toward the other side just because they're on the other side, recognize that you are being played. Whether it's Tucker Carlson or Rachel Maddow, Anastasio Ocasio-Cortez or Marjorie Taylor Greene, Breitbart or Democratic Underground, understand that they're promoting anger and divisiveness because they profit from doing so.  They want more money, more votes, more campaign donations, larger audiences, additional sponsors.  People working together to solve problems simply doesn't pay as well for politicians or the news media.  

    This sums up pretty well my thoughts on politics, politicians, and those who make their living talking and pontificating about politics and politicians.  It's the main reason (besides the fact I find these broadcasts incredibly boring) that I don't listen to talk radio, talking head shows, podcasts, etc.  I also rarely spend much time listening to political speeches by politicians or the talking head crowd either, more mindless preaching to the choir. 

    Full disclosure:  Being a moron has never kept me from sharing my thoughts (or lack thereof) before, so I figured why start now ...

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, deerslayer said:

    Not very shocked by the verdict. 


    2 hours ago, Whisper said:

    If you go and chase someone down, it's harm to claim self defense.


    Yes, that part of their defense strategy seemed questionable, at best.  It's equally hard to argue a justifiable homicide of any sort when you chase an unarmed guy down, hold him, then kill him.  I'm not a lawyer, and didn't follow the case very closely, but pretty much everything I've read about it screamed murder from the start ...

    • Like 4


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