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Posts posted by No_0ne

  1. 3 hours ago, Daniel said:

    I watched ... the first 6? however long the first season was.  It just struck me as a soap opera with guns and zombies.

    Substitute "guns and zombies" for whatever is relevant and you've just described pretty much every TV drama showing ...

    • Like 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, Gnarlytoes said:

    Go ahead and swap the ejector when you swap the spring. The M44 ejector will probably have less wear since most M39s were built from old M91 receivers.

    His M39 has the two-piece interrupter/ejector, which were never used on the M91's.  The early style interrupter/ejector was a one-piece unit, which proved to be one of the most common failure items in all the early Mosin variants.  Either style will fit and work in any Mosin, but the one-piece units are hard to find  and more failure prone anyway ...

    And I agree, from appearances it seems your interrupter has been modified or worn to the point that it's no longer capable of doing its job ...

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, AuEagle said:

    Reports say that Hooker has torn ACL. 


    Hendon Hooker out for season with torn ACL | wbir.com


    It's what I expected, when I saw him go down.  The mechanism was the classic scenario for an ACL injury ...



    4 hours ago, gregintenn said:

    It seems like that should be good news since Vandy plays them Saturday, but man I hate that! I sure hope he still has a bright future in the NFL. He had one helluva season.

    True.  I spent more than 30 years coaching high schoolers, and saw more than my share of injuries.  You always hated it for the kids ...



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  4. On 10/29/2010 at 8:53 AM, Paletiger13 said:

    The walking dead premiers this weekend.


    On 12/6/2010 at 7:21 PM, Bubbatn said:

    Just watched the last episode from last night(via DVR). I didn't really know what to expect, but it wasn't what I expected. Now i'm gonna be chompin' at the bit until next season!


    And 12 years and 11 seasons later, it ends ...



    On 12/30/2010 at 1:34 PM, Guest soe said:

    I went looking through all the online stuff about the comic and I don't see how they can keep following that story line at all. I'm not giving any spoilers, but it would probably be too brutal to keep a mass audience.

    I can't freaking wait until fall. Gotta have a fix before then.


    This one proved to be somewhat prescient, but the deviations from the story ultimately seemed to be more about who left the show over time.  Full disclosure, I never read any of the comics ...

    • Like 1
  5. On 11/16/2022 at 6:04 PM, TGO David said:

    Welcome to the Internet, bud.  It's a retched hive of scum and villainy.

    Reminds me of the time when we had our own wretched hive of scum and villainy here.  It was often quite entertaining.  I really miss those days ...

    • Haha 1
  6. On 10/17/2022 at 9:50 AM, gregintenn said:

    She didn't happen to find out why did she?


    On 10/19/2022 at 9:10 PM, et45 said:

    No but according  to the sheriff’s FB page it is going to be rescheduled 

    The local doughnut shop had a two-for one sale going on at the same time ...

  7. 7 hours ago, Magiccarpetrides said:

    If you thought Monday was ugly.... Jerome got something special worked up for you today.  Back to betting with the bears...I'm sure we will get some nice mini rallies, but September is almost always the worst month of the year in any market so go negative or sit on cash.  I'm going to add to my puts on any bounce in the next week.


    6 hours ago, gregintenn said:

    The Lord giveth and Jerome Powell taketh away.

    Yes, today was ugly, but necessary.  It's painfully obvious that the Fed is going to have to raise rates to much higher levels to beat inflation, better to crush the ongoing "irrational exuberance" in the markets now, rather than later ...

    • Like 1
  8. 47 minutes ago, gregintenn said:

    Well, today was ugly. Shall we call it a sale?

    Looks like what happens when a typical bear market rally collapses.  Most of the factors which drove stock prices down over the last 8-10 months are still in place, inflation hasn't abated, and the Fed is signalling every way they can that interest rates are going to continue to rise.  In most prior instances where the Fed set out to conquer inflationary cycles, they had to raise rates beyond the actual inflation rate.  We're still a long way from there ...

    • Like 4
  9. 6 hours ago, RandyB said:

    Seems very expensive to do. Add in state sales tax as well as gunbroker fees. Then pay income tax, possibly state income tax, and social security tax on the profits. 

    Not saying it doesn’t happen but that is a lot of cash to lose to show a paper trail that can be easily investigated.

    Remember, ultimately it was his failure to pay income taxes that finally brought Al Capone to justice. In the case of illicit income, paying taxes is an essential component of covering the source of the money ...

  10. 14 hours ago, tercel89 said:

    I dont keep up with and understand the goverment politics that much but let me ask you this Is this thing likely to get busted down when it goes to be "approved" by the final entity ?  I ask because things like this have rose up before in the past and got shot down really quick by the higher-ups. 


    45 minutes ago, Grayfox54 said:

    It'll die in the Senate. 

    I keep telling y'all this is all for show. They know it'll never pass. This is just so that they can cry, whine,  wring their hands and claim "We tried!" 

    Exactly.  It's a dog and pony show for the upcoming elections, in which all those who oppose this bill will be portrayed as enablers of the child-killing mass murderers.  This will play well in reliably blue districts and among the donors to the sponsors, those who would vote against the representatives supporting this would do so anyway.  It has zero chance of mustering 60 votes in the Senate, and everyone who voted for it knows that already ...



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  11. 16 hours ago, KahrMan said:

    A good way for criminals to launder money is to over pay for common item, like firearms. Not saying that is what is happening in the above sale but anytime something sells for an unrealistic price it makes you wonder. 

    Ah, I see.  I guess it depends on how you define "overpaid" and "common".  I didn't post this auction as an example of either, as PE snipers are virtually unknown outside of museums.  This one is a (mostly) original and complete example, and therefore highly desirable among those who know these firearms.  As for overpaying, that's debatable, as the supply of these is essentially none and the demand relatively high among Mosin collectors.  The buyer is well-known in that community and knew exactly what he was buying, as did his chief competitor in the bidding.  I meant it more as an example of how high prices can go for some of the uncommon examples of Russian/Soviet weapons today ...

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