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About urticaria1

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  • Location
    Brentwood, TN
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • NRA
  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 19
  • Carry Weapon #2
    Glock 43X

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  1. Awesome! 41' s are great! I have one. If it's still around next week, I'd grab that. I'm out till next Thursday. Darn. GLWS
  2. Great deal! Solid piece. I can swing $950 as asked. I'll be out of town Thursday till Sunday early evening. Could meet along 65 Sunday.... or Murfreesboro tomorrow or Thursday AM. Text or message if you want to meet. Can sign bill of sale. I'm TN HCP holder. 6one5.9two5.5109 John
  3. I can meet Franklin / brentwood Sunday (tomorrow) afternoon if interested. Thanks for opportunity John k 6one5.925.five109
  4. OMG Super nice rifle! Wish was threaded I bet that shoots wonderfully GLWS
  5. Great gun! GLWS If u still have it and youre passing thru middle TN area vicinity Nashville, let me know.
  6. Great revolvers! Easy to customize and enhance. I'm interested in your cash option but have limited meet dates... I'll be in and out of Spring Hill to Franklin areas Friday if u r available. I'm long standing member and TN HCP holder. PM or text if you want (John) 615nine25five109. GLWS.
  7. If u r ever in nashville vicinity let me know! Vz's are nice shooters
  8. What a nice double stacker! I have the para 18-9 pro version and it's nice to shoot like ur 14-45 is... GLWS!
  9. I'll be in Clarksville off exit 11 visiting old neighbors next Friday...26th. Can buy then but limited timeframe. I'm TN HCP holder. Text or PM if u want to meet then. 6one5-9two5-5109. Thnx for opportunity. John
  10. Text again when u can 6one5925five109
  11. It didn't come thru. I'll be in Boro Monday thru Thursday next week. Can meet...easily near MMC
  12. Sir I work in Boro Mon to Thursday. Could buy asking price $575. Text or pm ur availability. I'm TN HCP holder. Can sign bill of sale. Thanks. 615-9two5-51zero9 John
  13. D.T. if you still have the ruger, I'm on target to be in exit 11 area of Clarksville by 1400ish. 615-nine25-5one09 PM or text etc. I'm TN CCP holder.
  14. If u still have it by Friday 15March I would buy. I will be in Clarksville that afternoon likely by 1400. Awesome gun! U bet! Will update travel to ur area... I'll watch if u sell earlier. Thanks!
  15. If u still have it by Friday 15March I would buy. I will be in Clarksville that afternoon likely by 1400. Awesome gun!


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