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Posts posted by tartanphantom

  1. Way too hard to pick one favorite, but among the ones that I ALWAYS stop and watch EVERY time I see them on TV (even though I own them on DVD/BluRay):


    1) Pulp Fiction

    2) Cape Fear (with Nolte and DeNiro)

    3) To Kill a Mockingbird (did you know that's Rober Duvall as Boo Radley?)

    4) Boondock Saints


    I dunno-- I prefer the original Cape Fear with Robert Mitchum... Mitchum always played a great psycho villain-- had a great role in Night of the Hunter as well.

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  2. Welcome to TGO from a fellow 'Boro resident.


    If you've never been to OK Corral in Woodbury, I'd highly recommend it. Way better than an outing to the Hobson Pike range.

    Also, if your wife might like meeting once a month with a local Ladies-only shooting group (non-competitive and  quite casual), my fiancee heads one up here in town. Let me know if she's interested.

  3. I love sushi and Asian cuisine in general. Chinese I don't care for too much but u didn't do too bad. 12 or 13 bucks for a roll isn't unusual anymore. The only thing I'm eeeeky over is radioactive fish from japan hitting our markets... Am not into fish w night sights....

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2 of course it ate my spelling.


    If the mercury doesn't get you, the plutonium will!~ :taunt:


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