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Posts posted by Dane

  1. He eventually won his case. Supreme court refused to hear it and told the lower court to essentially reconsider their decision. He did end up losing the case to get the 25k he spent in attorney fee's to win. I can't get through the legaleze of the final decision.

    It is clearer around page 22. The Supreme Court pushed it back down to the lower court to decide if he was convicted of a violent or non-violent crime as that would be the deciding factor on if he was able to get his firearms rights restored under a newly passed law.
  2. Little scope walk on the thread, that is why I don't get mad when Walmart has only 4-5 registers open, and large lines. I like the prices of Walmart, and I don't want to pay for alot of overhead! I didn't use to be that way though, but I am more tempered now. Everything has a cost! Everyone wants your money.

    It would even be worth if it Walmart actually saved me any money. I cut my grocery bill down considerably by not shopping Walmart.

    The only web site ads that bother me are the ones that pop up through the pop up blocker. Usually an ad for the site I'm on. That doesn't make much sense to me.
  3. I used to live in a very rural area. I learned my lesson about letting my dog run loose when I had to tell my wife and kids that he was run over. He was a Great Dane so it could happen to any dog.
    I also had a beagle get loose and got a call 3 years later from a vet clinic saying they had him. I drove 500 miles to get him and gladly paid his vet bill. I guess according to some people here I should have just called the cops and claimed my property?
    Personally, so long as the rescue appeared on the up and up, I would pay the fee and thank the guy for taking care of my dog for the summer and go home. Then keep him contained to prevent much worse things from happening.
    • Like 4
  4. I ALWAYS make sure I have my cell phone right next to me at night. Funny thing is the last time we had too call 911 my wife brought her cellphone to bed but forgot her glasses so she could not see to dial 911. Make sure you have everything you need right next to you and that you, and your family, have a plan. I have a plan and the final part of that plan involves patching hundreds of holes in the drywall if we have an intruder wanting to do us harm.

    If you are using a standard real keys phone the 5 key has a nub on it so you can feel your place on the keypad.
  5. I'll have to disagree with this. Some of the best dogs I've had were nothing more than mutts.

    However you decide to go about it, please remember these two things:

    1) Buying a dog is like having a child. Getting him home is just the beginning of the financial obligation a dog requires.

    2) Puppies chew stuff up! Live with it. They'll grow out of it sooner or later.

    I'm not referring to mutts vs pure bred. That's a whole different topic. My reference is $100 craigslist breeder vs $1000 show breeder. Properly tested parents, grandparents, etc can make all the difference. Good breeders will guarantee their dogs for life, etc.
  6. Erik88 - I'm with ya on the single stack 9mm, if they come out with it, my 42 is GONE!! However, for the time being it is by far the sweetest shooting 380 I've ever shot. And with a pierce grip extension the fit in my hand is perfect (and my hands ain't small)

    Exactly why Glock released the 42 first. Had they released a single stack 9 first they wouldn't have sold any of the 380s
    • Like 3
  7. There are several breeds that will fit your requirements however that doesn't mean they will all fit your lifestyle. Most dogs are good with kids if that is the environment they are raised in.
    My recommendation is to read up on several breeds and talk to many breeders. Regardless of the breed the breeder will make all of the difference. The better the breeder the better the dog.

    Training is a must. Most dogs in shelters are there due to behavioral issues. Owners taking the time to train the dog would have kept them from being put down.
  8. Im still on the fence, while i have had car issues( fixed for now) and now GF issues( in process), I don't know if i really can afford a $240 knife. (i already have about 10 gerber blades stashed in various places in the house, truck and atv.


    Now if it holds its edge and dosent need sharpening all the time, I might reconsider. I always need a sharp knife.


    I posted last right before i saw the deadline extended to October 15th, If i can make it work, i might still reconsider.



    It's easy to afford a $240 knife.  Without the GF you will find you have LOTS of money to spend on cool stuff.  And just think this knife will not nag or whine.  It doesn't mind if you go out with any of your other knives.  You can have more than one by your side at anytime without worrrying about jealousy.  It doesn't care if you leave it in the drawer for months.   It won't complain if you fondle it in public.  It's all WIN...

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