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Everything posted by TripleGGG

  1. Met Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter a few times long after his presidency. Great people. I have always said he was too nice to be in politics. My wife told me the other day she had went into hospice. I said I bet they both pass with a very short time of each other. RIP Rosalyn Carter. You did make a difference in many many lives.
  2. I've reached the age where I appreciate a nice handrail.
  3. I would consider Smith revolvers or lever guns for trade.
  4. I'm a lifetime member of the NRA and several other organizations. I have told the NRA I will not give them another dime until changes are made. Now I do give heavily to several of the other organizations like GOA, TFA, FPC, SAF and others.
  5. These are great rifles. Mine is a tack driver.
  6. That's cool. I had a buddy trick one of these out with some badass stuff under the hood. A true sleeper car. The stories were legendary. GLWS
  7. I have to say I believe the comments on this thread answer any "survey questions" without taking a survey. I ran the whois on the website link of the survey the first day of the post. I clicked through the questions and chose not to participate. I can guarantee you every representative that represents my zip code on the local, state and federal level knows who I am and where I stand. Also the same can be said for many who do not represent my zip code. I have no fear of being known or being on any government list. If it takes a random survey with vague questions to make a difference then we've already lost the war. Send me a survey with hard questions based on hard data choosing hard decisions no one wants to make and you'll get my response.


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