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Posts posted by Branket

  1. Congrats. Now you've gone and done it, though. You've become fully infected with BlackRifleDisease. Once you start building your own, the infection really takes over and there's no turning back.

    I've already noticed the change. I originally wanted a basic M4 now the amount of of things I want to do differently are starting to pile up. I almost think it would have been safer to buy one already built to save me from my own customization, but wheres the fun in that. Of course my crazy desires are greatly limited by my bank account...

  2. When I had all the little pieces spread out and staring me in the face I though it was going to be way more difficult that it was. Probably took about 30 minutes including reading the ar15.com guide several times to ensure correctness. It was like 0down said, now that it's done I'm disappointed at the simplicity, oh well I can always make it sound terribly difficult to non gun loving people.

  3. I love penny arcade so the cartoon is automatically a hit for me, but I never thought the thread was honestly meant for debate. In my mind both guns serve different purposes and they both are capable of things that the other is not. Having said that I'm not a huge glock fan due mainly to ergonomics, so if I must vote, I vote 1911.

  4. Alright, so I went with the hammer and screwdriver method and so far so good. Only ended up with two little nicks from the hammer by the bolt catch pin even though I taped it off, I don't really care though because this isn't going to be a safe queen or a show piece.

    So the lower is complete with the absence of a stock because I haven't chosen one I really like yet. Thanks for the input.

  5. I bought it at Coal Creek, they were actually very helpful and friendly which was odd but the last couple times I've been in there they've improved customer service. I didn't even go there with the intention of buying anything but here I am. As for cost $115.

  6. I think a lot of anti gun sentiment is merely a case of people being afraid of what they don't understand. Then some one in a position of power or a person who garners a lot of media attention, like Jesse Jackson, takes their fear and spreads it to more people who have no understanding of firearms, more importantly they have no desire to learn. The lack of knowledge and unwillingness to learn lead to ignorant comments such as these, and of course the pro-gun rebuttal's are never publicized or if they are they are taken out of context. It's really a shame that people are so close minded.

  7. So I decided that I want to build an AR. I'm not really sure of the configuration yet, but I bought a lower and parts kit today to get myself started.

    So here's my first question, what tools do I honestly need to assemble the parts kit? Some people say a screwdriver and a hammer will do yet others say you need all kinds of punches, pin holder's and what not that will end up costing more than the lower itself. So what do I really need?

    Thats it for now, but I'm sure I'll be bumping this thread with new questions as the process continues.

  8. If I want to create a nasty intimidating noise in the middle of the night I think I would just start my chainsaw!


    I rarely laugh out loud when I read things on the internet but I got a hilarious picture in my head when I read this.

    Oh and I vote pump because its what I can afford, but I would prefer a semi auto...in actuality I have neither unless you count an old winchester pump that belonged to my grandpa, but its not really in the state at the moment.

  9. Phantom6 is also an instructor. He is in Oak Ridge. Here's the website if your interested in other options http://firearmsclasses.com/basic_pistol.htm. He not only teaches the HCP, but an NRA basic pistol class all at the same time. I wish I had found him before I took my HCP class.

    I took my class from Phantom and I can say it was one of the best choices I have ever made. Totally worth the extra drive time to oak ridge.


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