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Posts posted by miller_man

  1. Nice review.


    I'm in the exact same boat - I don't like or hardly ever pocket carry, but it is a needed option sometimes. I looked at them for the same holster for my LCR. Just haven't gotten around to ordering one yet. They also make a belt holster for phones with the magpul case that I really want.


    Their not the only ones with the thumb push tab, but one of few - its just about a necessity for quick, sure pocket draw IMO. More pocket holsters should have them.

  2. So, how's the powder availability now? Haven't been hunting down supplies since I packed up everything for our move almost 2 months ago. Thinking about setting the bench back up and start cranking em out again. But I remember pistol powder being almost impossible to come by. Really won't be any point setting up if powder or other components are really hard to come by. I've checked gunbot to gauge it and seem some pistol powder available, but I much rather buy in person.


    Only loading 9mm right now. 


    So is it still rare to find powder?

  3. Yes, at their website, it is under events calendar, like every other tues night.  This was fun, but I think something was wrong, because I did not get a procedural penalty.  It is a little pricey (28$), but I had a good time.


    Wow, that's cool, I'll have to go check it out.


    Something would prob be wrong if I didn't get at least on procedural during a match, lol.


    Well, not much more than I usually pay, and I'll save some gas not driving way out, plus its a chance to do some real shooting during the week!

  4. Welcome to TGO.




      i dont think im ready for any shooting contests yet  not even close  but id love to get together with other friendly Permit holders who like to hang out and shoot for fun  



    If you can get out to any local shooting matches, that's pretty much exactly how it is.


    I haven't gotten much into the competing side of it, I just go for some real shooting practice and to hang out with like minded, gun loving folks. You won't find a more welcoming group of people. I waited until I thought I was "good enough", I regret not getting out there sooner. Every match or event I've gone to I learned a ton, had a blast and met really great people.

  5. I think if your probably going to be carrying a glock as a duty gun in the near future, a 19 or better yet a 23, makes really good sense.


    But I would also try them both out if at all possible, shooting them would be much better than just holding them.


    Lastly, lots of gun folk agree everyone should have at least one glock, and lots recommend the g19/23 because of its versatility.


    Best part is, you can't really go wrong with either.

  6. Forgive my dissent.


    Recognizing it is "harmless fun",   I still do not believe continued annoyance of a WW clerk (who has to reset the inventory) is placing our best foot forward in support of 2A.


    Well, putting on my grown up hat, even though I don't want to - I do have to agree with this.


    Still funny though.

    • Like 2
  7. Yes, it was a great day to get to the range. I did decent for myself, not great but not bad.


    I'm used to about weekly range trips, but between moving and work, not getting to shoot for almost a month, BOY it sure was fantastic getting to smell some gun powder and feel some recoil again finally!!!


    Nice club you guys have out there, looking forward to getting back out and meeting some of you.


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