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Posts posted by raildog

  1. Property records filed with the county clerk show the property is owned by a Metro agency. The may lease it to the Predators, but the government still owns it, which is all that matters under 39-17-1311 - if it's covered under part 39-17-1311.

    Well if that's the case i wish someone with lots of money would push the button and take it to court so I would not have to dissarm in the truck when I got to work or toss out a pocket knife every few weeks because i forgot i had it
    • Like 1
  2. Check with Guns N More.

    They are a forum vendor and offer a discount for TGO members.

    Good Folks, they have handled a couple of transfers for me.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ what he said guns & more they are good people
  3. To update this thread, I took my kids to see the Monster Jam at the arena last weekend.

    While I didn't see any signs saying guns weren't allowed, they were using metal detectors. I did get in with my pocket knife though. The metal detector was going off like crazy when I walked through it but nobody seemed to care.

    So the conclusion is one would think they would frown on guns seeing as they had metal detectors but I could have walked right in with mine because nobody was paying attention to the metal detectors.

    I'd guess that because it was very crowded they were selectively choosing who they stopped for setting off the detectors. I didn't look like a thug and I had two kids hanging on me so they let me on through.

    The Arena is still posted no guns/knifes the sign is over the metal detectors. The exception too the rule is pin knifes are ok As far as it being a public building apparently that is a no go the city built it then gave it to the predators that is how it was explained to me at least
  4. Well got in the blind about 3:15 noticed that it was super quite the spot is always full of activity birds, squirrels, rabbits, and deer nothing today so as I set there this little guy walks up behind me and past me in the cut row 2 minutes after I pull the trigger birds start making noise and flying around two squirrels run down the red oak tree in front of me rabbits start cutting across the cut row they new he was there and did not want anything to do with him


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  5. Pics or it didn't happen. Damn you had me excited for a second. LOL. I'll probably get tan since it will match my shotgun rig.

    Im a big fan of tan all my tatcool stuff is but I'm a part time freelance security guard so i went with black so it looks some what presentable with the uniform put a adman pouch on it a small med kit and radio holster did it as a convenience thing more than anything i work a full time day job and do this at night and weekends keeps everything together in one place I've only worked the one job that i got it for once most of the places I work it's black slacks and white button down shirt so i don't know how much it will get used might end up in the gear for sale section
  6. Hmm,, in that case I think you had trespassers or hiking trespassers at best. The lack of respect and common courteousy I see out of my generation (assuming they were they average "hiking" age) is upsetting and embarrassing to me. They obviously gave not a second thought to marching imonto another man's property that he or she paid and worked for.
    If you have private land to hunt you know you can hunt until the 8th for doe only. This may be old news but I didn't learn of it until About a week ago.

    Thats in unit L only and that is tge same thing my brother said when I told him i was hunting this afternoon


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